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Anti Pakistani and Anti Chinese propaganda on PDF must stop

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Aug 15, 2015
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United Kingdom
I'm concerned with the recent spike in anti-Pakistani and anti-Chinese propaganda on PDF.
Why is this even being allowed? PDF is being used as a platform by our enemies to spew anti-Pakistani and anti-Chinese propaganda and even insult Pakistani and Chinese people. MODs need to do something about this. I think Pakistanis are the only people who allow their enemies to come on their forums and insult them and their allies.

Also, as a major Pakistani forum, it doesn't look good that we allow our enemies to come here and insult our Chinese brothers and sisters. What message are we conveying? What impression are we giving?

PDF IS A PAKISTANI Forum. We are NOT an indian forum. There are 1000s of indian forums that are dedicated to obsessively insulting Pakistan, Pakistanis, Islam and China. PDF doesn't need to join them.
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Definitely. All Indian news articles must be banned on this forum.

Indans don't come to this forum to learn about Pakistan but just try to impose their Hindu Extremist Government agenda by trying to bombard the forum with as many anti-Pakistan / anti-China articles as possible.

Plus, Indians should not be allowed to try and create anti-China emotions in young Pakistani minds by using the Xinjiang card.

The Hindu Extremists here are a total scum. They feel no shame in deliberately disparaging their Hindu Extremists views or deliberately spreading false propaganda against Pakistan and Pakistani allied nations.
There's an old saying, ''If you can't beat them, then join them''....but Indians living on a different planet survive in the belief....''if you can't beat them, then abuse them''.
Indian forums are nothing more than a case of blind leading blind....something like PDF gives these Indians a voice and their first contact with civilisation....so either they start to box above their weight or simply crawl out of their skins.
I'm concerned with the recent spike in anti-Pakistani and anti-Chinese propaganda on PDF.
Why is this even being allowed? PDF being used as a platform by our enemies to spew anti-Pakistani and anti-Chinese propaganda and even insult Pakistani and Chinese people. MODs need to do something about this. I think Pakistanis are the only people who allow their enemies to come on their forums and insult them and their allies.

Also, as a major Pakistani forum, it doesn't look good that we allow our enemies to come here and insult our Chinese brothers and sisters. What message are we conveying? What impression are we giving?

PDF IS A PAKISTANI Forum. We are NOT an indian forum. There are 1000s of indian forums that are dedicated to obsessively insulting Pakistan, Pakistanis, Islam and China. PDF doesn't need to join them.
Brother i understand your emotions. Everything being shared here is already available elsewhere and that too where we have no control of it. PDF belongs to us atleast. Each and every thought they share is saving our time searching for it. The 'concerned' people and 'thinktanks' have everything consolidated in one place and have one more angle to view it from. Remember its 5th gen warfare, ideas are gold and no information is missed. Sometimes i get angry too, but think it this way, the enemy is doing us a service, dropping its thoughts and plans on to our door steps. We need to be thankful to them. Information is gold standard of tomorrow.
I agree. If anything it will spare us from the hypocrite bunch over crying about the same topic over and over again.
I've seen quite a few posts that seem to cross the lines and the approach is stricter against Pakistanis then against non-Pakistanis.

Still, banning or restricting is never the answer, neither do we fear a healthy exchange,
if a fair playing field is provided. If they get rude, so should we be allowed to answer in the same coin.
I think what he is asking is that we should have a fair playing field at least in a Pakistani forum.
PDF allows everyone, ethnicity, nationality and religion to express the opinion/observations within the norms, civility and with manners. To avoid such offenses and derailment, report the member/post immediately without quoting back or doing so and Move-On. Most of trolls, despite any flag, gets a free pass as when quoted back with same language. PDF does not believe in any discrimination. Every member has to feel his/her responsibility by reporting such matters without doing so. The one side narrative never caters the interest nor carries any weight as well as, providing an opportunity for the other side to speak their minds. Forum Rules are intact and everyone is bound to follow the same hence, found any violation, do report.

It has been observed that threads are not just destroyed due to a single member but participation of same class from everywhere while feeding the troll to encouraging him/her due to ill mannered posting in reply. Any member that feeds such offender, is partly responsible for such mess even replying a troll. IMO, fair chance of speech is being practiced and it is the beauty of debate/arguments that both sides are provided with equal opportunity (regardless of flags) though whosoever tries to sabotage such environment, is not welcome hence, reporting would do wonders. Silencing a voice wouldn't prove a point so to counter the infected media feed, media warfare and propaganda, it is a must that the debate be carried with quality posting, substance and worthy analysis as counter arguments.

The fair policy is the reason that despite illogical complaints from either side, PDF is still is an interest for many, therefore, to maintain the decorum and friendly environment, Forum Rules are implemented and applies to everyone regardless of nationality.

It has been conveyed for many times and I will repeat again that if you find anything in violation to the Rules, report the same and move on. These kind of threads needs to stop. Instead of wasting so much time on the open forum by creating threads suggesting as such, utilize the existing option/facility by reporting and let's all get rid of any propaganda as such.

Nationalities cannot be banned like that. PDF do believe in open discussion and freedom of speech unless, that's not provocative and based upon ill agenda or malafide intention. Such suggestions been replied for many times to practice the right thing. No one is allowed to insult anyone or other nationality. Start reporting and pen down details for the reason of reporting and the action will be taken accordingly.

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