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Arab coalition seizes Iranian boat with weapons in Arabian Sea: Report

This is just retarded. They say if you want to fake at least fake it properly.

Look at the itinerary of the items. Just 18 Konkurs rounds with three batteries. I mean are you kidding me? This must be a new definition of the word "shipload" by the Saudis. And those Konkurs rounds are actually inert ones used for teaching in the classroom. The inert markings of the rounds have been covered with tapes. Cheap fakery. At least they should have bought some real Konkurs rounds and used those for making these fake propaganda pictures. Not the mock-up teaching models for classroom.

Then look at that stupid video. I mean, it is just too ridiculous to even comment on it.
@Serpentine @Daneshmand @haman @bozorgmehr

Already the story is falling apart. Read this and see how much the US version differs from the Saudi version,

Weapons believed to be from Iran seized in Arabian Sea - StarTribune.com

In this version,
1) us navy caught the ship
2) it was not registered with any country (meaning no flags, no manifest, no docs)
3) supposedly it was going to Somalia
4) sailors were let go and most weapons dumped in the sea
Probably more discrepancies you can find.

These Saudis can't even do a false flag operation correctly. Didn't their coordinate with the Amerimans first? It almost looks like even the Americans don't feel like playing their silly games anymore and Americans LOVE false flags.
oh , lord :lol:

So stupid that you couldn't even do a false flag operation right ? :lol:

I think it's time for Iran to officially send 10 tonnes of advanced weapons via IRIN .
@Serpentine @Daneshmand @haman @bozorgmehr

Already the story is falling apart. Read this and see how much the US version differs from the Saudi version,

Weapons believed to be from Iran seized in Arabian Sea - StarTribune.com

In this version,
1) us navy caught the ship
2) it was not registered with any country (meaning no flags, no manifest, no docs)
3) supposedly it was going to Somalia
4) sailors were let go and most weapons dumped in the sea
Probably more discrepancies you can find.

These Saudis can't even do a false flag operation correctly. Didn't their coordinate with the Amerimans first? It almost looks like even the Americans don't feel like playing their silly games anymore and Americans LOVE false flags.

Dumped in the sea? Are you kidding me? The sailors were let go? The ship was not registered and so presumably is a ghost ship, that never existed to begin with.

How convenient. A murder has occurred and Iran is implicated in it, but there is no murder weapon, there is no body, there is no name of the victim and there is no proof that Iran was there. But somehow we have to believe that Iran is a murderer.

To dudes from Saudi, please for God's sake, we know you can't do anything properly even when the Americans are actually doing it for you but the very least you can do is to keep up your pants. Don't let them fall while you are trying to prove Iran did this and Iran did that.

Oh, sorry. You guys don't wear pants to begin with. Well then at least keep your nose clean while trying to prove Iran did this or Iran did that.


oh , lord :lol:

So stupid that you couldn't even do a false flag operation right ? :lol:

I think it's time for Iran to officially send 10 tonnes of advanced weapons via IRIN .

Holy shit, its even funnier.

Cmdr. Kevin Stephens, a spokesman for the U.S. 5th Fleet, declined to identify the country that made the initial interception but confirmed it was not one of the Gulf nations in the Saudi-led coalition.
Dumped in the sea? Are you kidding me? The sailors were let go? The ship was not registered and so presumably is a ghost ship, that never existed to begin with.

How convenient. A murder has occurred and Iran is implicated in it, but there is no murder weapon, there is no body, there is no name of the victim and there is no proof that Iran was there. But somehow we have to believe that Iran is a murderer.

To dudes from Saudi, please for God's sake, we know you can't do anything properly even when the Americans are actually doing it for you but the very least you can do is to keep up your pants. Don't let them fall while you are trying to prove Iran did this and Iran did that.

Oh, sorry. You guys don't wear pants to begin with. Well then at least keep your nose clean while trying to prove Iran did this or Iran did that.


It was probably some generic arms smuggling that most likely happens in international all the time and no one wants to get a headache over it. I mean, they say they dumped the weapons so probably wasn't even worth the paperwork. Notice that it happened on Friday and Americans didn't think it was newsworthy and this only came about when Saudis were making news on it, and Americans were thinking, "what? What's wrong with the Saudis??"

The Iran bit was probably thrown in to make the Saudis happy, but it was probably some random boat with a few black market guns on it bought and sold by criminals, not state to state.
I would be so glad If it was an Iranian vessel .... but the point is they're trying to distract people from reality :

The UN says some 5,000 people, including 2,355 civilians, have been killed in air strikes and fighting on the ground since 26 March.

The coalition's blockade of Yemen's air and seaports has also greatly exacerbated the "extremely dire" humanitarian situation in the country, according to the UN.

Some 21 million people, or 80% of the population, now require some form of humanitarian assistance and almost 1.5 million people are internally displaced.​
Holy shit, its even funnier.

Cmdr. Kevin Stephens, a spokesman for the U.S. 5th Fleet, declined to identify the country that made the initial interception but confirmed it was not one of the Gulf nations in the Saudi-led coalition.

There are several non Gulf nations part of the coalition. Two of which have deployed assets to Op Restoration Hope.
Iranians: It's a stupid lie, a fabrication by Saudis on Audis.

*After few hours of negligence of their silly reaction of denial, they noticed that nobody believes them:

Iranians: It's Americans who intercepted the ship not Saudis...

Are you blind?

Look at your own propaganda list which you are re-posting and re-posting.

Here are some of what it says (if you are blind):

It says 18 Konkurs rounds. And the Konkurs rounds in the picture are mock-up inert ones. Do you understand what is an inert mock-up. It is a model. Not the real thing. It is used for teaching or for showcasing a product in showrooms and conferences. The inert markings have been covered with tapes.

It says 54 "BGM-17". There is no such thing as BGM-17 in the world. And the picture next to it is showing a BMG 0.50 caliber bullet. So I assume it means 54 bullets which are not even in those fake pictures.

Then it says three batteries, which are not even in the pictures. Three batteries. Just think about it. Three batteries were supposedly caught in a ghost ship and later on dumped in the sea. And this is Iran's fault.


Oh sorry. They were not AAA.

They were potato batteries.

Like these.

Iranians: It's a stupid lie, a fabrication by Saudis on Audis.

*After few hours of negligence of their silly reaction of denial, they noticed that nobody believes them:

Iranians: It's Americans who intercepted the ship not Saudis...

No, from first we knew the story was full of holes but that American version just made the holes look as wide as the working parts of a 60 year old prostitute
I think we should send that weapons to Ahwazi rebels, Coward Iranian gov couldn't help its ally in Yemen so they were trying to send some weapon with fisher men... how stupid they are! :crazy:
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