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Anurudhati Roy About Modi

Firstly, there's only one Buddha who was born in Lumbini in the ancient "Indian" kingdom of Kapilvastu. When we say India is very old, we mean India as a civilization is very old not necessarily a political union. Nepal was a part of Indian civilisation. Modern political boundaries of 1947 did not apply back then. It was all about who had influence and whose culture dominated.

Secondly, Pakistan as a concept came in 1930 and as a country came in 1947. All that was before then was India. Indus-Saraswati civilisation was an Indian civilisation. Aryans did not enslave our kind, we are ourselves descendants of Aryans as almost all speakers of Indo-Iranian languages are. Every thing that occurred in what is now Pak b4 1947 is said to have occured in India. Your own ancestors called themselves Bhartis, the descendants of Bharat.

Even professional historians from neutral countries will laugh if you'll say Dharmic faith are not Indian in origin! :omghaha:

Well dharmic faiths are not purely indian. They are indo-chinese in origin . Even Confucianism,taoism ,zen buddhism,bon ,dzogchen and chinese animism have huge dharmic concepts like reincarnation,karma .

And there is buddha padmasambhava in tibetan buddhism
Firstly, there's only one Buddha who was born in Lumbini in the ancient "Indian" kingdom of Kapilvastu. When we say India is very old, we mean India as a civilization is very old not necessarily a political union. Nepal was a part of Indian civilisation. Modern political boundaries of 1947 did not apply back then. It was all about who had influence and whose culture dominated.

Secondly, Pakistan as a concept came in 1930 and as a country came in 1947. All that was before then was India. Indus-Saraswati civilisation was an Indian civilisation. Aryans did not enslave our kind, we are ourselves descendants of Aryans as almost all speakers of Indo-Iranian languages are. Every thing that occurred in what is now Pak b4 1947 is said to have occured in India. Your own ancestors called themselves Bhartis, the descendants of Bharat.

Even professional historians from neutral countries will laugh if you'll say Dharmic faith are not Indian in origin! :omghaha:


Here comes another aryan wannabe. India is artificial country (just like Pakistan) created by British after they left in 1947. And no my ancestors didnt call themselves Bhartis, why would they after all Bharat is mythical kingdom which never existed. India is union of states which British conquered, this is what your constitution says. :cheesy:
Yes tell what does endogamous caste system mean? :blink:

Ancient caste system was based on the choice of profession, later it became endogamous, child inherting caste from parents and allowed to marry in his own caste.
Arundhati Roy is a pseudo-intellectual. Her pathetic arguments were exposed about 10 years ago , from the moment she made the transition from a booker prize winner to a pretentious know-it-all about Indian Geopolitics , Ethnic conflicts , Economics , Finance and heaven knows what else.

Through the years , she however did master a certain publicity garnering skill -- publicly declaring her intentions to become a human shield if India ever nuked Pakistan etc etc --it did gain her a certain level of Pakistani approval .

The point where her credibility was lost beyond redemption was when she somehow managed to link India's rich-poor divide or the economic disparity to the Mumbai attacks( of all the nuttiest things I ever heard ,this one ranks among the very best or worst as the case may be) , which earned her a lot of flak even from die hard radicals or as some say heretics a.k.a Salman Rushdie .

Thereafter with slogans like "Kashmir needs 'Azaadi' from bhooke-naange Hindustan " , her worthlessness and irrelevance has only increased among the Indian population --even the most ignorant villager dwelling in the most remote village refers to her with a couple of his choicest slangs.

She is basically a Digvijay Singh without a few colored political feathers. Essentially a loud-mouth without either the knowledge or the gumption to go with it.

A complete waste of a reader's time ,an editor's ink and paper.

Here comes another aryan wannabe. India is artificial country created by British after they left in 1947. And no my ancestors didnt call themselves Bhartis, why would they after all Bharat is mythical kingdom which never existed. India is union of states which British conquered, this is what your constitution says. :cheesy:

Another gem from a jholachap expert. :omghaha:
Arundhati Roy is a pseudo-intellectual. Her pathetic arguments were exposed about 10 years ago , from the moment she made the transition from a booker prize winner to a pretentious know-it-all about Indian Geopolitics , Ethnic conflicts , Economics , Finance and heaven knows what else.

Through the years , she however did master a certain publicity garnering skill -- publicly declaring her intentions to become a human shield if India ever nuked Pakistan etc etc --it did gain her a certain level of Pakistani approval .

