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Anti Tank Missiles

it will be a good development, specially if PA opts for T-129 as there new attack helicopter.
however, the missile i know about is an ingenious effort. like mentioned above, it is development by Pakistani scientists and is some what impressed from the HELLFIRE missile.
however, there are some reports of Turkish assistance, this may be when we faced some difficulties in some of mechanism we went to our Turkish friends for a piece of advise. overall its a total Pakistani product!

Arsalan Aslam

Actually it is not some what impressed by Hellfire....its being reverse-engineered from Hellfire...
One thing i have noticed between pak-turk military relations is the secrecy, like we only get to see the weapon system once it is inducted and nothing before that, not even speculation. Prime example is MRTP-33 boats and another system that we procured for PAF. Also, there was an agreement between Pak-Turk for conventional armor manufacturing transfer of technology back in 2007-08 through which Pak would help Turk brothers through TOT for efficient conventional armor for their Altay.
^ this is news for me! and i thought it was the other way around
Actually it is not some what impressed by Hellfire....its being reverse-engineered from Hellfire...

well not exactly reverse engineered. here you need some hard examples on which to work on. however, the basics are same as HELLFIRE.

well, that what i was told, this might be wrong but however, its going on, it will be a good addition and a needed one once ready!
China HJ-10(红箭-10) laser-guided anti-tank missile:
credits cabalti

Main AT missile of Atak, Roketsan-UMTAS launched from a test-bed AH-1S helicopter
One thing i have noticed between pak-turk military relations is the secrecy, like we only get to see the weapon system once it is inducted and nothing before that, not even speculation. Prime example is MRTP-33 boats and another system that we procured for PAF. Also, there was an agreement between Pak-Turk for conventional armor manufacturing transfer of technology back in 2007-08 through which Pak would help Turk brothers through TOT for efficient conventional armor for their Altay.

that wes the EW and Anit SAM manuver traning system
any news about pak getting or developing a third gen ATGM?
The reason why PA did not go for any other ATGW was the performance of Baktar Shikan up to 4 kms. Simply lethal with 95 % penetration power upto 900 mm of armor, Kombat is also there so another good system at disposal. Add TOW1 and 2, HJ-8L and you have it all pretty much covered so no need for spending on an already covered area. But i have heard, there is a fire n forget missile under development,
AFAIK Janes reported 90% Hit possibility alongwith 90% Penetration possibility....not bad haan...

any one know about new ATGM for PA?locally or imported one?
I wonder why India went for Javelins

Update on that:
India is going in for Spike, for the man-portable version.

What is this? Baktar Shikan?

What is this? Baktar Shikan?

Yes Sir I think so it is Batar Shikan but @ANTIBODY should confirm it

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