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Any questions Regarding India

Harpoon bhai...not better of the two...but less evil among the two..

50% tax, lots of Massacres, general racism and injustice, and 1/3 of Bengal starving to death and they are the lesser of the 2?

Hate really is blind. :blink:
50% tax, lots of Massacres, general racism and injustice, and 1/3 of Bengal starving to death and they are the lesser of the 2?

Hate really is blind. :blink:

Post 1857 when British government actually ruled India, point to me a mass massacre conducted by British apart from Jalianwala Bagh? About 1/3 Bengal starving to death in 1942, read the history where the governments of other provinces(read it is as ruled by local politicians elected by the people) need to share the blame as well for denying grains to Bengal.
50% tax, lots of Massacres, general racism and injustice, and 1/3 of Bengal starving to death and they are the lesser of the 2?

Hate really is blind. :blink:

Destruction of temples (Somnath 6 times). forceful conversions under the threat of sword, Jaziya and you want us to praise Islamic rule and don't act as if Muslims kings didn't carried out any massacres...much of Delhites was put to sword after Timur sacked Delhi in 1398.

I ask again..what was the contribution of Islamic dynasties to India? and don't say Mutton Kurma.
Post 1857 when British government actually ruled India, point to me a mass massacre conducted by British apart from Jalianwala Bagh? About 1/3 Bengal starving to death in 1942, read the history where the governments of other provinces(read it is as ruled by local politicians elected by the people) need to share the blame as well for denying grains to Bengal.

After 1858, Indians finally get use to British imperialism and accepts its fate of being a slave. This mentality is still pervasive among Indians, especially among the worst trolls in this forum.
Destruction of temples (Somnath 6 times). forceful conversions under the threat of sword, Jaziya and you want us to praise Islamic rule and don't act as if Muslims kings didn't carried out any massacres...much of Delhites was put to sword after Timur sacked Delhi in 1398.

I ask again..what was the contribution of Islamic dynasties to India? and don't say Mutton Kurma.

No one is denying that some temples were destroyed, Most of which were destroyed after they were used as rebellion bases. Even your Indian government launched an assault on the Holy Golden Temple. So it's bad when Muslims destroy a terrorist base, but it's okay when you do it....Love the hypocrisy. I am sure a few temples were destroyed by a crazed ruler as well, and to that I an just point out what the Sikh ruler did to the Badshai Masjid in Lahore, so it's a 2 way street.

Forced converstion, just a Hindu fantasy. Never happened on a large scale and the only time it did happen it was a form of Mercy by the Muslim ruler to the losing leader.
So basically Hindus lost a war, or rebelled and were defeated. When defeated the losing king/leader is killed. But the Muslims showed mercy and offered the Rulers their lives if they became Muslims. It was their choice. Now Hindus, due to their blind hate, have turned this mercy into a "THEY FORCED EVERY SINGE HINDU TO CONVERT, EVEN THOUGHT 85% of 1billion+ PEOPLE ARE HINDU!!!!!111one"
Any 5 year old can figure this out. :rolleyes:

As for Jazya, once again it was the same rate has Zakat. Muslims payed Jakat, Non Mulims payed Jazyah.
The British on the other hand took 50% of your wealth and yet you are complaining about Jazyah.
Yep, makes sense to me ....:no:
After 1858, Indians finally get use to British imperialism and accepts its fate of being a slave. This mentality is still pervasive among Indians, especially among the worst trolls in this forum.

It's sad how they are actually defending their British enslaves right now.
No one is denying that some temples were destroyed, Most of which were destroyed after they were used as rebellion bases. Even your Indian government launched an assault on the Holy Golden Temple. So it's bad when Muslims destroy a terrorist base, but it's okay when you do it....Love the hypocrisy. I am sure a few temples were destroyed by a crazed ruler as well, and to that I an just point out what the Sikh ruler did to the Badshai Masjid in Lahore, so it's a 2 way street.

