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Arab coalition seizes Iranian boat with weapons in Arabian Sea: Report


Apr 8, 2014
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Arab coalition seizes Iranian boat with weapons in Arabian Sea: Report | Zee News
Last Updated: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 - 14:43

Dubai: Arab coalition forces waging a military campaign against Houthi groups in Yemen have seized an Iranian boat loaded with weapons in the Arabian Sea, the Saudi-owned al-Arabiya television said on Wednesday.

The Dubai-based satellite channel said 14 Iranian sailors were on the boat which was carrying weapons such as armour-piercing shells, anti-tank rockets and weapons guidance systems.

Send them to Syrian rebels. I wonder why would Iran still insist on humiliating itself more than it was humiliated...



This is probably Saudi's revenge for Iran complaining about their treatment of our dead in Hajj. For the leaders of Saudi Arabia, when they can't handle something, their response is to something silly like this.

Here are some quick questions come to mind,

1) Why is Iran authority providing documents on a shipment full of heavy guns? There are stamps, signatures, etc.

2) Aren't you guys controlling the Aden port and most sea routes? The documents say "Chabahar" so they have leave from there to closest Houthi area, which might be Port of Mokha,
Sea route & distance - ports.com
That looks like a fishing boat. I don't know what's the speed of those crappy fishing boats, but if we say 8 knots, that means they are 7.6 days and same amount of go back. And probably more, since they can't stick close to land. 20 days?
Seems like a big risk for...

3) ...so few weapons. Either Iran is doing this daily for the last 6 months (which means that Iranian fishing boats are amazing at camouflage at a time of war) or a handful of weapons to Houthis is enough the turn the war around.

My guess? KSA captured a normal fishing boat and put some weapons on it to take some pictures, to distract the world from their Hajj incident and their recent brutal attack on Yemen.
Arab coalition foils Iranian bid to smuggle arms

The Arab coalition forces also announced the arrest of 14 sailors on board the ship. (Al Arabiya)

By Staff Writer | Al Arabiya News
Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Arab coalition forces have announced on Wednesday the capture of an Iranian boat carrying weapons last Saturday near southeast of Oman’s Salalah coast, Al Arabiya News Channel reported.

When the boat was first inspected and seized, a number of rockets and missiles were found on board intended for Houthi forces, a coalition statement said.

Among other arms, 18 armor-piercing shells, 54 anti-tank missiles, 15 battery kits designed for military projectiles and weapons guidance systems were found.

The Arab coalition forces also announced the arrest of 14 sailors on board the ship. The boat was seized on the third day of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha.

Saudi Ministry of Defense official spokesperson Gen. Maj. Ahmed Asiri said the attempt to smuggle weapons illustrates Tehran’s frustration and confusion over the conflict in Yemen.

The weapons convoy is the largest shipment intercepted since a naval blockade was imposed in March, Asiri told Al Arabiya’s sister channel Al Hadath.

Documents sezied from the boat showed that the vessel was registered under an Iranian citizen's name. (Al Arabiya)

Documents sezied from the boat showed that the vessel was registered under an Iranian citizen's name. The documents also showed that the boat was set up for fishing purposes.

Speaking to Al Arabiya's sister channel Al Hadath, Saudi Brigadier General Ahmed al-Assiri, the coalition's spokesman, said: "The type of weapons that were recovered on Saturday confirms Iran's desire and intention to interfere in the war in Yemen."

The boat was seized on the third day of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha. (Al Arabiya)

Iranian ‘destruction’
Yemen's President Abdrabbu Mansour Hadi on Tuesday accused Iran of pursuing the destruction of his country.

Speaking at the United Nations, Hadi thanked Saudi King Salman for acting with "utter determination" by leading the coalition air campaign by Gulf states against the Iranian-backed Houthi militias, who seized the capital, Sanaa, last year.

"We find ourselves mixed in this battle, this fight for the country and the legitimacy of the state to ensure that the country not fall into the hands of Iran, which would like to see the destruction of the country," Hadi told the annual U.N. General Assembly gathering of world leaders.

Hadi also blamed the Houthis for the humanitarian crisis.

"You are aware of the human tragedy of our people, and this is due to the blockade imposed by the militias," he said.

Last Update: Wednesday, 30 September 2015 KSA 15:13 - GMT 12:13
Is there any limit to stupidity of Saudi leaders? How low are they ready to go? They are already in the basement of retardness. Now they are fabricating something like this to shift the attention to Iran? First that ridiculous story of Iranian pilgrims that caused hajj stampede and now this joke.
@haman10 @Daneshmand @The Last of us @raptor22 @JEskandari @kollang

So Iran wants to send missiles to Yemen, it packs a boat with all documents, crew member names, a flag of Iran, all for coalition photographers to take pictures of. :lol:

As the famous hadith says:

الحمد لله الذي جعل أعداءنا من الحمقى
I don't get that ship document only show fishing in Iranian water the document is not allowing any sort of transportation of goods in international water. If they wanted to send any thing to Yemen it was better for them to issues permit for that.
So Iran wants to send missiles to Yemen, it packs it with all documents, crew member names, a flag of Iran, all for coalition photographers to take pictures of

Well no one said your mullahs are that smart , a quick look at the weapons they claim to make and their stupidity is crystal clear to everyone. Now do you have any evidence or proof to back up your claims that these weapons are not from your mullahs other than empty talk?
Is there any limit to stupidity of Saudi leaders? How low are they ready to go? They are already in the basement of retardness. Now they are fabricating something like this to shift the attention to Iran? First that ridiculous story of Iranian pilgrims that caused hajj stampede and now this joke.
@haman10 @Daneshmand @The Last of us @raptor22 @JEskandari @kollang

So Iran wants to send missiles to Yemen, it packs a boat with all documents, crew member names, a flag of Iran, all for coalition photographers to take pictures of. :lol:

As the famous hadith says:

الحمد لله الذي جعل أعداءنا من الحمقى
Besides that . Let's assume iran wants to send weapons to houthi brothers . Ok ?
Let's assume we wanna do that .

How about our Navy packing 6 tons of it and escort ot to yemeni Shores ? Who the fvcks gonna stop us ? Saudi naval forces ? :rofl:

These low lifes and pathetic disgraces of humanity are doing all they can to divert attention from their f-up in hajj and yemen to sth else . But being dumshits they have failed to do so till now

We'd be more than proud to take such a measure and there is no need to hide it . We're more than capable of sending those weapons on board a naval frigate or even a long haul aircraft and send it directly to yemen .

Is it more shameful than invading another country and massacring its people ?

I don't think so
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