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AQ Khan hopes new govt will free him

I find it difficult to call someone who has created a weapon of mass destruction capable of killing thousands a hero.

Well you might find it hard but he is a hero to us and always will be a hero to us. I mean if it wasn't for him gods knows what would of happened to Pakistan by now.
Qadeer waiting for detention end

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s renowned nuclear scientist Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan hoped that the new government would free him from his house arrest and he would have freedom of expression very soon.

Talking to a US-based news agency by phone, he said he accepted the allegation of smuggling the nuclear arms in the larger national interest.

Dr Abdul Qadeer said former Premier Nawaz Sharif and other leaders supported him in past; however, the new leadership said nothing about his detention and freedom of expression.

The nuclear scientist said he is now 72 years but it does not means that he would pass his remaining life sitting at home, adding people are coming and going and he also would go one day; however the focus should be that the interest of nation and country is not hurt.

Qadeer waiting for detention end
Ironical to see the Media openly commenting that Dr. Qadeer chose to hide the truth with him facing the Worldwide allegation of smuggling the nuclear arms.

He got more than he ever deserved, true, but what can a nation do if their friends become enemy!
Well you might find it hard but he is a hero to us and always will be a hero to us. I mean if it wasn't for him gods knows what would of happened to Pakistan by now.

Hence why I consider him a patriot
With all due respect I pretty much disagree with your entire statement. I meanwe have only heard one side of the story, we have heard the story given by the Government of Pakistan we have heard nothing from Dr.Qadeer. I think it is impossible that he could get a C-130 aircraft and use that as his means of tranferring nuclear material. I mean we only have a couple of C-130's and wherever they are it is very important the Army knows what it is being used for. First of all Dr.Qadeer is such an important assest to Pakistan, that whenever and wherever he traveled to he had top notch security, the Military knew what he was doing when. And he needed to security just in case someone kidnapped him, they could bribe us to get him released. When sanctions were placed on Pakistan in the 1990s we needed money and fast. We sold weapons to get quick money. Dr.Qadeer didn't get all that money and if he did he would be one of the richest people in the world. I think everyone knew what was going on from the Army to the politicians.
Any way whats done is done. The situation is over. Dr.Qadeer is a national hero and he will always remain a hero. He should be released now because he is no longer a threat to anyone and plus considering his age he should be let go. I mean if Benazir and Nawaz and other big fishes can be pardomed then why cant he. He is no doubt the most popular figure in Pakistan. I can say it with full confidence that if we were to have a poll in Pakistan as who is the most liked or popular Pakistan the two names at the top would be of Edhi Sahib and Dr.Abdul Qadeer Khan.

So agree with you> on freeing Dr. Qadeer:tup:

Dr. Qadeer was sexed by Zia, so that all would look at him for Nuke information, he is just an Metallurgist nothing more but he was part of the large group well in thousands of scientist who worked to create the nuclear power system. He did not to do those black market deals he doesn't have the power, he isn't the chairman of the Pakistan Nuclear program or the Chief of army staff or anything national he is merely a scientist who works for the government.
Dr. Qadeer was sexed by Zia, so that all would look at him for Nuke information

I am sorry but with all due respect I disagree with your statement here. As you know our modern nuclear weapons program was started by yours truly Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. It was him who gave him a free hand.
The reason I say this is because during one of Bhutto's cabinet meeting Dr.Qadeer walked in and he said that he will give Pakistan a nuclear bomb, but in return no checks and balances will be kept on him. Bhutto agreed.
But these are things of the past, history as one might call it and all have different interpratations on history. The bottom line is he is our hero, he is being punished for a crime in which he didn't have a big role in. Considering the respect he has in the hearts of Pakistanis, his hero status, his health, his age he should be freed.
But when he is freed he must be given top notch security. The reason I say this he has many enemies, the foreign agencies will do anything to get their hands on him, he is an asset to us and we must protect him.
I am sorry but with all due respect I disagree with your statement here. As you know our modern nuclear weapons program was started by yours truly Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. It was him who gave him a free hand.
The reason I say this is because during one of Bhutto's cabinet meeting Dr.Qadeer walked in and he said that he will give Pakistan a nuclear bomb, but in return no checks and balances will be kept on him. Bhutto agreed.
But these are things of the past, history as one might call it and all have different interpratations on history. The bottom line is he is our hero, he is being punished for a crime in which he didn't have a big role in. Considering the respect he has in the hearts of Pakistanis, his hero status, his health, his age he should be freed.
But when he is freed he must be given top notch security. The reason I say this he has many enemies, the foreign agencies will do anything to get their hands on him, he is an asset to us and we must protect him.

