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Apple on lawsuit spree again-

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Seriously man, give it a rest.
You can't win.
Apple is playing so many double games here that it just looks silly.
It's okay for apple to copy but not others?
The real world does not work that way.
And so what if Braun didn't make what ever, the point is design language.
Apple thinks it can copy other people's design language and then sue other for doing the same.

And are you saying that No one in the history of humanity has a right to make a tablet or a phone because Apple made a popular one?
See, this is what happens when you follow the cult of Apple, you start believing in silly things.

oh and this is a Samsung product from around 2005


now according to your own logic, Apple should not be allowed to make an ipad or even an iphone.

Wrong, the Samsung SPF-75H (which you showed a picture of) was released in June 2009. The first iPhone was released June, 2007.


See Apple led the way, the tech world knows in June 2007 Apple started a smart phone revolution in the consumer tech market. Apple holds that title not Samsung.
If Android is a “stolen product,” then so was the iPhone | Ars Technica

Have a read of this article.

Touch screens were first made by some other company, other than Apple, so that means apple copied their design?

From your own source

The iPhone was finally unveiled in January 2007. LG accused Apple of copying its design, saying it was disclosed in September 2006 in order to compete for an IF Design Award (which it won). The accusation doesn't hold much credibility, however. Although the phones have undeniable similarities, the iPhone features a more sophisticated user interface. For example, the iPhone used the flick-to-scroll gesture now common on smartphones; the LG Prada used a desktop-style scroll bar. The two phones were likely developed independently.

In a sense, the answer is almost certainly "yes." It's hard to imagine how Google could have prevented some iPhone innovations from seeping into Android design. The iPhone was the talk of Silicon Valley in 2007 and 2008. It would have been practically impossible for the Android development team to avoid learning about iPhone features. Once Google's engineers were exposed to the concepts Apple pioneered, they couldn't help but be influenced by them.

Yes touch screen technology had been around scarcely before the iPhone but it was Apple's own multi-touch technology which was different from other touch screen technologies. Apple's multi-touch tech allowed more finger gesture controlled commands unlike others at the time; and as your own source says developed independently.

How could have Apple copied these other companies when they had little access to other companies technology and blue-prints, there is only so much copying a company can do without actual blue prints or know-how, then again hats off to Apple for making a better product.
From your own source

Yes touch screen technology had been around scarcely before the iPhone but it was Apple's own multi-touch technology which was different from other touch screen technologies. Apple's multi-touch tech allowed more finger gesture controlled commands unlike others at the time; and as your own source says developed independently.

How could have Apple copied these other companies when they had little access to other companies technology and blue-prints, there is only so much copying a company can do without actual blue prints or know-how, then again hats off to Apple for making a better product.

Bhai, the point I am trying to make is that in this subject of electronic gadgetry, it is very difficult to remain within some set confines and not copy anything. Everyone copies one another in one way or another. For example, the Apple claim of Samsung copying the rounded edges and numerous others. Software copying is a real issue that can be debated, but not hardware.

All laptops have the same basic features, all TV's have the same basic features. A company can sue another company that they copied their design of the remote control.

Fact is, that Apple is starting to cry now once their sales plummeted and the S3 and other Galaxy series got success.
Wrong, the Samsung SPF-75H (which you showed a picture of) was released in June 2009. The first iPhone was released June, 2007.


See Apple led the way, the tech world knows in June 2007 Apple started a smart phone revolution in the consumer tech market. Apple holds that title not Samsung.

It must be embarrassing for you to be so wrong so often.

Samsung digital picture frame stores pics, movies, music

review from 2006 for that photo frame.......Samsung must have gone back in time and placed it there :rolleyes:

and meanwhile in reality

Bhai, the point I am trying to make is that in this subject of electronic gadgetry, it is very difficult to remain within some set confines and not copy anything. Everyone copies one another in one way or another. For example, the Apple claim of Samsung copying the rounded edges and numerous others. Software copying is a real issue that can be debated, but not hardware.

All laptops have the same basic features, all TV's have the same basic features. A company can sue another company that they copied their design of the remote control.

