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Anti-Jihad 'Savage' Ads Going Up In NYC Subway

State department meet citizen. citizen meet state department. Of course keep in mind this guy's esteemed knowledge of history and region tells him (a s he has claimed)- 'Jihad only started few decades ago'. :D

I have NO idea what you are referring to when you bring in the 'state dept meet the citizen' deal. Are you replying to multiple people? I am not sure if I understood as it was irrelevant. Explain if it meant something.

The 'Jihad' was started a few decades ago...was a reference to the current state of what Jihad has become after the Afghan war in the late 70's. This whole crap that got innocent people killed on 9-11....was from the militarization of the Islamists / Fundamentalists against the soviet. This was the worst idea ever as the whole world's paying the price for arming these crazy maniacs with weapons!!!

By the way, the point was, before the current state of Jihad..there were mass killings in India. They've not stopped....and there were many Christians killed just a few months ago. So to me, the fundamental hindus are doing whatever the equivalent of Jihad is in India too....isn't that the same? Killing innocent people for STUPID religions ideologies?? I don't see people talking about how many hundreds of thousands of people have been killed in India, women raped in different parts of India, etc, etc?? I think that should be a topic on some forum too.
I have NO idea what you are referring to when you bring in the 'state dept meet the citizen' deal. Are you replying to multiple people? I am not sure if I understood as it was irrelevant. Explain if it meant something.

The 'Jihad' was started a few decades ago...was a reference to the current state of what Jihad has become after the Afghan war in the late 70's. This whole crap that got innocent people killed on 9-11....was from the militarization of the Islamists / Fundamentalists against the soviet. This was the worst idea ever as the whole world's paying the price for arming these crazy maniacs with weapons!!!

By the way, the point was, before the current state of Jihad..there were mass killings in India. They've not stopped....and there were many Christians killed just a few months ago. So to me, the fundamental hindus are doing whatever the equivalent of Jihad is in India too....isn't that the same? Killing innocent people for STUPID religions ideologies?? I don't see people talking about how many hundreds of thousands of people have been killed in India, women raped in different parts of India, etc, etc?? I think that should be a topic on some forum too.

you put a whole of gibberish and whole lot lumping the few and far in between Hindu fundamentalist with worldwide jihad you speak of going on now. There are no mass killings in India and if it were you would have have had world wide attention on it. There have been communal issue but nothing on the scope of what the world has seen by Islamist. The facts and stats just show it.

Now I've read very many of your posts and they have the same theme ( anti India theme)- so not fooling anyone. Btw Operation Cyclone was the code name for the United States Central Intelligence ... funding began with $20–30 million per year in 1980 and rose to $630 million per .... Under the Reagan administration and not in the " 70's" .
With 1.6 billion and growing, why is Islam still so evangelical and confrontationalist?

I mean, everyone realizes that Islam is the newest on the block and the instructions per the Book to spread, but is there more to it?
Is it the fact that no other faith is as judgmental?
Or the fact that no other faith looks predominantly without at what the rest of the world is doing or should do, versus within at what is happening with those who already believe - and what they believe in?

Are you saying Christianity, Judiaism or Hinduism don't convert people or force their opinion in different ways? I agree with you on one point, Muslims tend to get emotional and respond defensively. But the rest of the drama is the same in every religion. This is WHY IMO Church and State should be separate. What you believe in is YOUR business. No one else should be involved in it and you shouldn't enforce it to anyone else either.

If you take a look at it, Hinduism has it's issues too. How many hundreds of thousands of people have been killed in India, both minorities, Christians and Muslims. What's that telling you? "Confrontational" or "Murderer"? The point is, EVERY religion has *****d up fractions in it. And that's sad. Everyone should be allowed to practice what they believe in, respect others and live life peacefully. When innocent civilians like 9-11 get killed, THEN you have terrorism to deal with. Under ANY religion, NO ONE should EVER kill or harm another individual in the name of religion. Doing so should be dealt with by giving capital punishment.
Similarly, muslims who've been demonstrating against the movies and in a violent way...should be tried in courts. Speaking and protesting is every human's right. But killing and violence is NOT. It's a crime!!
There are times when you read these posts by people like you and just wonder: "look who's talking

That's a significant step up from what the rest of the non-muslim world wonders when any Muslim - radical or moderate/liberal - talks about tolerance and peace and co-existence.

Yet we sit and discuss do we not?

Nothing is gained from ranting and getting defensive brother.

Look within. Stop looking around and lashing out.

Btw, I am Zoroastrian. Stop referring to me as "you Hindus" everytime you engage me. Not that it bothers me - just clearing some of your many misconceptions.
That's a significant step up from what the rest of the non-muslim world wonders when any Muslim - radical or moderate/liberal - talks about tolerance and peace and co-existence.

Yet we sit and discuss do we not?

Nothing is gained from ranting and getting defensive brother.