I havent read what you said completle, But I want to say that these words are'nt mine but of the people who created the Pakistan Nuclear Program I can give the source but it will take time.

I however can recall what I read, this happened in the delegation sent by India on the issues then related I believe it was to do with the Saich Chin(spelling) or another a very famous Indian journalist was present that day to, Zia briefed Dr. Qadeer on what he had to say, and in this gathering introduced Dr. Qadeer to the journalist and the Qadeer said "we have built the bomb so there is no doubt we will test it, its all ready to go" this was Zia's tactic to scare India.
I havent read what you said completle, But I want to say that these words are'nt mine but of the people who created the Pakistan Nuclear Program I can give the source but it will take time.
I however can recall what I read, this happened in the delegation sent by India on the issues then related I believe it was to do with the Saich Chin(spelling) or another a very famous Indian journalist was present that day to, Zia briefed Dr. Qadeer on what he had to say, and in this gathering introduced Dr. Qadeer to the journalist and the Qadeer said "we have built the bomb so there is no doubt we will test it, its all ready to go" this was Zia's tactic to scare India.

I remember this. I think in the same interview President Zia said "If they have a bomb and we will have one to." It would be real nice if you can get the source.
The govt. will not free him, but give him more relaxation as he can meet with friends & family. he will be allow to move but his movements will be confined.

disgrace but the need of the time

Dr Qadeer is not serving anyone else's punishment but rather he is paying for his own deeds. It is better that his deeds are buried deep in concrete and he made to live rest of his days in his residence. I am pretty sure that he would sell his soul and spill out his guts to someone---pakistan cannot set him free.

LOL I guess you must be crazy enough to think that he sold his soul.

I mean the guy was in full security how he was contacting and sending those big Tankers, containers?

Without Govt support or ISI support?
"i saved pakistan when i gave them the bomb. i saved pakistan again when i took blame for the nuclear proliferation"

what is wrong with this statement?
Curbs on Qadeer being eased: report

ISLAMABAD: The government has decided to soften the restrictions placed on the nuclear scientist and national hero, Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan. A private TV channel has disclosed that he would be allowed to meet his friends and close relatives at least twice a month, and have meals with them. He would be able to meet at least six close friends and relatives as nominated by him. The list provided by the eminent scientist includes two of his friends hailing from Bhopal, the secretary foreign affairs, Riaz Muhammad Khan and an additional secretary also hailing from Bhopal. Dr Qadeer would also be allowed limited travel, with maximum-security arrangements, to Banni Gala in Islamabad, Nathiagali, and Murree where three of his brothers live. He would also be allowed to meet his relatives there if he desires. He would also be allowed to sta. with them for 3 days. But ultimately he would be bound to return to his residence at E-8. Sources have also reported that the relatives of Dr. Qadeer have given two weeks ultimatum to government to raise all restriction over Dr. Qadeer, and allow him to meet his friends and relatives. Failing otherwise, they said, they would take their own measures about which the media would also be informed. Earlier on Monday, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi told a TV channel he favoured lifting restrictions on Khan. "Yes, I don't want to see his movement restricted," Qureshi said. "He is a Pakistani, a respected Pakistani, I think that he should be allowed to see his friends and I think that he should be allowed to go for a drive," the minister said. "I think he should be allowed to go and have a meal at a restaurant, I see no reason why he should be deprived of that, on the other hand we also have to be concerned about his security and health."

Courtesy Geo
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