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Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe !


Jun 28, 2010
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Norway gunman says up to 80 anti-Islam cells in Europe
Norway gunman says up to 80 anti-Islam cells in Europe - Indian Express

Norwegian extremist Anders Behring Breivik, who has confessed to twin attacks in July that killed 77 people, says there are "up to 80 cells" in Europe engaged in anti-Islam crusades like his, police said today.

They added however that they did not believe his claims.

"During our interrogations, he claimed there were two other cells in Norway and probably up to 80 people, 80 cells in Europe," police prosecutor Christian Hatlo said.

"But we don't believe it," he said.

Until now, Behring Breivik's lawyer has quoted his client as saying there were "several cells" in Europe in addition to the two alleged ones in Norway.

But today, police said they were "increasingly sure" that the 32-year-old, who is currently being held in custody, acted alone on July 22 and that he had no accomplices.

"For every day that passes we are increasingly sure," Hatlo said, adding "we have found nothing to suggest that accomplices exist even though we refuse to definitively rule out the possibility."

Police have therefore decided to lift Behring Breivik's solitary confinement at the high-security Ila prison imposed since his arrest on July 22, amid fears he might try to contact possible accomplices and get them to destroy evidence.

The decision will however change little in reality, since he will remain fully isolated for his own safety and he will not be allowed to receive mail or visitors and he will have no access to media, Hatlo said.

Behring Breivik has admitted setting off a car bomb outside the government offices in Oslo on July 22, killing eight people, before going on a shooting rampage on the nearby island of Utoeya where the ruling Labour Party's youth wing was hosting a summer camp.

Why has the West not label these anti-Islam cells as "Terrorist Group" ???
no no , they are merely ridding the West of a foreign threat, a foreign ideology, they cannot be called terrorists.
Why has the West not label these anti-Islam cells as "Terrorist Group" ???

Because "west" has not discovered these "terror" groups yet. Who has these mythical cells terrorized yet?

---------- Post added at 07:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:44 AM ----------

It is because the west does not consider terrorising or bombing Muslims as terrorism.

Unlike sentiments displayed towards non-Muslims on this forum?

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Norwegian extremist Anders Behring Breivik, who has confessed to twin attacks in July that killed 77 people, says there are "up to 80 cells" in Europe engaged in anti-Islam crusades like his, police said today.
Norway gunman says up to 80 anti-Islam cells in Europe - Indian Express

Seriously, how old are you? Did your parents take you to Uganda? Just because a guy claims something in court, a country should start making declaration? No one has found these cells. There is no evidence they even exist. And even if they do, unless they actually DO SOMETHING, they cannot be called terror group. Why is it so hard for you understand something even a 10 year old can?
Seriously, how old are you? Did your parents take you to Uganda? Just because a guy claims something in court, a country should start making declaration? No one has found these cells. There is no evidence they even exist. And even if they do, unless they actually DO SOMETHING, they cannot be called terror group. Why is it so hard for you understand something even a 10 year old can?

But when a bomber in india or the US claims that he has links with the ISI it becomes very credible, right?
But when a bomber in india or the US claims that he has links with the ISI it becomes very credible, right?

ISI has a long history of allegedly helping terrorists. It piles up. And no, just saying something doesn't cut it.
Seriously, how old are you? Did your parents take you to Uganda? Just because a guy claims something in court, a country should start making declaration? No one has found these cells. There is no evidence they even exist. And even if they do, unless they actually DO SOMETHING, they cannot be called terror group. Why is it so hard for you understand something even a 10 year old can?
it is a long time they know the neo nazis groups exist here especially from germany to nordic countries, from italia to east europe
why don't they consider them so dangerous? until they don't kill anyone

a few years ago one of these guys tried to kill the president of France
strangely after that the national party was cleaning its party from these groups

but there is something that is quite disgusting :
if americans bomb iraq kill muslims that 's not important
but if they see anywhere in the world a christian killed by a muslim it is a disaster showing how muslims are monsters

another point that i can see in France:
the mormons come to your house to make advertisment for their religion they try at your private place to convince you to be like them
but if one muslim was doing it , it would be shown on all media to say we are djihadists

double standard is true
it is a long time they know the neo nazis groups exist here especially from germany to nordic countries, from italia to east europe
why don't they consider them so dangerous? until they don't kill anyone

Unfortunately, yes. neo-Nazis have openly paraded in front of White House. Free speech protects them. One "white neo-Nazi" was executed for hate crime in US only last week. People are free to speak their mind unless they openly incite violence.

Only thing government can do is to keep close eye on such "cells" if they are ever found and catch them if they are found planning a crime.
West have double standards for the Muslims ...... when it comes to them they talk about human rights , freedom of speech and harmony among religions BUT when it comes to Muslims they have no rights for Muslims , no freedom of speech , no freedom of even wearing a dress of own choice , disrespect to Islam have become one of the most common act in West now .......
when they Attack Muslims countries they kill innocent Muslims and there will be no UN tribunal but when they got killed they try to kill every man on that land and there will not be a single word from West in condemnation of that act
Off Topic: Hafizzz, your flag shows you to be a Ugandan settled in Uganda, and bashing your keyboard from Uganda, though you're a Pakistani. Why?

Are you ashamed to be shown as a Pakistani on this forum? That's why I detest reading anything you spout here because of your hypocrisy and your straw-man effort in trying to hide behind smokescreens!
Off Topic: Hafizzz, your flag shows you to be a Ugandan settled in Uganda, and bashing your keyboard from Uganda, though you're a Pakistani. Why?

Are you ashamed to be shown as a Pakistani on this forum? That's why I detest reading anything you spout here because of your hypocrisy and your straw-man effort in trying to hide behind smokescreens!

There is nothing wrong with Ugandan flag if that is your place of residence. We all know he is from Pakistan. I think his parents took him there.
Off Topic: Hafizzz, your flag shows you to be a Ugandan settled in Uganda, and bashing your keyboard from Uganda, though you're a Pakistani. Why?

Are you ashamed to be shown as a Pakistani on this forum? That's why I detest reading anything you spout here because of your hypocrisy and your straw-man effort in trying to hide behind smokescreens!
personal attacks ............. nice job keep it up
stick to the topic .... if you have nothing to say on topic then there is no need to increase you posts number , you may leave
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