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Anurudhati Roy About Modi

[Bregs];4842971 said:
Sikhism was created by Guru Nanak, a religious leader and a social reformer .The religious practice was formalized by Guru Gobind Singh

So, The found is Guru Nanak - reforms can't change the founder unless today's Sikhs disconnect themselves from Guru Nanak.
1st of All Your post is reported 2nd THis thread isnt about Islam or Hinduism Its about the thinking of the a normal person who lives in india and what she thinks about their future pm candidate

Since you have No knowledge of History and cant even respect other religion you aint worth replying

I was making a perfectly logical parallel. If you are too touchy about your religious mythology you are indeed unfit for a discussion. And your respect for other's religion and penchant for objective history is noted from your other rants.

So, The found is Guru Nanak - reforms can't change the founder unless today's Sikhs disconnect themselves from Guru Nanak.

Khalsa was founded by Guru Gobind Singh. That's history.
here exist a growing number of ‘alternative archaeologists’ and researchers who have not settled for theories that do not satisfactorily explain the conditions of the skeletal remains and who have sought other explanations. One such individual is David Davenport, British Indian researcher, who spent 12 years studying ancient Hindu scripts and evidence at the site where the great city once stood. In his book Atomic Destruction in 2000 B.C. he reveals some startling findings: the objects found at the site appeared to be fused, glassified by a heat as high as 1500°C, followed by a sudden cooling. Within the city itself there appeared to be an ‘epicentre’ about 50 yards wide within which everything was crystallized, fused or melted, and sixty yards from the center the bricks are melted on one side indicating a blast. A. Gorbovsky in his book Riddles of Ancient History, reported the discovery of at least one human skeleton in the area with a level of radioactivity approximately 50 times greater than it should have been due to natural radiation. Davenport claimed that what was found at Mohenjo Daro corresponded exactly to what was seen at Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Davenport's theory was met with intense interest from the scientific community. Nationally known expert William Sturm said: “the melting of bricks at Mohenjo Daro could not have been caused by a normal fire”, while Professor Antonio Castellani, a space engineer in Rome said: “it's possible that what happened at Mohenjo Daro was not a natural phenomenon”. Since there is no indication of a volcanic eruption at Mohenjo-Daro, one answer that has been put forward is that the ancient city might have been irradiated by an atomic blast. If true, it would be impossible to ignore the conclusion that ancient civilization possessed high technology. Parallels were quickly drawn to the Mahabharata, the Indian epic, which indeed speak of doom and destruction. It reads: - See more at: The Mohenjo Daro

So, The found is Guru Nanak - reforms can't change the founder unless today's Sikhs disconnect themselves from Guru Nanak.

The house of gurus was founded by nanak.Not khalsa .Nanak never founded new religion or sect.Guru gobind singh did.
So, The found is Guru Nanak - reforms can't change the founder unless today's Sikhs disconnect themselves from Guru Nanak.

Founder is definitely Guru Nanak Dev Ji but its rituals n formal practices of sikh religions were established by Guru Gobind Singh JI
Modi "ji" is getting brickbats from intellects now. oh what now Sanghi Internet Sakha can you do? will you kill Arundhati roy for telling the truth?

"Sant" Modi is as good as a Sant as Mullah Ommaar or Sant Hafiz Sayed is. (Sant=saint in Hindi)

I liked the way the "masked truth" - the RSS link of Modi is exposed by that Lady. RSS agenda has much similarity to Ummah ideology many Muslims follow. "only our people, rest are our slaves, women are the booties and the corpses of old and weak lie in their land".
people should read about this venomous ideology of Golwalkar and his successor Hedgewar.

they wants to form a Hindu militia to slaughter infidels and going back to 7000 years old uncivilized India. pretty much similar to some sects of Islam.

though she gets confused Babari masjid "destruction workers"(karsevaks) for Godhra.
[Bregs];4843004 said:
Founder is definitely Guru Nanak Dev Ji but its rituals n formal practices of sikh religions were established by Guru Gobind Singh JI

Are you hindu or sikh? Guru nanak was creator of philosophy not a religious order.That was done by guru gobind singh.
Rigveda has no mention of caste system and the genetic studies you always scream here and there also says caste systsm originating in 1st Century BC.

Buddhism was founded in Bodh Gaya, no new religion came in SWAT, it was the extension of the same Buddhism.

Tibetan buddhism is different from original theravada /hinyana buddhism.For understanding you must read Bardo Thodol.
Rigveda has no mention of caste system and the genetic studies you always scream here and there also says caste systsm originating in 1st Century BC.

Buddhism was founded in Bodh Gaya, no new religion came in SWAT, it was the extension of the same Buddhism.

Rig Veda mention caste system, i dont know why you have to lie in this age when one google search is enough to expose you? Some says it was added later on after it was implented :what: First Bhuddha was born in Nepal, and he is founder of Buddhism.
Rig Veda mention caste system, i dont know why you have to lie in this age when one google search is enough to expose you? Some says it was added later on after it was implented :what: First Bhuddha was born in Nepal, and he is founder of Buddhism.

Rigveda don't mentions about endogamous caste system. What about the genetic studies you always mentions about, genes don't lie. :cheesy:

Buddhism was founded in Bodh Gaya in Bihar, doesn't matter Buddha's birthplace is in Nepal
Rigveda don't mentions about endogamous caste system. What about the genetic studies you always mentions about, genes don't lie. :cheesy:

Buddhism was founded in Bodh Gaya in Bihar, doesn't matter Buddha's birthplace is in Nepal

Why would RigVeda mention endogamous caste system? Which basically mean division on ethinic lines, and cant be compared to Aryan caste system :whistle: Also it matter where Bhuddha's was born and not where he travelled.
Why would RigVeda mention endogamous caste system? Which basically mean division on ethinic lines, and cant be compared to Aryan caste system :whistle: Also it matter where Bhuddha's was born and not where he travelled.

ethnic lines, where. :wacko:
Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism all originated from Pakistan, remember aryans and how they enslaved your kind? First Bhudha was born in Nepal and 2nd one in Pakistan Swat, KPK. Only thing Indians are good at is following foreign religions imposed on them. :laughcry:

Firstly, there's only one Buddha who was born in Lumbini in the ancient "Indian" kingdom of Kapilvastu. When we say India is very old, we mean India as a civilization is very old not necessarily a political union. Nepal was a part of Indian civilisation. Modern political boundaries of 1947 did not apply back then. It was all about who had influence and whose culture dominated.

Secondly, Pakistan as a concept came in 1930 and as a country came in 1947. All that was before then was India. Indus-Saraswati civilisation was an Indian civilisation. Aryans did not enslave our kind, we are ourselves descendants of Aryans as almost all speakers of Indo-Iranian languages are. Every thing that occurred in what is now Pak b4 1947 is said to have occured in India. Your own ancestors called themselves Bhartis, the descendants of Bharat.

Even professional historians from neutral countries will laugh if you'll say Dharmic faith are not Indian in origin! :omghaha:
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