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Apple on lawsuit spree again-

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What Windows users have to deal with monthly...


What Apple users have to deal with, this beauty...
A1Kaid, You'll have to give us good reason how Windows is inferior because 90% of the people in the world are not idiots while 10% to be from superman family. Explain the inferior side of the Windows. If you are going to diss an OS on the basis of Virus then let me tell you Windows is widely used OS so it has been targeted by Virus creators and now as OSX increased its % of customers to 10% approximately now it is being targeted by the way yesterday removed virus from my neighbor's daughter ipad 2. How do viruses make their way to Computers, it is up to the User. I am using Windows 7 on 3 machines and non of them is loaded with antivirus i used to use mcAfee on XP but not anymore I find Windows 7-8 secure.

Now lets come to Microsoft being accused by you. Why should not they give information to CIA-Pentagon under the current cyber espionage it has become must, the incapable Apple has poor server side and that is why 90% of the organizations are using Windows Servers. Since you called windows to be compatible to most machines which means I am correct that Windows is better than OSX. Microsoft became widespread due to its qualities. Android came after iOS and see Android is leading iOS is second and someday it is going to be 3 when Windows Phone 8 OS takes over. I rather stick to efficiency and power then to looks and elegance. And what is wrong with looks of Windows absolutely nothing you can customize Windows in many ways with OSX sorry mate its a very restricted platform, an average user saves file default to the assigned folder by Apple like a robot just ask an average user to open the folder with the file it would take them ages to dig it out on the other hand a windows user can do that in seconds. Yes Apple is affordable many people in Euro-US ca afford it hell you can pay 30 dollars a month on credit card and buy an apple pay it of in 3-4 Years, the reason is people don't want the mess if its busted you would need to find qualified person to fix it probably send it to Apple if it is out of warranty for Windows machine number of people can fix them a huge plus point. Well that a very poor analysis by you that Apple doesn't want to expand air-macpro market the truth is it is slowly collapsing so I must admire Apple all focus is iPad. So keep the elegance with yourselves i can list a number of HP-Dell-Lenovo[IBM]-Samsung machines to be purely good looking.

You cannot guarantee that macbook air would kick the *** of a $499 laptop with 8GB RAM 750GB HDD 1-2GB Graphics and the list is good enough. Macs uses Intel processors same as other Companies, so are graphics and on and on. I recommend you update yourself join Zdnet, Engadget, anandtech and various top sites.

And what is wrong with looks of Windows absolutely nothing you can customize Windows in many ways with OSX sorry mate its a very restricted platform, an average user saves file default to the assigned folder by Apple like a robot just ask an average user to open the folder with the file it would take them ages to dig it out on the other hand a windows user can do that in seconds

Yeah right do, how did you conclude that? If a file or anything needs to be searched Apple computers have spotlight which can easily find anything on the computer and unlike searchlight on Windows, it actually does work. What about Windows users, most Windows users don't even know what drivers are, you get incompatible driver errors, Win32 error, rundll32.exe error, this error that error all the hall-markings of a bad OS, not to mention blue screen.

Windows isn't a powerful OS, nothing a Windows computer can do that cannot be done on OS X.

by the way yesterday removed virus from my neighbor's daughter ipad 2.

Rubbish, there are no known viruses for the iPad 2 unless this is one the rarest unreported cases, besides if the software is acting abnormally all one has to do is shut it down and turn it back on if that doesn't help you simply restore with iTunes unlike Windows which is virus ridden OS, most Windows users get viruses within the first 5 months of owning a Windows pc.

You cannot guarantee that macbook air would kick the *** of a $499 laptop with 8GB RAM 750GB HDD 1-2GB Graphics and the list is good enough

This just goes to show what a weak argument you have you go after the Macbook Air which is Apple's ultrabook try comparing most PCs in the market today to Macbook pro models available.

Macs uses Intel processors same as other Companies, so are graphics and on and on. I recommend you update yourself join Zdnet, Engadget, anandtech and various top sites.

Yeah but not all companies are incorporating the same type of processor.

Explain the inferior side of the Windows.

I have already but due to limited time right now I will be brief.

Highly virus prone and vulnerable because of inadequate OS protection and yes greater market share makes it a bigger target,
Bad user-interface, things are not very well put together or organized
Not as user-friendly as Apple computers
Apple has better software in my opinion than Microsoft software, like Aperture, Final cut pro X, etc.

Also another great thing about Apple computers is it can even run Windows if you need to do gaming, use either Bootleg or Vmware fusion, in fact Windows runs better on Apple computers than Windows PC computers. So you have the option of both OS. Windows PC's cannot operate Mac at least not legally nor proficiently or without tampering.

