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Arab League pledges $100m to Palestinians


Apr 28, 2011
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Netanyahu had warned of retaliation after Palestinian officials signed 15 international conventions last week [EPA]
Arab foreign ministers meeting in Cairo have renewed their commitment to give $100m in monthly aid to the government of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

The ministers also urged Arab governments falling behind on payments to the Palestinians to swiftly come up with the money, according to the Associated Press news agency.

The pledge, made on Wednesday in the Egyptian capital, came hours after Israel announced a partial freeze in high-level contacts with the Palestinians in retaliation for their bid sign international conventions.

Under interim peace deals, Israel collects and transfers to the Palestinian Authority (PA) some $100m a month in taxes on goods imported into the Palestinian territories. Israel has previously frozen the payments during times of heightened tensions.

Though Israel did not mention such measures on Wednesday, Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki said the Israeli government had "indicated" it would withhold the revenues. He did not say how that message had been delivered.

"We are committed as Palestinians and Arabs to the negotiation process and the April 29 date and continuing to deal with the efforts that the American administration and John Kerry are making to find a way out of this crisis," he said.

Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, on Wednesday ordered a halt to high-level contacts with the Palestinians on non-security related issues, but exempted his chief peace negotiator from the ban, government officials said.

One Israeli official called Netanyahu's order a response to "the Palestinians" grave violation of their commitments in the framework of the peace talks" - an apparent reference to their signing of 15 international conventions last week.

The edict came a day after John Kerry, the US secretary of state, suggested that Israel's announcement on April 1 of plans to build about 700 housing units in East Jerusalem was the immediate cause of peace talks plunging into crisis.

Al Jazeera's Stefanie Dekker, reporting from Ramallah in the West Bank, noted that the two sides had not yet halted talks and had continued peace efforts.

"Netanyahu's announcement will not have any impact on the ground, but it certainly shows Israel wants to complicate matters and there is a fear of escalation," she said.

No more meetings

An Israeli official said Israeli cabinet members, directors-general of government ministries and other senior bureaucrats would no longer be allowed to meet their counterparts in the Palestinian Authority, which exercises limited self-rule in the occupied West Bank.

Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, who heads Israel's negotiating team in the troubled US-brokered peace process, and defence and security officials could continue to engage with the Palestinians, the official said.

There was no immediate Palestinian comment on Netanyahu's decision and no clear indication of what would be the practical outcome of the move.

Israeli and Palestinian officials have been cooperating for years on civilian issues such as the environment, water and energy.

At the weekly meeting of his cabinet on Sunday, Netanyahu had threatened to retaliate for Abbas's signing of the international agreements, including the Geneva Conventions covering the conduct of war and occupation.

Palestinian officials said Abbas signed the conventions in response to Israel's failure to carry out a promised release of several dozen Palestinian prisoners four days earlier. The Palestinians were further angered by the subsequent settlement announcement.

Israel said the tender to build new houses in East Jerusalem had already been issued last year and was resubmitted because there had been no initial takers.

On the Front Lines with the Taliban - Fault Lines - Al Jazeera English
Couple weeks ago Saudi Arabia handed Palestine $80 millions. Another $100 for what?

Yet certain people are saying that we are not doing enough. Like KSA was created to solve all the problems of the Muslims or the world.

People are so ungrateful. It is unbelievable.

I always wonder if other countries would have donated similar HUGE amounts to us had we been in a bad situation.

They just assume that just because we have been blessed with natural riches (oil, gas, gold, several minerals etc.) we will give them everything as long as they just beg.

And when we help them they complain about too much KSA influence. Guess what then don't come begging to us and find another donor that might be as generous. But you will not find such a donor.

In any case we have always been generous people and hospital. Arabian hospitality is world famous. Even when we were rich we donated (past history) and always when we had bad times as well and when visitors arrived.

I take pride in this but I cannot ignore the other issues in the process. Just had to write it.
Yet certain people are saying that we are not doing enough. Like KSA was created to solve all the problems of the Muslims or the world.

People are so ungrateful. It is unbelievable.

I always wonder if other countries would have donated similar HUGE amounts to us had we been in a bad situation.

They just assume that just because we have been blessed with natural riches (oil, gas, gold, several minerals etc.) we will give them everything as long as they just beg.

And when we help them they complain about too much KSA influence. Guess what then don't come begging to us and find another donor that might be as generous. But you will not find such a donor.

No one gave a ** about us before the oil was discovered. I hope that my country stops writing blank checks to everyone and keep the money within our borders. This ''money-and-oil for-everyone-strategy'' should come to an end.
No one gave a ** about us before the oil was discovered. I hope that my country stops writing blank checks to everyone and keep the money within our borders. This ''money-and-oil for-everyone-strategy'' should come to an end.

I have always said that. The only people that have helped us historically are fellow Arabs and other fellow Semitic people. History shows this very clearly.

Arabs be making it rain for Palestinians :rofl:


First of all that person is not from KSA. It's in Syria and that money is paper money. Not real money. What is the purpose of this trolling attempt? Is it a rule that every thread on the ME section must be destroyed by trolling?
No one gave a ** about us before the oil was discovered. I hope that my country stops writing blank checks to everyone and keep the money within our borders. This ''money-and-oil for-everyone-strategy'' should come to an end.
The world will welcome such an event. Please stop all 'aid'. :D
First of all that person is not from KSA. It's in Syria and that money is paper money. Not real money. What is the purpose of this trolling attempt? Is it a rule that every thread on the ME section must be destroyed by trolling?

Sorry I wasnt trolling. I just found this gif and wanted to use it somewhere lol.
The world will welcome such an event. Please stop all 'aid'. :D

Is KSA donating money to India? You could use some given that you have the highest amount of poor people in the world. But the reality shows that India has very close economic ties to the Arab world. Mostly a one-way trade balance hugely in favor of the Arab countries.

Sorry I wasnt trolling. I just found this gif and wanted to use it somewhere lol.

Ok. Still off-topic and not very serious.
Is KSA donating money to India? You could use some given that you have the highest amount of poor people in the world. But the reality shows that India has very close economic ties to the Arab world. Mostly a one-way trade balance hugely in favor of the Arab countries.

Ok. Still off-topic and not very serious.
Au huge amount of aid (disproportionately high) goes to building more mosques and madrassas. So send less pls :D
Besides, don't worry. I am outta here. :tup:

@al-Hasani - I am not so blinded by hate like you that I will push them out of India. It's about 170 million though, including Ahmedias. Secondly, we have more than enough mosques here. So please keep your money to yourself, please. :D
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Au huge amount of aid (disproportionately high) goes to building more mosques and madrassas. So send less pls :D
Besides, don't worry. I am outta here. :tup:

Yeah, the 200 million Indian Muslims or so should be thrown into the Arabian Sea or Indian Ocean instead.:)
Couple weeks ago Saudi Arabia handed Palestine $80 millions. Another $100 for what?

I agree, nothing should be given until after a Palestinian state is formed. All this money is going into waste since the PA is known to be corrupt.

I hope nothing goes to the terror groups in Gaza.

إنسان حقير ولك الله حعقبك انتا تتكلم عن شباب مجاهدين سرمية مجاهد اشرف من اهلك حا تتعقب بل قبر اتقي الله البغل طبعا المجاهدين الصالحين في فلسطين هول الي جهنم خاف الله عاد ي رجل اتقي الله
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