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Anti-Tank Capabilities of Infantry Divisions in Strike Corps

R&S, now LAT are under-estimated. They are half strength than of default infantry battalion, but they are completely motorized and have awesome firepower. Almost the whole battalion sits in heavily armed jeeps (trucks carry ammo/fuel/supplies) and can out maneuver any formation of Indian Army be it Armor, mechanized Infantry and Infantry.

They use less fuel, can fill up diesel from petrol stations (own and enemy's)
2. Cover more distance and faster than all other units thus good flanking enemy from left or right sides or rear.
3. Have less vehicle breakdowns, can operate on any terrain due to light 4x4
4. Can deploy with in minutes, can mobilize with in minutes
5. Can cross rivers lakes streams broken bridges easily
6. 4x4 be carried by medium helis if need arises, while trucks, APC, MBT cannot be air lifted.
7. Can operate enemy light vehicles like 4x4 if own vehicle is destroyed (65, India also operated CJ-series jeeps, now basic engine functions and driving functions are same even if Indian 4x4 make models are different)
8. Can ambush heavier enemy formations through cover of trees, bushes, ditches etc
9. Excel in hit and run tactics similar to guerrilla warfare and form ad hoc forces to stop an armored force (65 and 71), also can be used to hit enemy supply convoys.
10. Can easily camouflage and hide from IR signatures
11. They easily pull out their 4x4 stuck in terrain through other nearby 4x4, They dont need a recovery vehicle.
12. The drivers can do basic maintenance on 4x4 in the field.
13.The suppression fire from many MG's keeps the enemy infantry pinned down while ATGMs take out MBT, IFV, APC, bunkers etc.
14. They have around 48-50 4x4, so one battalion can cover a massive area for defense.
15. They are used for recon and are regarded as "fighting patrol". In Infantry, fighting patrol is composed of a section or upto 15 soldiers with officer, who engage enemy if they come across them. In LATs, 4 x Jeeps or 8 x Jeeps form a fighting patrol and can easily face enemy tanks or infantry it comes across, decimate as many as it can while reporting back enemy strength and retreat back swiftly to friendly lines.

As mentioned above, they are lesser in troop strength. They lack protection against all sorts of fire since 4x4 are open top, but then 4x4 is expected to survive through mobility, not body armor thickness. They need fuel to operate.

1. Highly Mobile ,well protected smaller sized MRAPs could be used.
2. FnF ATGM and remotely controlled MGs.
3. Addition of a SAM in every Coy

And of course, you'll be surprised to know the ATGM capability of MIBs as well.

Which ATGMS our Mi35s have?

Nothing installed on them yet, i do see them (face to face) every fortnight or so, pilots are being trained on them.
We have only 4?
I believe so.

R&S, now LAT are under-estimated. They are half strength than of default infantry battalion, but they are completely motorized and have awesome firepower.

Strength of LAT is almost 75% of a normal infantry battalion.

Each Inf Div (except mountain/light) already has a LAT Regt, which can provide 1× LAT company to each of its Inf. Bdes.
There are some "special" infantry divisions having HAT battalions under command.

Does a Bakhtar Shikan has the capability to take out an Indian T 90? If no then do we an ATGM to take out an IA's T90? Also how will our Corps counter IA's Apaches without PAF?
@Signalian @Gryphon @HRK

An ATGM may not always completely destroy a tank (K Kill).

It may achieve a mobility kill ( M kill), or may destroy the main gun (Firepower or F kill) or could destroy optics on the outside (mission kill). All these can be exploited subsequently.
LAT and HAT both have 36 ATGMs, all mounted on APCs.
Infantry Division artillery brigades have one Medium Regiment as well, apart from three field regiments.

Somehow, economy dictates us alot.
Eh! Eh!
So only 3 Platoons in each Company.
I have allready look at an Pak Army parade in 1983, and there was a unit performing with 9 M113 w/TOW. But everyone here talked about 24, so OK.
4 Art Regs for Infantry Division its too much (72 guns). Logistic nightmare. It puts your Divisions completly static, only defending the IB or making little incursions into Indian Territory.
It makes them very vulnerable to mobile warfare or encirclement
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Nothing installed on them yet
I do hope they end up something better than these ones below,and in more numbers.
4 Art Regs for Infantry Division its too much (72 guns). Logistic nightmare. It puts your Divisions completly static, only defending the IB or making little incursions into Indian Territory.
It makes them very vulnerable to mobile warfare or encirclement

Not really a nightmare. But these four are the minimum required. One for each infantry brigade and Medium Regiment with Div HQ.

There are techniques whereby these artillery guns are able to provide continuous fire cover to an advancing infantry division as well.

I have allready look at an Pak Army parade in 1983, and there was a unit performing with 9 M113 w/TOW. But everyone here talked about 24, so OK.

In 23 Mar Parade, requirement is not for one company to participate. The formation in which the unit ha to roll by matters actually, like 9 M113s means the unit must be marching with 3 M113s abreast, in 3 rows.
Not really a nightmare. But these four are the minimum required. One for each infantry brigade and Medium Regiment with Div HQ.

There are techniques whereby these artillery guns are able to provide continuous fire cover to an advancing infantry division as well.

In 23 Mar Parade, requirement is not for one company to participate. The formation in which the unit ha to roll by matters actually, like 9 M113s means the unit must be marching with 3 M113s abreast, in 3 rows.

Not this one, they are full Armoured Squadron, Mechanised Infantry Company, SP Medium Artillery Battery, etc..
Not this one, they are full Armoured Squadron, Mechanised Infantry Company, SP Medium Artillery Battery, etc..

An example, the no of APCs shown in the parade are not equal to what an MIB company has.

Of course, we shouldnt go by the commentary. Your choice.
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