Now lets come to Microsoft being accused by you. Why should not they give information to CIA-Pentagon under the current cyber espionage it has become must, the incapable Apple has poor server side and that is why 90% of the organizations are using Windows Servers. S

Ok now your just an apologist and spoon for Microsoft, even saying it is good for them as a PRIVATE company to provide any information to CIA-Pentagon at the expense of their user's privacy, good argument, glad you like your information be sold, they probably have a profile on you.

Apple computers are widely used at Universities, I know my University relies on them heavily because they are simply excellent computers.

I have posted my Review of the Acer W510 at Amazon and will start a new topic about my experience with W510; hopefully it will advance a debate about what tablets should be. Kids buying $500 toy-pads to play music and surf the web is excessive when same can be done by a $100 Android ones.


’ll say this much for Microsoft: For a company that couldn’t get any attention at all for several years there, its Surface devices have generated an unprecedented amount of attention, buzz, and controversy. We’ve been debating various aspects of both Surface models since their June introduction, and this week’s pricing announcement for the Surface Pro has triggered yet another round.

There’s a lot of debate and discussion when it comes to the Surface. Today, I’d like to just address pricing.

Microsoft revealed yesterday that Surface with Windows 8 Pro, which will ship in late January via the Microsoft Store as well as third party retailers, will cost $899 or $999, depending on the version. (You can read more in Microsoft Reveals Surface Pro Pricing.) These new devices are the high-end complement to the Surface with Windows RT, which costs $499 to $699 depending on the version.

I previously described Surface RT pricing as too high, arguing that these machines should undercut iPad pricing in order to be competitive. (Apple’s iPad runs from $499 to $829 depending on the version.) My rationale there was simple: The iPad was too expensive to begin with, as proven by competing tablets like the Amazon Kindle Fire HD 8.9 ($299) and Google Nexus 10 ($399). Plus, Microsoft’s device is a big risk for consumers, as it runs an unknown and unproven OS (Windows RT), and is backed by a new and unproven content ecosystem that may or may not ever be truly competitive.

Those who disagreed with this assessment argued that the Surface RT’s higher pricing was justified by its inclusion of Microsoft Office and, on two of the three versions, a Touch Cover, which sells separately for $119. These are fair points, but again, I feel like these two features are just baseline arguments for getting a Surface rather than an iPad or Android tablet and that the newness of the Surface OS and ecosystem demand lower pricing.

Surface Pro is, of course, a different animal.

Microsoft hinted back in June that Surface Pro would cost about as much as an Ultrabook. And on the face of things, it does: The high-end version, with its 128 GB of solid state storage, hits what is currently the high-end pricing of $999 for the typical Ultrabook.

It’s too expensive.

Neither of the two Surface Pro tablets come with a Type or Touch Cover. So the actual minimum prices of these devices is at least $1029/$1129. Ultrabooks come with real keyboards, so you could argue that the actual price is $10 higher in each case (for the Touch Cover), but whatever.

Ultrabooks also come with larger screens. 13-inches is standard, and the machine I currently use has a larger 15-inch display. While preferences are indeed personal, my attempts to use an 11-inch Ultrabook-like machine a few years back were disastrous. I can’t imagine returning to such a tiny screen, like the one that is used by Surface. And with its high resolution (1920 x 1080), onscreen items in desktop mode are going to be tiny.

Ultrabooks typically get great battery life. According to Laptop Magazine, the average battery life for ultraportable computers today is 6 hours and 20 minutes. But Microsoft admitted this week that Surface Pro would only get “half” the battery life of Surface RT. According to that same publication, Surface RT gets 7 hours and 43 minutes of battery life. So Surface Pro could come in at under 4 hours of battery life. That’s not just bad, it’s unacceptable, especially when you consider that the battery is not user replaceable. (That 15 inch Ultrabook I use gets well over 7 hours of battery life too, by the way.)

It’s too expensive.

Paul Thurrott

This from a microsoft evangelist!

Here is more!

Microsoft Security Essentials bombs tests, loses AV-Test certificate - TechSpot News

Microsoft Security Essentials was the only entry to fail AV-Test's certification between September and October -- an embarrasing slip for the once well-regarded virus protection solution. MSSE received a total of 10.5 out of 18 possible points, most notably falling short in zero-day malware attacks. As a point of reference, 11 points are required to receive certification. The fallen AV only received 1.5 out of 6.0 for system protection, but fared better when it came to repairing infections and usability: 3.5 and 5.5 out of 6.0, respectively.

