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Anti-Modi resolution blocked in Pak's Punjab province Assembly

Modi is the symbol of why we separated from India I mean his mindset he is the same mindset because of which we created Pakistan and this mindset if rules for some time will make sure India is destroyed from within

So can we said - "Nawaz Sharif/Zardari is the symbol for why you created Pakistan" ?
You talk as if you talking about an African slum country-
Pakistan is a fully operational and functional country with growing economy that still giving a danda up your rear-
Thank You

dont worry about him, this is the kind of conversation ordinary Indian have right after coming from morning dump at the street corner, with their hungry stomachs and rib exposing torso without any decent cover over it. This is the only thing makes them feel good.
You talk as if you talking about an African slum country-
Pakistan is a fully operational and functional country with growing economy that still giving a danda up your rear-
Thank You

Well we could see the regular IMF bail out.So much for economic progress:lol::lol::lol:.

Too bad .Why these members dont spend time for a resolution to kick start the polio drive in Pakistan?.
What could they get from this useless exercise?
They already know that we dont even care about such a resolution.And in our history Pakistan is not a subject for resolution.
I am talking about mindset Mr
Is it the same mindset which created Gen. Niazi in 1971 to persecute Bangalis? ZA Bhutto in 1972 to persecute Ahmadis? Gen. ZH Haq in 1979 to persecute non-Sunnis?
Modi has just become PM of India and there is nothing yet to indict him...
Modi is the symbol of why we separated from India I mean his mindset he is the same mindset because of which we created Pakistan and this mindset if rules for some time will make sure India is destroyed from within

Chicha Zarvan...You came into existence in the name of Islam... But Still you have not imposed sharia islamic law in your country....Please help Hindustani to under what mindset is behind that... This is purely cheating.
dont worry about him, this is the kind of conversation ordinary Indian have right after coming from morning dump at the street corner, with their hungry stomachs and rib exposing torso without any decent cover over it. This is the only thing makes them feel good.
so..are u feeling good nw :D
Modi is the symbol of why we separated from India I mean his mindset he is the same mindset because of which we created Pakistan and this mindset if rules for some time will make sure India is destroyed from within
So Jinnah had a prophesy that a hinduvta named modi will be born in India and that he will not allow muslims to live freely wth hindus and ao he came up with the two nation theory
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