Forced converstion, just a Hindu fantasy. Never happened on a large scale and the only time it did happen it was a form of Mercy by the Muslim ruler to the losing leader.
So basically Hindus lost a war, or rebelled and were defeated. When defeated the losing king/leader is killed. But the Muslims showed mercy and offered the Rulers their lives if they became Muslims. It was their choice. Now Hindus, due to their blind hate, have turned this mercy into a "THEY FORCED EVERY SINGE HINDU TO CONVERT, EVEN THOUGHT 85% of 1billion+ PEOPLE ARE HINDU!!!!!111one"
Any 5 year old can figure this out. :rolleyes:

As for Jazya, once again it was the same rate has Zakat. Muslims payed Jakat, Non Mulims payed Jazyah.
The British on the other hand took 50% of your wealth and yet you are complaining about Jazyah.
Yep, makes sense to me ....:no:

Go through it....

Aurangzeb, as he was according to Mughal Records

And pakistani...you are muslim and zakat is one of your five pillars..so you pay...why the hell should non-muslims pay jaziya to muslims ?? how the hell is that better than the bhatta MQM collects in the streets of karachi ?
It's sad how they are actually defending their British enslaves right now.

No one defends British - as Bhairava said they were lesser of the two evils. period. And I can't change history and deny that India was not ruled by British, can I? likewise can you? Both of our ancestors were second class citizens under British but my ancestors were second class citizens under Muslim rule while yours converted and reaped the benefits of the conversion, isn't that the fact?
After 1858, Indians finally get use to British imperialism and accepts its fate of being a slave. This mentality is still pervasive among Indians, especially among the worst trolls in this forum.

You were also a slave under British consuming the opium provided by them. I can't change that history as I mentioned in my previous post nor can you. Accept it and move on else dwell in the past and retain a sense of victimhood.
No one is denying that some temples were destroyed, Most of which were destroyed after they were used as rebellion bases. Even your Indian government launched an assault on the Holy Golden Temple. So it's bad when Muslims destroy a terrorist base, but it's okay when you do it....Love the hypocrisy.

And the Indian Govt rebuild the Golden Temple to its former glory with in a few months after the assault. I have yet to come across an instance when Islamic rulers did that to Hindu temples...rather they build a grand mosque over the temple ruins sowing the seeds of mistrust and hatred in the minds of Hindus.

I am sure a few temples were destroyed by a crazed ruler as well, and to that I an just point out what the Sikh ruler did to the Badshai Masjid in Lahore, so it's a 2 way street.

Don't hide behind isolated incidents.

Forced converstion, just a Hindu fantasy. Never happened on a large scale and the only time it did happen it was a form of Mercy by the Muslim ruler to the losing leader.
So basically Hindus lost a war, or rebelled and were defeated. When defeated the losing king/leader is killed. But the Muslims showed mercy and offered the Rulers their lives if they became Muslims. It was their choice. Now Hindus, due to their blind hate, have turned this mercy into a "THEY FORCED EVERY SINGE HINDU TO CONVERT, EVEN THOUGHT 85% of 1billion+ PEOPLE ARE HINDU!!!!!111one"
Any 5 year old can figure this out. :rolleyes:

Good theory but actually Islamic rule never extended beyond the South of Vindhyas or the current NE of India and even inside their territory they have to deal with rebellions after rebellions from Rajputs, Sikhs, Marathas. and even from their own relatives. So they didn't had enough time to spread the words of Allah. Apart from Akbar, no Islamic ruler enjoyed peace.

As for Jazya, once again it was the same rate has Zakat. Muslims payed Jakat, Non Mulims payed Jazyah.
The British on the other hand took 50% of your wealth and yet you are complaining about Jazyah.
Yep, makes sense to me ....:no:

I would like a see a source for Jaziyah & 50% tax.
After 1858, Indians finally get use to British imperialism and accepts its fate of being a slave. This mentality is still pervasive among Indians, especially among the worst trolls in this forum.

Its funny coming from a citizen of a country who depends on American Imperialism for their survival.
Black period of india , No major scientific discovery in that 800 year span , just look timeline of first thousand year of india Math , science was great time . after 12 th cen. all stopped

black period of history??? if you think like this then why is india always trying to make Taj Mahal as the wonder of the world?? why is india trying to act fond of moghulai food?

please don't say that you don't hate muslims and then follow it up by a post saying "dark ages of indian history"!!
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