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Apple on lawsuit spree again-

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Well their One and Only Steve job gone so Apple run out of Ideas . Steve was truly the foundation of Apple without him Apple is a rotten apple

You obviously don't know what you're talking about. There are many great thinkers and designers at Apple. Originally Steve Jobs was against the flat screen design of the iPhone what does that tell you...

tHE WORLD IS IS INDEED A better place cause a guy like Jobs has croaked. That loser would not even show respects to his own father.

The Lord has effed up the dude seriously !!

You moron you don't know about his personal life and his reasons, just do us all a favor and zip it.
Samsung lacks in innovation? Do you have any idea how many samsung patents apple copied, and how many other companies apple ripped off?
And samsung makes many iphone components too

Smash.t has copied Apple products verbatum it's like they didn't even try to disguise their copying.






Smash.t tries to copy the MacBook pro.


Do you have special needs ? Serious question.
Do you know anything of how the world works?
I realize apple fanboys are not very smart, but seriously you can't be this dumb.

Samsung is the worlds largest chip maker. No offs ands or buts. Most of their chips factories are actually in Korea, while assembly of the final product takes place in china. Apple has no choice but to deal with samsung.

And stfu? What is this? 1999? Go back to playing on your apple shipped laptop with that monstrosity called OS9.

Finally, considering that the S3 costs more than an iPhone and has outsold the iPhone, Samsung has nothing to worry about. Hell Samsung makes money off every iPhone sold as well. Kind of perks for actually making things.

It isn't fair and accurate to compare Samsung's S3 which was released in May of this year to Apple's iPhone 4s which was released last year, S3 is Samsung's latest phone and your comparing it to Apple's last year phone, that's how pathetic your argument is. It's like trying to argue PS 3 is better because it's better than the original Xbox, in stead of comparing if with the Xbox 360.

Apple is about to release the iPhone 5 and the Samsung S3 like the other Samsung phones before it will get buried and rightfully so.
Apple may have one the first law suite, may win many more, but in fact it is loosing the smart phone battle... and consequently Apple may win the Patent wars, but will certainly loose the smart phone wars... go Android
Smash.t has copied Apple products verbatum it's like they didn't even try to disguise their copying.






Smash.t tries to copy the MacBook pro.


It isn't fair and accurate to compare Samsung's S3 which was released in May of this year to Apple's iPhone 4s which was released last year, S3 is Samsung's latest phone and your comparing it to Apple's last year phone, that's how pathetic your argument is. It's like trying to argue PS 3 is better because it's better than the original Xbox, in stead of comparing if with the Xbox 360.

Apple is about to release the iPhone 5 and the Samsung S3 like the other Samsung phones before it will get buried and rightfully so.

why not sue rest of companies like sony and Htc they also have phones like apples :P by the way what iphone 5 gona doo ?? may be samsung bring some new model of galaxy for your apple 5 :p
Apparently Samesung doesn't mind suing others with its patents. hypocritical thieving bastards

Samsung sues LG Display over OLED technology leak

Samsung Display filed a lawsuit against LG Display over OLED technology tech leak. Samsung Display claims that LG Display stole 18 confidential technologies relating to OLED displays, demanding a billion won (almost $900,000) for each technology. Samsung also said that LG Display gave some information to a third party.
You iSheeps really need to wake up and stop drinking the coolaid.
You want to talk about copying lets have a look at where Apple copied another companies design


The thing is, no one really cares if Apple did copy them, everyone copies, it is how humans have evolved for hundreds of thousands of years. Some guy found a way to make fire and the next guy copied him.
The problem is that the iSheeps think that everyone copies apple and apple never copies anyone. The first GUI was made by Xerox and they invited Jobs to see it. Jobs told them that it was useless, then he went home and made a replica of it. After he stole that idea he then tried to sue Microsoft for making their own GUI, he basically tried to stop Microsoft from doing what he himself did.

It's the same with the iPhones. Apple copied the idea of a touchscreen from LG Prada, the app store from Ubantu, the notification bar from Android, and the list goes on.

Apple is not a tech company, they are just a marketing company that sells over priced, but shiny objects that really attract certain type of people.