Fact is, that Apple is starting to cry now once their sales plummeted and the S3 and other Galaxy series got success.

Fact is, that Apple is starting to cry now once their sales plummeted and the S3 and other Galaxy series got success

Lol what are you talking about "sales plummeted" any source for that? What are you reading these days? Last November was one of Apple's best month in sales in company history!

October, 2012

November, 2012
Apple Sales Rise 17% in November, Best Sales Month in Company History | ITProPortal.com

Nov, 2012
Apple iPhone 5 Sales Help iOS Regain US Market Share

Nov. 2012
iPhone 5 Puts Apple Back on Top of U.S. Market
It must be embarrassing for you to be so wrong so often.

Samsung digital picture frame stores pics, movies, music

review from 2006 for that photo frame.......Samsung must have gone back in time and placed it there :rolleyes:

and meanwhile in reality

Ok well you did not clarify at first exactly what Samsung product that was and it actually looked like a product which was released by Samsung in 2009 as well.

As for this product

Actually take a look at the rest of the design not just front.




Very different from iPhone and iPad, besides this Samsung product is a digital picture viewer that's all. You can argue front is similar, although iPhone has a home button, the Samsung product on the backside is completely different than a iPhone or iPad.

and meanwhile in reality


As for the second picture, that picture is old and already been debunked for showing the wrong dates, it says F700 was released 2006 wrong it was shown in February 2007, and iPhone was shown in debut January 2007 but released later that year.

lol even your own picture are some sht some android fanboy made up with lies...

Here read this story.

This picture above says the F700 was shown at CeBit 2006, and then released in 2007, making Apple and the iPhone the one that copied them. This is completely false. We here love Android, not Apple, but this is a interesting story and I just felt like sharing either way. Even if Apple is in the right. According to the picture the F700 was introduced in 2006, and Apple stole the design. I’m not going to get to deep on this, but the F700 was never seen until February of 2007 and our very own slashgear had it completely covered. This is AFTER Apple announced and showed the world the iPhone January 9th 2007 at MacWorld.

Source: Who was really first? Apple vs Samsung F700 Story Truly Debunked | Android Community

Even an Android source is being honest about this...

I can tell your getting frustrated lol dude just be happy with your awesome Windows PC lol...
Ok well you did not clarify at first exactly what Samsung product that was and it actually looked like a product which was released by Samsung in 2009 as well.

As for this product

Actually take a look at the rest of the design not just front.




Very different from iPhone and iPad, besides this Samsung product is a digital picture viewer that's all. You can argue front is similar, although iPhone has a home button, the Samsung product on the backside is completely different than a iPhone or iPad.

As for the second picture, that picture is old and already been debunked for showing the wrong dates, it says F700 was released 2006 wrong it was shown in February 2007, and iPhone was shown in debut January 2007 but released later that year.

lol even your own picture are some sht some android fanboy made up with lies...

Here read this story.

Source: Who was really first? Apple vs Samsung F700 Story Truly Debunked | Android Community

Even an Android source is being honest about this...

I can tell your getting frustrated lol dude just be happy with your awesome Windows PC lol...

so you accept that the back of the product counts when it comes to product design.
Well, go back and look at the back of the galaxy tab and ipad, do those backs look different?
be honest man, give me a yes or no answer.

amm....what? the picture shows F700 as feb 2007, which you agree is when it was first shown.....so I don't quite understand the problem....

And yeah, showing all this evidence and proving you wrong is soooooo frustrating :lol:

Actually I am really enjoying this, putting apple fanboys in their place is something I do with pleasure.
Apple Samsung suck-

Me going with Nokia- :D-
Lol what are you talking about "sales plummeted" any source for that? What are you reading these days? Last November was one of Apple's best month in sales in company history!