Thankfully, other free alternatives performed better: Avast (14 points) edged out AVG (12.5 points) and Avira (12 points), receiving above-average marks all-around. Meanwhile, Bitdefender topped payware offerings, netting an almost perfect score of 17 points.

If you're somehow not familiar with it, MSSE is Microsoft's nag-free, no-cost anti-virus solution for Windows XP, Vista and 7 owners. Although Windows 8 users can't install MSSE, the utility essentially comes integrated into the OS -- it's simply disguised as "Windows Defender".

AV-Test is an independent German organization who, amongst other things, rates anti-virus utilities based on various metrics about every two months. AV-Test's certification is by no means an industry requirement, but their test results have served as a standardized way to benchmark anti-virus programs for years.

Similarly, AV Comparatives is another firm who offers their own, indepedent anti-virus grading service. After recalling MSSE scoring very high marks with AV Comparatives back in 2009, I checked out the site's latest tests to get a second opinion. Curiously though, MSSE has been missing from tests at AV Comparatives since 2010. Looks like we'll have to take AV-Test's word on this one.
Have you considered the implications of Apple's total dominance? Have you considered Apple's cultish following, its 'friends in media' and their impact? Of the journalists who get left out of events' invitations if they cross Apple? Of the stash of cash which can buy virtually ANYTHING? Of the basic controlling and closed nature of Apple? Of the power to dictate which way technology get adopted or not (rejection of Flash, for example)? Have you stopped and thought what motivates fanatics to line up at 3 am in freezing cold to buy over-priced items? Of the 'Digital Apartheid' Apple is creating based on the price-point?

ALL of the above coming from the board-rooms of Apple in secrecy, designed to make profit for Apple's investors.

Today mp3 players = iPod, tablets = ipad, phones = iPhone (not entirely but may get there), ultrabooks = MacAir.
Tomorrow: computer = Macs.
Day after tomorrow: Cars = iCar; toasters = iToaster...

If you carefully consider the implications of Apple's total dominance and Apple's corporate exclusionary greedy culture then you MUST start to aggressively boycott Apple as a quasi-religious organization which is only good for the 'APPL' stockholders and bad for technology.

I don't even use any of the Samsung Android Phones--I like the Windows Phone environment better. But I am and will continue to root for Samsung, for Android, and for anything Non-Apple!

Problem is your picture states "F700, 2006" when it was debuted Feb. 2007 and the first iPhone was debuted Jan. 2007, one month earlier before Samsung started changing up its design to match Apple products. But the picture tries to say that it is Apple that tries to copy Samsung.

You haven't even proven a single thing wrong, get real what have you put down? A shoddy image made by an Android fanboy which has been debunked and proven already (which I provided the source). Then try and claim the Samsung digital picture viewer in 2006 is similar to iPhone and iPad which it isn't because the back is totally different, so you were proven wrong there as well.

So what have you proven wrong, nothing at all, so don't be delusional.

Samsung even copied Apple's icons, which is an infringement.



Samsung even copies the packaging

Again don't be delusional thinking you've proven something wrong and giving yourself imaginary victories lol

Samsung has less creativity than Apple, its really a no brainer it was after Apple revolutionary iPhone did we start seeing other companies come out with similarly designed smartphones. Also there is a reason why Apple isn't going after other companies because they haven't copied Apple verbatum in some cases like Samsung has.

....are you even looking at the right picture? The picture I am looking at shows F700 as 2007. But even if it didn't who cares, that's just one phone amoungst the dozens in the picture.

Okay so after all that you it just boils down to Samsung's phone icon is slightly similar to Apple's phone icon.
Well atleast you admit that the tablet was not being copied since the backs are completely different.
As for the icon, it is obvious that Samsung drew inspiration form Apple, just like Apple drew inspiration from Braun.
I'll give you that one, but in return you have to give me the one where Apple copied android notification bar :)

As for the packaging, WHO CARES? it's just packaging
What's next? Apple is going to sue the world because they use a cardboard box?
Seriously man, this is getting silly.
:lol:A1Kaid is on back foot trying to safe Apple's arse which he failed thus far. I can list you 100s of Apple Mac errors-problems-viruses and apple's own BSOD but why should we waste time on it, you are in minority Apple is in competition with Linux-Unix 90% VS 10% is not a competition it is called restricted platform with failures, your super apple failed with super maps and had to apologize because it wanted to compete with microsoft-google-nokia:lol:...Please don't waste our time my friend whatever you post no one will believe you all these images and biased articles you are posting are already refuted and trashed over the web a zillion times. Case closed.
Similar subject has been discussed in multiple threads, hence closed
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