Here are a bunch of Samsung phones pre iPhone. iSheep propaganda would never tell you this tho.


Charging dongle, okay I give you that Samsung copied it.

30 pin connector? nope, Motorola invented that.

Mic as a mic? Seriously, it's an old school mic representing a mic, what is the big deal? is Apple going to go back in time and sue the makers of those old mics now?

How did Samsung copy a laptop? Last I checked Apple did not invent the laptop.
Charging dongle, okay I give you that Samsung copied it.

30 pin connector? nope, Motorola invented that.

Mic as a mic? Seriously, it's an old school mic representing a mic, what is the big deal? is Apple going to go back in time and sue the makers of those old mics now?

How did Samsung copy a laptop? Last I checked Apple did not invent the laptop.

And yet, the samsung galaxy phones post iphone exactly like an iphone and nothing like those designs.

samsung sung internal documents which they so desparately wanted to hide states as much.
Emails from software partner google say as much.

game set match!

BTW ever see a prototype android device pre iphone?

This was the original 'Google Phone' presented in 2006 | The Verge

STFU you thieving bitches
You obviously don't know what you're talking about. There are many great thinkers and designers at Apple. Originally Steve Jobs was against the flat screen design of the iPhone what does that tell you...

You moron you don't know about his personal life and his reasons, just do us all a favor and zip it.

Sounds like Jobs returned as zombie and possessed you.

Your post actually reveals that you are just another Apple fan boy.

There is nothing in that POS iphone that is new technology. He hired loads of ex Sony game and handheld PS employees. You certainly have an elementary knowledge about the real world. I worked with Apple products, only thing good about them are the Video editing software.

That junkie Jobs smoked all kinds of crap, then made all kinds of crap, and sold them to idiots like you. This is what junkies do, they do drugs and steal from other people, and then sell to tards like you at a higher margin. He fits the perfect junkie profile

If you are gonna be happy being dictated by a dead junkie ( may his soul rest in pieces with the fishes) about WTF you can or can not do with your phone, well knock yourself out.
This junkie defrauded his partners, stole designs from all over, and eventually got kicked in the nuts by Bill Gates.

@Rusty what did I tell ya buddy about the junkie coming back as a zombie ??

P.S I do believe he was apple, apple is nothing without him
This junkie defrauded his partners, stole designs from all over, and eventually got kicked in the nuts by Bill Gates.

The 'i' in Apple's product lines perfectly fits the 'Me, me, me, me!' generation of self-absorbed hipsters. While Bill Gates retired around his peak as one of the richest men in the world AND founded one of the largest charity in the world Mr. Jobs clung on to his Apple position, hoarding money, and could not even contribute 10% of Gates' charity. That should tell you something about Jobs vs Gates.

Some day I will write about how Gates' willingness to allow easy distribution of Windows made computing so affordable and technological advances so rapid. God forbids if Apple had won in the 80's! We would be buying Apple craps at 5 times their existing bloated prices.

The fraud known as Apple Inc. will be exposed eventually. And I think by trying to ban even the Galaxy III Apple has made the 'strategic over-reach'.
Hey, new statistics for you guys:

There are more Apple haters @PDF than India / Pakistan haters.
There are more Apple haters @PDF than USA / Pakistan haters.
There are more Apple haters @PDF than India / China haters.
There are more Apple haters @PDF than Israel / Iran haters.
There are more Apple haters @PDF than USA / Iran haters.
There are more Apple haters @PDF than India / Pakistan haters.
There are more Apple haters @PDF than India / Pakistan / Israel / China / USA / India / Taiwan combo-haters.

And I don't like anyone of you... Boo Hoo..... :angry:
Apparently Samesung doesn't mind suing others with its patents. hypocritical thieving bastards

Samsung sues LG Display over OLED technology leak

Samsung Display filed a lawsuit against LG Display over OLED technology tech leak. Samsung Display claims that LG Display stole 18 confidential technologies relating to OLED displays, demanding a billion won (almost $900,000) for each technology. Samsung also said that LG Display gave some information to a third party.