October, 2012

November, 2012
Apple Sales Rise 17% in November, Best Sales Month in Company History | ITProPortal.com

Nov, 2012
Apple iPhone 5 Sales Help iOS Regain US Market Share

Nov. 2012
iPhone 5 Puts Apple Back on Top of U.S. Market

I am talking about pre IPhone 5, before I5, people were getting fed up with Apple, atleast in UAE. Their sales pre-Iphone 5 weren't all that fantastic as compared to Samsung and the S3. That is when then cases were put up, pre- Iphone 5.
A1Kaid, You'll have to give us good reason how Windows is inferior because 90% of the people in the world are not idiots while 10% to be from superman family. Explain the inferior side of the Windows. If you are going to diss an OS on the basis of Virus then let me tell you Windows is widely used OS so it has been targeted by Virus creators and now as OSX increased its % of customers to 10% approximately now it is being targeted by the way yesterday removed virus from my neighbor's daughter ipad 2. How do viruses make their way to Computers, it is up to the User. I am using Windows 7 on 3 machines and non of them is loaded with antivirus i used to use mcAfee on XP but not anymore I find Windows 7-8 secure.

Now lets come to Microsoft being accused by you. Why should not they give information to CIA-Pentagon under the current cyber espionage it has become must, the incapable Apple has poor server side and that is why 90% of the organizations are using Windows Servers. Since you called windows to be compatible to most machines which means I am correct that Windows is better than OSX. Microsoft became widespread due to its qualities. Android came after iOS and see Android is leading iOS is second and someday it is going to be 3 when Windows Phone 8 OS takes over. I rather stick to efficiency and power then to looks and elegance. And what is wrong with looks of Windows absolutely nothing you can customize Windows in many ways with OSX sorry mate its a very restricted platform, an average user saves file default to the assigned folder by Apple like a robot just ask an average user to open the folder with the file it would take them ages to dig it out on the other hand a windows user can do that in seconds. Yes Apple is affordable many people in Euro-US ca afford it hell you can pay 30 dollars a month on credit card and buy an apple pay it of in 3-4 Years, the reason is people don't want the mess if its busted you would need to find qualified person to fix it probably send it to Apple if it is out of warranty for Windows machine number of people can fix them a huge plus point. Well that a very poor analysis by you that Apple doesn't want to expand air-macpro market the truth is it is slowly collapsing so I must admire Apple all focus is iPad. So keep the elegance with yourselves i can list a number of HP-Dell-Lenovo[IBM]-Samsung machines to be purely good looking.

You cannot guarantee that macbook air would kick the *** of a $499 laptop with 8GB RAM 750GB HDD 1-2GB Graphics and the list is good enough. Macs uses Intel processors same as other Companies, so are graphics and on and on. I recommend you update yourself join Zdnet, Engadget, anandtech and various top sites.
A lawsuit a day keeps the apple awake.
so you accept that the back of the product counts when it comes to product design.
Well, go back and look at the back of the galaxy tab and ipad, do those backs look different?
be honest man, give me a yes or no answer.

amm....what? the picture shows F700 as feb 2007, which you agree is when it was first shown.....so I don't quite understand the problem....

And yeah, showing all this evidence and proving you wrong is soooooo frustrating :lol:

Actually I am really enjoying this, putting apple fanboys in their place is something I do with pleasure.

amm....what? the picture shows F700 as feb 2007, which you agree is when it was first shown.....so I don't quite understand the problem

Problem is your picture states "F700, 2006" when it was debuted Feb. 2007 and the first iPhone was debuted Jan. 2007, one month earlier before Samsung started changing up its design to match Apple products. But the picture tries to say that it is Apple that tries to copy Samsung.

Actually I am really enjoying this, putting apple fanboys in their place is something I do with pleasure

You haven't even proven a single thing wrong, get real what have you put down? A shoddy image made by an Android fanboy which has been debunked and proven already (which I provided the source). Then try and claim the Samsung digital picture viewer in 2006 is similar to iPhone and iPad which it isn't because the back is totally different, so you were proven wrong there as well.

So what have you proven wrong, nothing at all, so don't be delusional.

Samsung even copied Apple's icons, which is an infringement.



Samsung even copies the packaging

Again don't be delusional thinking you've proven something wrong and giving yourself imaginary victories lol

Samsung has less creativity than Apple, its really a no brainer it was after Apple revolutionary iPhone did we start seeing other companies come out with similarly designed smartphones. Also there is a reason why Apple isn't going after other companies because they haven't copied Apple verbatum in some cases like Samsung has.
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