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Anti Naxal operations :CRPF to go offensive

Poor you!:azn:

the day will be there when the naxals would be exported to BD and Chinese are clearly in the process. That day, my dear friend, I would like to hear from you that you love Maoist.

We had Naxalies back in 70's, 80's and early 90's. But they found a better life and prosperity than living with guns.
India never could or will offer alternatives to those brave souls.
We had Naxalies back in 70's, 80's and early 90's. But they found a better life and prosperity than living with guns.
India never could or will offer alternatives to those brave souls.

I guess you are not aware of the state of naxals in Andhra Pradesh. :lol:
You have thrown enough venom against India. Why are you sporting an Indian flag then? If you consider yourself an Indian, I would be glad if you suggest some solution on this menace to the rest of illiterate Indians on PDF. And why are you alone in a pitched battle of verbal war with your fellow Indians. where are your other billion Indians?

You dont even know what are they fighting for so how can you say that maoists are wrong?
if you would have known the real reason you would have supported them as-well.
You dont even know what are they fighting for so how can you say that maoists are wrong?
if you would have known the real reason you would have supported them as-well.

Maoist leaders sexually exploit women cadresav-india Videos - hindustantimes.com

The number of women Maoists, surrendering before police, have been on rise in the rebel hit Orissa, as they complain of being victimised and sexually exploited at the hands of Maoist leaders. Surrendered women Maoist cadres in Keonjhar district of Orissa made the startling revelations; who complained of sexual exploitation at the hands of Maoist leaders. Jayanti, a surrendered woman Maoist said on Wednesday, that the ultras used to take advantage of the poor people and lured them by saying that they will work for the nation and the underprivileged people.
You have thrown enough venom against India. Why are you sporting an Indian flag then? If you consider yourself an Indian, I would be glad if you suggest some solution on this menace to the rest of illiterate Indians on PDF. And why are you alone in a pitched battle of verbal war with your fellow Indians. where are your other billion Indians?
Maybe you were searching for me? ehh.
Also it is not venom but just stating the reality, instead of supporting Naxal, who are the real leader, you are supporting the likes of Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi.Maybe you want to live under the monarchy of Maa-beta and will close your eyes when they will plunder everything from india and put all their money in some offshore banks......but we will not.

Maoist leaders sexually exploit women cadresav-india Videos - hindustantimes.com

The number of women Maoists, surrendering before police, have been on rise in the rebel hit Orissa, as they complain of being victimised and sexually exploited at the hands of Maoist leaders. Surrendered women Maoist cadres in Keonjhar district of Orissa made the startling revelations; who complained of sexual exploitation at the hands of Maoist leaders. Jayanti, a surrendered woman Maoist said on Wednesday, that the ultras used to take advantage of the poor people and lured them by saying that they will work for the nation and the underprivileged people.

you certainly didnt answered my question but you are just posting propoganda.......maybe you haven't understood my question.
Maybe you were searching for me? ehh.
Also it is not venom but just stating the reality, instead of supporting Naxal, who are the real leader, you are supporting the likes of Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi.Maybe you want to live under the monarchy of Maa-beta and will close your eyes when they will plunder everything from india and put all their money in some offshore banks......but we will not.

Real leaders ..my foot ....They are a bunch of criminals who are going to getextinct very soon......

Top Maoist Leaders use Women Cadres as 'Sex Slaves'

Bhubaneswar: The Maoist couple Prakash alias Anirudh and Rajalaxmi, who "surrendered" before the police in Pipli, made some shocking revelations about top Maoist leaders.

Rajalaxmi Biswal alleged that women cadres are being sexually exploited by top leaders. She also revealed that the top leaders send the husbands to faraway places on specific operations and then sexually exploit their wives.

Rajalaxmi also said that the top Maoist leaders were against her marriage to Prakash alias Anirudh and they subjected to her a series of mental, physical and sexual torture. She further said that Maoist leaders from Chhattisgarh used to sexually exploit the Odia women cadres.

"Maoist Sabyasachi Panda also used to torture me physically and mentally. That forced me to leave the camp", she said.

According to the Maoist couple, around 200 women from Odisha are working with the Maoists. However, she said none from Puri district works with the red rebels.

Anirudha hails from Arilo village of Puri district, while Rajalaxmi hails from Erasama of Jagatsinghpur district. They were said to be arrested three days ago, but the police showed it as “surrender" on Sunday.

you certainly didnt answered my question but you are just posting propoganda.......maybe you haven't understood my question.

They are not fighting for any cause ....They are bunch of goons ...

No man fighting for cause kills innocent people and sexually exploit thier women cadres .....
When, MPs watch porno inside parliament building and you are complaining that some Maoist exploited their female comrades? Where is Monika Lewensky man.

I seen Rahul Gandhi also had some issues with women in last week's newspaper.
When, MPs watch porno inside parliament building and you are complaining that some Maoist exploited their female comrades? Where is Monika Lewensky man.

I seen Rahul Gandhi also had some issues with women in last week's newspaper.