The point where her credibility was lost beyond redemption was when she somehow managed to link India's rich-poor divide or the economic disparity to the Mumbai attacks( of all the nuttiest things I ever heard ,this one ranks among the very best or worst as the case may be) , which earned her a lot of flak even from die hard radicals or as some say heretics a.k.a Salman Rushdie .

Thereafter with slogans like "Kashmir needs 'Azaadi' from bhooke-naange Hindustan " , her worthlessness and irrelevance has only increased among the Indian population --even the most ignorant villager dwelling in the most remote village refers to her with a couple of his choicest slangs.

She is basically a Digvijay Singh without a few colored political feathers. Essentially a loud-mouth without either the knowledge or the gumption to go with it.

A complete waste of a reader's time , ink and paper.

If kashmiris want independence they can move to azad kashmir. Indians should move the poorer biharis and bengalis to Kashmir.

Here comes another aryan wannabe. India is artificial country (just like Pakistan) created by British after they left in 1947. And no my ancestors didnt call themselves Bhartis, why would they after all Bharat is mythical kingdom which never existed. India is union of states which British conquered, this is what your constitution says. :cheesy:

Yeah, and that's why historians all over the world call India the oldest continuous civilisation on earth.

Really love to see Pakistanis suffering from such inferiority complex and identity crisis.:yay:
Arundhati Roy is a pseudo-intellectual. Her pathetic arguments were exposed about 10 years ago , from the moment she made the transition from a booker prize winner to a pretentious know-it-all about Indian Geopolitics , Ethnic conflicts , Economics , Finance and heaven knows what else.

Through the years , she however did master a certain publicity garnering skill -- publicly declaring her intentions to become a human shield if India ever nuked Pakistan etc etc --it did gain her a certain level of Pakistani approval .

The point where her credibility was lost beyond redemption was when she somehow managed to link India's rich-poor divide or the economic disparity to the Mumbai attacks( of all the nuttiest things I ever heard ,this one ranks among the very best or worst as the case may be) , which earned her a lot of flak even from die hard radicals or as some say heretics a.k.a Salman Rushdie .

Thereafter with slogans like "Kashmir needs 'Azaadi' from bhooke-naange Hindustan " , her worthlessness and irrelevance has only increased among the Indian population --even the most ignorant villager dwelling in the most remote village refers to her with a couple of his choicest slangs.

She is basically a Digvijay Singh without a few colored political feathers. Essentially a loud-mouth without either the knowledge or the gumption to go with it.

A complete waste of a reader's time ,an editor's ink and paper.

Welcome Back!!!!
So lets analyse names of India.

India: Name given by British to South Asia. So any state they conquered automatically become British India.
Bharat: Named after mythical kingdom which never existed historically.

Hindustan: Name given by muslims, anyone living in South Asia was hindustani for them no matter which religion.

So lets analyse names of India.

India: Name given by British to South Asia. So any state they conquered automatically become British India.
Bharat: Named after mythical kingdom which never existed historically.

Hindustan: Name given by muslims, anyone living in South Asia was hindustani for them no matter which religion.


What is so ROFL about it, :wacko:

India was given by Greeks, Hindustan by Zoroastrians taken by Muslims, Bharat for land of Indian civilization. They were not invented in Cambridge University.
If kashmiris want independence they can move to azad kashmir. Indians should move the poorer biharis and bengalis to Kashmir.

Only a publicity hungry ,fake- slogan supporting , phony like Arundhati Roy would attend a Pakistan sponsored Hurriyat anti-India conference while completely ignoring other parties like Farooq Abdulla's National Conferance, Mehbooba Mufti's party and above all the thousands of displaced Kashmiri Pandits settled in Delhi.

Needless to say ,she hardly knows a thing about current geo-politics let alone a history of Kashmir.

Funnily enough she forgets that its the Indian Constitution which protects her all the while , unlike in many countries where she would have been imprisoned or probably shot for treason about 10 years ago.

People like this hypocrite sometimes make me question our extreme tolerance and rigid democratic norms.

As far as moving people into Kashmir is concerned , it ( Kashmir) is treated as a special province by the GOI which prevents domiciles of other states to buy land or reside there. Another example of our weak policies vis-a-vis Kashmir which sometimes makes me think such niceties are perhaps misplaced.

The BJP includes this point in their manifesto --To remove or delete this special provision related to Kashmir --However implementing it would require a two-third majority in the Lok Sabha.
Unsurprisingly all secular parties --Congress , CPIM support a no change in this provision.
What is so ROFL about it, :wacko:

India was given Greeks, Hindustan by Zoroastrians taken by Muslims, Bharat for land of Indian civilization. They were not invented in Cambridge University.

Greeks called it Indoi or Indika. India is British invention.
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