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Anti Hindi storm brewing in Tamilnadu

Should be English then. As many Tamil protestors have pointed out - if a national language is necessary,let it be a language equally alien to all, not one which gives advantage to a section,
No. No foreign language.
My stand has always been this.

Ask other Mallus here. In Kerala the number of Keralites who speak Hindi has increased due to the immigration of Hindi speaking labourers.

This has increased in Tamil Nadu as well. In terms of natural progression, a lot more people will learn Hindi on their own as per national trends. This is true in South India as well.

so in effect without declaring Hindi as national language you have increased the amount of people who understand Hindi.

People on the Hindi chauvinist side and Tamil language chauvinists are motivated by the same thing. An inflated sense of linguistic ego.

I don't have a problem with Hindi. I do however have a problem with Hindi chauvinists and those who look down on Indians who don't speak Hindi.

And sounding quite regionalistic, I see no reason why Southies should let North Indians walk all over them.

Yeah, even I know hindi because of watching movies and stuff. But making it 'offciial' is out of the question. it does not represent the culture of the land and we don't have to artificially seed it in to 'look' homogenous. The problem with Sanghi morons is that they belong to the stone age. In the modern paradigm it is accepted that race, religion, language are not needed for a state- it is primarily a political entity and homogeneity is not needed. One of these jokers even said that it's time people of the south became 'mainstream' by learning hindi. Now let's look at it- South: poulations under control, fast growing, 100% literacy decades ago and modern (like Bangalore). Hindi heartland: singficantly illiterate, backward, pop out of control, poor, unemployment riven and lawaless- their idea of 'mainstream' is the exact opposite of what it should be.
Just to put some perspective in to the language issue especially to Indian posters that seem to be misinformed by one sided information.. 70% of the people in Lanka spoke Sinhalese as their mother tongue when the country gained independence but English remained the official language of the country.. (Btw English is the language of my community, Just to make sure i dont come as biased)

And to correct this colonial impasse the govt made Sinhalese the national language of the country while giving Tamil the language of some 20% of the population official status along with English in 1959.. The then Tamil political hierarchy (ironically all English educated)made an issue of this and agitated for 50/50 representation, which let to the civil conflict and in later years to a devastating war that was hijacked by the polity in Tamil Nadu for their own motive of Tamil hegemony and made use by the Indira Gandhi regime to destabilize a pro western GOSL during the height of the cold war

My question is.. If Hindi was the language of 70% Indians, Would any of you disagree on it being the national/official language of India ?

This is PM Solomon Bandaranaike explaining the language policy

@DRAY, @Contrarian ,@abjktu @nair, @kurup
A very good question that is always overlooked when discussing history of SL conflict. We bash past leaders without understanding the realities they faced at different different times. The truth is there is no black and white situation.

The swabhasha policy was a necessity of that time. That policy made it possible for many sons and daughters of sinhala farmers villagers to get an education and good jobs. The rural sinhala people came forward in terms of quality of living after this.

I can say many many sinhala people who lead distinguished jobs had a chance after this policy. But certianly this had inadequacies....that is forgetting the non sinhala speaking natives.
Yeah, even I know hindi because of watching movies and stuff. But making it 'offciial' is out of the question. it does not represent the culture of the land and we don't have to artificially seed it in to 'look' homogenous. The problem with Sanghi morons is that they belong to the stone age. In the modern paradigm it is accepted that race, religion, language are not needed for a state- it is primarily a political entity and homogeneity is not needed. One of these jokers even said that it's time people of the south became 'mainstream' by learning hindi. Now let's look at it- South: poulations under control, fast growing, 100% literacy decades ago and modern (like Bangalore). Hindi heartland: singficantly illiterate, backward, pop out of control, poor, unemployment riven and lawaless- their idea of 'mainstream' is the exact opposite of what it should be.
Not official. Just national language. Official language should be English.
Should be English then. As many Tamil protestors have pointed out - if a national language is necessary,let it be a language equally alien to all, not one which gives advantage to a section,

If Tamils had no problem to English which is much more foreign to them than Hindi, why do they have problem in Hindi. Is it because you guys feel inferior to Hindi and north Indians?
But it was not Sinhala ONLY as the video also explains
exactly! there was freedom to use tamil as an administrative language in north and east and especially in rest of SL.
But what made wrong was, Tamil civil servants had to learn Sinhala to go to higher statuses again which can be debated in two ways.
Hindi and north Indians are superior to south indian. Its just natural order of things, and south indians kwill eventually succumb to Hindi only.
But both are superior to joker bangladeshis
Try Malayalam then.....i bet you won't see the next morning..hik hik.
is there such a tamil and malayalam language issue in south india..i like Malayalam and the way it sounds :)
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