My problem is with the guys claiming them to be there real leaders fighting for the cause of the people ..I am just exposing these maoists ..They are nothig but menace

I never said these fcuking politicians are any good....

Whatever problems we are facing maoists are not the solution...
My problem is with the guys claiming them to be there real leaders fighting for the cause of the people ..I am just exposing these maoists ..They are nothig but menace

I never said these fcuking politicians are any good....

Whatever problems we are facing maoists are not the solution...

Maoist is not the solution but a eye opener of the real problem which needs to be addressed.
Independent India has been consistent in its approach to the million mutinies that threatened the country’s unity and integrity through the past six decades and more. That pattern is something like this: popular alienation is simply left unaddressed even if the root cause remains no great mystery and is possible to be tackled; sometimes the ruling party willfully exploits the alienation to suit the needs of electoral politics (Khalistan); the wounds inevitably fester over time; and, when the wound becomes septic the Indian state cauterizes it without any anesthesia so that the patient freaks out with pain and the horrific memory of state brutality would, hopefully, linger for ever and teach a lesson.

But the wound as such is never healed. J&K and the northeastern states are still under army occupation. Isn’t there some other way to handle political alienation in the 21st century? India prides itself to be a country with a difference in the world community as a nation of moral stature. In the international forums, it is losing shyness and has begun taking up open positions on human rights and human security — for example, on Sri Lanka and Syria in the UNHRC in Geneva in the recent months. It frequently speaks out at the UN Security Council debates — be it on Sudan or Afghanistan. These are of course only appropriate for an ambitious, aspiring regional power.
And, yet, India’s own track record continues to remain dismal. The Indian state’s “biggest encounter” with the Maoists in the jungles of Chhattisgarh on Friday once again highlights the tragedy of the situation. Some evidence is surfacing that the Indian security forces went on a rampage in the remote jungle villages massacring civilians in the heat of the night of Thursday/Friday.
The 19 Maoists killed included a 15-year old girl, while not more than two amongst the 19 killed could be identified as left extremists. If so, who were the remaining 17 dead souls?

To be sure, Home Minister P Chidambaram is utterly preoccupied with Hafiz Saeed. Hopefully, if and when he is done with that, we may know what happened. The security people admit that “a few innocent villagers could have died in crossfire.” Pray, how few is “few”?
The most shocking thing is that the Indian political class across the board has had nothing to say. They are preoccupied with the election of India’a next president — or with the “reforms”. When 19 citizens get killed by their country’s security forces, in any civilised country in the second decade of the 21st century, some political commotion could be expected. But, not in India? The silence of the politicians points at the terrible weakening of the moral fibre of the Indian nation.
The most reprehensible aspect is the deafening silence of the established parties of the Indian Left who are, arguably, on the same ideological spectrum as the Maoists. Alright, the Maoists are rebels who got disillusioned with the Left establishment and bourgeois democracy, but they never ceased to be believers in the ideology. China can disowned them, but how could the Indian Left?
In fact, the Maoists’ presence in parts of India where the established Left doesn’t even exist shows that they have a legitimacy and credibility of their own which the established Left lacks in very large tracts of the most impoverished regions of our country that are inherently open to the egalitarian ideals of communism. An enlightened Left leadership would have sought to dialogue with these misguided elements — and a good starting point would be to commiserate with the 19 dead “comrades” in Chhattisgarh. Give them at least a decent burial.

The Maoists are also Indians - Indian Punchline
I support the Maoists. They may have done some bad things but only after ou f-king govt did a lot worse to them. Half you Indian posters on this forum are too rich to understand what the poorest of the poor go thru. The other half don;t really give a damn.

You dont even know what are they fighting for so how can you say that maoists are wrong?
if you would have known the real reason you would have supported them as-well.

Exactly brother. Many ppl on this forum are completely blindsided to what these lower strata of society suffer from. They should hear it from Arundati Roy rather listening to RSS, MMS, Rahul, Modi, etc. At the end of the day, they are the culprits for the sorry state of India. We may be doing good economically, but its quite obvious why. Its also quite obvious that the wealth is not reaching the poor.
I support the Maoists. They may have done some bad things but only after ou f-king govt did a lot worse to them. Half you Indian posters on this forum are too rich to understand what the poorest of the poor go thru. The other half don;t really give a damn.

Exactly brother. Many ppl on this forum are completely blindsided to what these lower strata of society suffer from. They should hear it from Arundati Roy rather listening to RSS, MMS, Rahul, Modi, etc. At the end of the day, they are the culprits for the sorry state of India. We may be doing good economically, but its quite obvious why. Its also quite obvious that the wealth is not reaching the poor.

friend each and everyone in the nation has right to vote . if people suffer due to someone , they can vote him out in next election. democracy is on all levels , from sarpanch to pm . picking up guns and killing forces or innocents is the thing that is simply not done. imagine if such a maoist came to your house , and beat you up in middle of road so that you join their organisation, (could have given worse example, but can't to a fellow indian), will you still think they are great ? and if they want to change the nation , why don't they put people for election (supposedly liked by all) ?
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