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Any questions Regarding India

plase don't go around the bush and either say the moghuls did a good job hence we have taken them as OUR own and are proud of it. OR disown them for being evil and then disown the Taj Mahal and the moghulai food and culture!

Whats the contribution of Mughals?
plase don't go around the bush and either say the moghuls did a good job hence we have taken them as OUR own and are proud of it. OR disown them for being evil and then disown the Taj Mahal and the moghulai food and culture!

Is that really something to be proud about though? Taj Mahal and other such monuments are disgusting display of opulence of the mughal kings, while majority of the civilians were stuck in the rut of medieval era and living hand to mouth.

Imagine our great great gand children taking pride in multi million dollar mansions built by corrupt politicians like Zardari and Kalmadi!

Mughals did nothing for the betterment of the Hindustani people. We(both you and me) had our culture and food and buildings before the Mughals came.
plase don't go around the bush and either say the moghuls did a good job hence we have taken them as OUR own and are proud of it. OR disown them for being evil and then disown the Taj Mahal and the moghulai food and culture!

With the singular exception of Akbar, most Indians don't hold the Mughals in any esteem let alone high esteem. Taj Mahal happens to have been built in India, the only saving grace to Shah Jahan's rule & the story behind it is fascinating even if hidden under it are tales of unparalleled debauchery from a supposedly mourning man. Why should Indians otherwise care for a Persian married to a bigot if not for the fact that we have ticketing rights to the architectural marvel built right here?
Black history yet when asked a typical Indian in the West what has India got to offer a tourist...One of the 1st things to come out of the mouth is the Taj?! If it is soo dark, why be so proud? Some form of sadist?

Typical ignorant Indian or some one carried away by the media blitz and doesn't know that there is a culturally rich India outside Taj Mahal

Below are the World heritage Sites in India

List of World Heritage Sites in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mughals did nothing for the betterment of the Hindustani people. We(both you and me) had our culture and food and buildings before the Mughals came.

Actually, we need to thank the Europeans for the food bit. Can you imagine Indian food without potatoes & chillies?
Actually, we need to thank the Europeans for the food bit. Can you imagine Indian food without potatoes & chillies?

I heard red chillies was brought to India at Kerala by Portugese..didn't know the story about potatoes.
do you know anything about indian special forces? like stf in srilanka


STF is in Police agencies... tasked with nabbing and killing Gangsters and Bandits.
They work independently and have no links with local Police.. neither they are accountable to them.
Serious question about Indians.

What's with Indians and lighting incense sticks in their homes?

To most people they smell good, but to me personally the smoke gives me a headache and I usually end up with a sore throat.

Surprisingly Saudis light incense sticks in their homes too.

But to say the least, it irritates me physically.

Even the Muslims in India light them while they are at Dargah... for prayers.

Used for worship and to create a re-refreshing atmosphere which has fragrance.
Muslims,.. all use them in the prayers.. specially sufi-Muslims.

What kind of Muslims do you have in Pakistan.. BTW... ?
Incense is not good for health. Can cause cancer, same with those mosquito repellent coils.

As to why Indians burn it, its not all the time I think most people burn it while praying.

There are many other good things which cause cancer... I am yet to hear anyone suffering from cancer due to Incense.. until you deliberately wrap it up and smoke it more than what the cigarette smokers do to get cancer.
I have yet to hear a MUSLIM say his master is anyone but ALLAH! Just because someone said some goray are better than you does not make them the masters! Very narrow thinking!

But when you support the secular laws of the GORAY...Does that make you slaves of their laws and them YOUR masters?

Your country was frontrunner in showing sympathy with Portugal in 1961, only exception among non-gora countries.
plase don't go around the bush and either say the moghuls did a good job hence we have taken them as OUR own and are proud of it. OR disown them for being evil and then disown the Taj Mahal and the moghulai food and culture!

actually they want us to hate every muslim invaders because they invaded hindustan ....:angel:
Moghuls, like most kings, were good and bad.

Good: Taj Mahal, unifying northern India

Bad: Practically everything else (from economy to genocide of hindus)

Take that as you will...

unfying northern india you take it as a good thing. did they just unify the muslims of northern india? because according to you they were carrying out a genocide of muslims. the muslims are still a minority in the areas ruled by the moghuls clearly showing that no genocide happened. where a genocide apparently happens the race either migrates or is exterminated! for example the JEWS under Nazi rule.

if that was the case there would have been no hindu left in 800 years of their rule in the areas they ruled. but that is not the case!

and a bad economy? how did you deduce that wasn't the india under there rule called the richest empire of the time? weren't the true plunderers of india the british?

both your statements contradict each other!
There are many other good things which cause cancer... I am yet to hear anyone suffering from cancer due to Incense.. until you deliberately wrap it up and smoke it more than what the cigarette smokers do to get cancer.

You d be surprised.

Incense burned in Thai temples poses cancer risk - Telegraph

Lighting joss sticks in temples and shrines as an offering releases cancer-causing toxins just as deadly as cigarette smoke and traffic fumes. A study into the effects and the levels of toxins that fill the air has resulted in Thailand's public health ministry releasing a new set of guidelines to cut the risks to worshippers and temple workers.

The study of temples in three areas well away from Bangkok's traffic-choked streets found that the smoke given off by incense contains unsafe levels of benzene, butadiene and benzopyrene, which can cause leukaemia, lung, skin and bladder cancers.

One incense stick burned down gives off as much cancer-causing chemicals as one cigarette. But the research among temple workers found that not everyone exposed chemical cocktail developed cancer, just as not all smokers develop lung cancer. Blood samples of those exposed showed the incense smoke contained benzene at levels 53 times higher than that said to be safe, 33 times more butadiene and 10 times the amount of safe benzopyrene.
seriously sometimes it seems to me that one invader has to be come in india??what do u think?do u feel like this coz only sindh was conquered not hind?:woot:
and u are pre- islamic arab people ,invader canbe from ur india or from pakistan ......:woot: haha

just asking ......
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