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Any questions Regarding India


Don't generalize,I Ignore such Hate mongering video's [Just because Abhijeet had a brawl with Amir doesn't mean he hates Muslims ]

as i Made clear,those who act Anti-national are not tolerated...WE Love Peaceful People and Nationalist be of any religion
What about Mughal India?

Black period of india , No major scientific discovery in that 800 year span , just look timeline of first thousand year of india Math , science was great time . after 12 th cen. all stopped
Why do Indians hate Muslims? You've been conquered by other people, but why so much hate towards Muslims?

Only 2.....Muslims & British, but the British did not went around converting people or destroying temples but rather respected local cultures wherever they can, and also gave us something in return like railways, postal service etc. What is the contribution of Muslims dynasties? other than some big a$$ palaces and mausoleums.
I guess, Muslims made their country split into three pieces.

Thats not right.. Indian muslims do not support the division of India neither we are divided in india. being a muslim ind india is equal to being a muslims in any other part of the world , the reason is India is a our homeland ,secular, safe.muslims are not killed on daily basis as seen in our neighbouring countries. ... Muti diversed but hindus-muslims share common languages,food and many things in common which unites us.
Give me a real answer. Why do Indians hate Islam?

stupid question. Indians comprises of Muslims as well. ..let me try to tell you whats yopur question...you are asking why do Hindus hate Islam.

In that case ananswer is same as why would Muslims hate Hindus.
stupid question. Indians comprises of Muslims as well. ..let me try to tell you whats yopur question...you are asking why do Hindus hate Islam.

In that case ananswer is same as why would Muslims hate Hindus.

bengali bolne wala sardar g :D tu fir agaya
Give me a real answer. Why do Indians hate Islam?

You don't have a clear defination of an Indian...Indian ? they are not Just Hindu's - Muslims,Christians,Sikhs,Parsis and Jews we are together called Indian ...and No one Hate Islam...we just have Problem with religious Fanatics [India is no place for them,they have a better place in the Neighbourhood]
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