The difference here is Samsung's lawsuit against LG is purely technological based, as Samsung has the rights to OLED technology, but Apple's beef with Samsung is purely abstract as it tries to patent certain shape of its products.

Hey, new statistics for you guys:

There are more Apple haters @PDF than India / Pakistan haters.
There are more Apple haters @PDF than USA / Pakistan haters.
There are more Apple haters @PDF than India / China haters.
There are more Apple haters @PDF than Israel / Iran haters.
There are more Apple haters @PDF than USA / Iran haters.
There are more Apple haters @PDF than India / Pakistan haters.
There are more Apple haters @PDF than India / Pakistan / Israel / China / USA / India / Taiwan combo-haters.

And I don't like anyone of you... Boo Hoo..... :angry:

If Apple stop being anal about everything,maybe people won't hate it so much, or it should just change its name to A$$le
I really dislike how so many people here hate Apple so badly. The company has been through some extremely tough times in the past, & yet it has managed to survive with a loyal user base. Apple builds something called "user experience" around their products that almost all competitors today fail to offer an equivalent of. In fact it is that user experience that other companies including Microsoft are trying to imitate. The fact of the matter is that Apple has an over 90% customer return rate, there must be a reason for that.

Some people here are complaining that Apple's products are over priced. The thing is, Apple has never intended to target the mass market. Microsoft, Google & other companies like Samsung however do aim at producing products targeting a wide variety of markets. People need to understand that different people have different needs. Just because some people are happy with using buggy custom made Android ROMs does not imply that the rest of us desire such a crappy user experience on our smartphones. There is an interesting link below discussing the price of the iPhone's charger that is apparently deemed as being too expensive.

The Facts behind the iPhone Charger

It turns out that it's indeed worth the greater price charged for it. Read a quoted paragraph from the above link below.

All the points that are mentioned in the preceding paragraph have been confirmed by experts, who carried out a careful examination of each and every minute detail of the iPhone charger. Subsequent to that, they have come to the conclusion that, this charger is indeed much superior to most of the others that are presently being used. They also add that, when that particular point is taken into consideration, the charger’s price cannot be termed as unreasonable.

Anyway, here are some cool videos about Apple products that I found on Youtube below.

A Brief History of the Mac OS - YouTube

Does anyone remember the old Mac OS 9? It was horrible compared to OS X, but here is a video demonstrating it. I wasn't an Apple user back then, but Mac OS 9 seems to be cooler than the Windows 9x series all the way till Millennium Edition. :lol:

Mac OS 9 On Intel - YouTube
I really dislike how so many people here hate Apple so badly. The company has been through some extremely tough times in the past, & yet it has managed to survive with a loyal user base. Apple builds something called "user experience" around their products that almost all competitors today fail to offer an equivalent of. In fact it is that user experience that other companies including Microsoft are trying to imitate. The fact of the matter is that Apple has an over 90% customer return rate, there must be a reason for that.

Some people here are complaining that Apple's products are over priced. The thing is, Apple has never intended to target the mass market. Microsoft, Google & other companies like Samsung however do aim at producing products targeting a wide variety of markets. People need to understand that different people have different needs. Just because some people are happy with using buggy custom made Android ROMs does not imply that the rest of us desire such a crappy user experience on our smartphones. There is an interesting link below discussing the price of the iPhone's charger that is apparently deemed as being too expensive.

The Facts behind the iPhone Charger

It turns out that it's indeed worth the greater price charged for it. Read a quoted paragraph from the above link below.

Anyway, here are some cool videos about Apple products that I found on Youtube below.

A Brief History of the Mac OS - YouTube

Does anyone remember the old Mac OS 9? It was horrible compared to OS X, but here is a video demonstrating it. I wasn't an Apple user back then, but Mac OS 9 looks cooler than the Windows 9x series. :lol:

Mac OS 9 On Intel - YouTube

The thing is although I am typing this from my girlfriend's new iPad, I wish I could do it from a galaxy note 10.1 as I can use its S-pen instead my finger,and most importantly I could customize the interface and many of its features the way I like it instead of how apple think I would like it.
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