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Anti Pakistani activity by Afghans on Twitter

Their main idea is not to annex Pakistani territory, They want to cause uprisings in your country.
But with the intention and help of NATO to eventually Balkanize the country...
Afghanistan has Khorasani problems, India has Khalistani plus Keralite issues, and we have Pashteen with his caps. People who support him are fulfilling their role and think the promise made to them decades ago will be fulfilled.

With regards to Pashteen, we need to focus less on the journalists who are siding with him, and more on the core of his movement and deal with it directly. Journalists will always be there making noises readily for their masters, don't fall for their stunts.

We know that they want parts of Pakistan to be joined with Afghanistan, and create an independent nation in between. They will, of course, not take responsibility of that nation because it will be independent. Casting blame on Afghanistan OR India will help little in this case.

The way to deal with Pashteen and his gang is NOT to focus on the journalists who are promoting them. The journos are divided on this matter for various reasons, let's just focus on Pasheen and his history and origin of this movement.

This isn't a new movement. The Afghans and Pashteen had it planned for quite some time. Then came America along with its funding, because this is part of the promise they made to the Afghans back in the days before partition. FATA is what they seek to take back, even now.
But with the intention and help of NATO to eventually Balkanize the country...
Yeah they're idiots, These donkeys think that NATO dogs are going to spare their country.
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