Look within. Stop looking around and lashing out.

Btw, I am Zoroastrian. Stop referring to me as "you Hindus" everytime you engage me. Not that it bothers me - just clearing some of your many misconceptions.
It doesn't matter to a man from the Religion of Peace hailing from the Land of the Pure does it ? A Non-Muslim is a Kuffar for the followers of Mo, the rest are just labels like those on Pet Jars.
Instead of ignoring or diverting the question......trying answering it. This is what you guys do, either divert or create another issue. This thread is ALSO not about France, Germany and India...yet you brought all of them in it and made India look like you are at the same level when you are still and will always be a corrupt country with worst human rights record trying to look what
you can never be (i.e. the US, France and Germany).First stop killing Christians, Muslims and Raping Kashmiri women and killing men and children in Kashmir. THEN you can write crap like this.
Jihad and such crap started a few decades ago, you guys have been mass murdering minorities within India and raping & killing Kashmiris for decades. There should be a total BAN on dealing with India just like Iran, until you fix your human rights situation and STOP killing innocents!!!! There are times when you read these posts by people like you and just wonder: "look who's talking

You have no idea what you are talking about do you? Do some research before writing nonsense. First of all , hardly any anti christian riots have ever taken place in India. They were mere small instances that took place in only one indian state, Orissa and hardly 10 Christians died in those attacks. It is regrettable and sad , but that's the number of minorities killed in Muslim countries every week ,so ***** please , we are on totally different levels when it comes to respecting our minorities. As for anti muslim riots , i'm sure you haven't bothered to find out that the 2nd hindu-muslim riots , which took place in 2002 , were started when a muslim mob burnt a train full of hindu pilgrims. The bombay riots were started when some muslim groups in Mumbai started attacking hindus in response to the demolition of babri masjid , which , regrettable as it is , doesn't give the right to muslims to start killing people.

India and one of the worst human rights record? You are firstly not american , and then , either you are totally misinformed and stupid, or just try to act like one.

"Freedom in the World is a yearly survey and report by U.S.-based Freedom House that attempts to measure the degree of democracy and political freedom in every nation and significant disputed territories around the world."
Freedom in the World - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Please look up India's status and then just shut up.
you put a whole of gibberish and whole lot lumping the few and far in between Hindu fundamentalist with worldwide jihad you speak of going on now. There are no mass killings in India and if it were you would have have had world wide attention on it. There have been communal issue but nothing on the scope of what the world has seen by Islamist. The facts and stats just show it.

Now I've read very many of your posts and they have the same theme ( anti India theme)- so not fooling anyone.

Btw Operation Cyclone was the code name for the United States Central Intelligence ... funding began with $20–30 million per year in 1980 and rose to $630 million per .... Under the Reagan administration and not in the " 70's" .

Allow me to help you with a few things:
1) Anti-Indian agenda: Incorrect. I actually would LIKE to see peace between India and Pakistan. I think it'll save the world and millions of people. Second, I have a ton of friends from India. BUT, they call 'crap...'crap'. You guys here, try to portray India as the ultimate country on the planet and everything else that's not. I can give you a list of bad business practices by Indian businessmen in the US and people who offer open bribes to get business from local American companies. It's sad.
Similarly, you guys come on different sites and demonize Islam and especially the Pakistanis due to your personal bias and even the Americans at points.....compare to you, I'll speak the truth no matter what. If that makes me 'Anti India' in someone's eyes....that's fine.
You have a right to have an opinion. I have mine. I call that 'correction' to biased views being presented and I live in the most modern democracy the world's ever known so its my right given to me by my constitution that stands for human freedom. You are entitled to yours so use it as much as you can.
Btw, IF you read my posts (you said you have but I don't think you have), there are PLENTY of posts that criticize Pakistanis, Muslims on certain issues and actually talk about learning from India's educational experience towards growth. You conveniently forgot about those it seems like. I will ALWAYS give credit to where it deserves. That's just me.

When I criticize the Pakistanis and other Muslims and there are members here from that background and a ton of them, they don't come back with stupid high school arguments or call me arrogant, etc, etc. They actually click 'Thanks' on the criticism and debate nicely. You guys get SOOO emotional and so many of you come back and answer with utter nonsense at times.

Last but not least.....you've heard or seen about the 9-11 terror attacks in NYC on the media and in news.....I've seen those barbaric acts IN PERSON. You have NO IDEA how I feel about this terrorism crap. I've lived and seen the pain that I'd rather not talk about. The WORST thing you can EVER see or experience is when people are begging for their lives or jumping from floors down to take that .0001% chance that they know doesn't exist !!!! If I can, I'd wipe out Al-Qaeda like a child erases a name with an eraser on the slate!!! There are VERY few things I hate in the world. These bastard* sitting in the caves in ******* are on top of my hate list. So hopefully, you got my drift.

Oh, btw, thanks for mentioning Operation Cyclone. You should try to avoid discussing these kind of details on here. You don't know what crosses the line from a 'reference' to 'national security detail'. Just a friendly advice :)
"Freedom in the World is a yearly survey and report by U.S.-based Freedom House that attempts to measure the degree of democracy and political freedom in every nation and significant disputed territories around the world."

Freedom in the World - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Please look up India's status and then just shut up.

Everyone knows Wikipedia is people's media. Everyone also knows that the few organizations you can name....are REALLY the lobby owned ones.

Here's what I am talking about and the following include links from Indian media too:

India court sentences 31 to life for killing Muslims in Gujarat - Los Angeles Times

India: Gujarat Officials Took Part in Anti-Muslim Violence | Human Rights Watch

Cops rewarded for killing muslims in india - YouTube

What it means o be a Muslim in India - YouTube

Agonies of kashmiri MUSLIMS.. - YouTube
You cant browbeat anyone into respecting your religion. reform from within and respect would come automatically.

If I post an ad of a Hindu priest wearing that orange dhoti and covered in hindu markings drinking cow piss right from the source and stating "Don't drink piss, drink water.....mineral water", would that be me being a bigot for purposely instigating Hindus, even moderate ones, or would the blame be with Hindus for reacting to that ad?

Try to reason with the thing that is supposedly in your head. If you can use it at all!
Let's say I move into your house and ask you to "leave me alone"...(and yeah...works both ways)

You probably wanted to say, "I move into a house (which you forcibly invaded after defeating the real owners) after purchasing/renting a portion of it, paying all my dues and then ask you to "leave me alone"."

US army is in Pakistan?? Didnt know that ...

You can not even understand the difference b/w a country and a religious following! Not surprising really!
If I post an ad of a Hindu priest wearing that orange dhoti and covered in hindu markings drinking cow piss right from the source and stating "Don't drink piss, drink water.....mineral water", would that be me being a bigot for purposely instigating Hindus, even moderate ones, or would the blame be with Hindus for reacting to that ad?

Try to reason with the thing that is supposedly in your head. If you can use it at all!
One thing for sure, we won't be burning embassies, putting bounties and calling for jihadists like AQ and Taleban to kill nor would we be killing other Hindus/Muslims/Christians/Sikhs/Zorastrians/Martians/Klingons for the hate message. The worst would be destruction of public property and legal notices slapped on the instigators of hate. The other extreme reaction would be what came out in 1927 as a reaction to the similar deed by a Mo follower when the reaction came out in the form of Rangeela Rasool.
We do seem to get the best of the migrants.....better oppurtunity? Large oceans on our border? The muslims in the US are perhaps the best ambassoders of their faith...we should send them back to teach the others.

Right back at ya, the Americans that we get here are quite 'human' too, I wonder what happens to them when they return to America!
One thing for sure, we won't be burning embassies, putting bounties and calling for jihadists like AQ and Taleban to kill nor would we be killing other Hindus/Muslims/Christians/Sikhs/Zorastrians/Martians/Klingons for the hate message. The worst would be destruction of public property and legal notices slapped on the instigators of hate. The other extreme reaction would be what came out in 1927 as a reaction to the similar deed by a Mo follower when the reaction came out in the form of Rangeela Rasool.

Your attitude would change with continued humiliation, disrespect and savagery. Just as an example, have you forgotten the need for freedom of the IndoPak sub continent? Was it all peaceful, the struggle? Why was there a need to do all that?

Don't confuse clash of religions with clash of civilization. It is a continued war on Islam.

Had the same discussion here....not really anti-migrant myself....who migrates? Those who see a better future....those with b@lls. The lazy idiots sit in their ***** with no imagination. The migrants are those who say "Hell no" and leave. How much gumption do you need? A lot! One reason the US is powerful is we are composed of those who don't take it sitting down. (this is @ Safriz....forgot to quote)

Yeah, we know. You travel all the way to Afghanistan to 'take it sitting/standing/lying/screaming and whatever not way'! I hope all that 'taking' wasn't too painful!
nor would we be killing other Hindus/Muslims/Christians/Sikhs/Zorastrians/Martians/Klingons for the hate message. The worst would be destruction of public property and legal notices slapped on the instigators of hate.

I actually agree with the legal notice part. That's what needed to happen in this case too. For the rest where you are saying we (the Hindus) won't be killing anyone , etc, etc due to a hate crime....you are already doing it WITHOUT a hate crime. Not sure how bad it'll get if there was one against Hindu-mata. Read below:

India court sentences 31 to life for killing Muslims in Gujarat - Los Angeles Times

India: Gujarat Officials Took Part in Anti-Muslim Violence | Human Rights Watch

Cops rewarded for killing muslims in india - YouTube

What it means o be a Muslim in India - YouTube

Agonies of kashmiri MUSLIMS.. - YouTube
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