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Anti Hindi storm brewing in Tamilnadu

In that case, everyone would agree that Hindi is the predominant language spoken. People who want to call it a national language should do so. Those who don't, need not. As long as there is no involvement of the government in announcing anything.
That is why said, we must conduct a poll. But Indrani was saying that it will lead to riots.
Tamil will surpass Hindi to be the most sort after language of the world
good for me then,I could speak Tamil way more fluent than Hindi...i am eagerly waiting for that day...
Make Sinhala and Tamil compulsory in all schools of Srilanka...It will help the Tamils and Muslims to integrate more with Sinhalese and viceversa....its not a big deal to learn two languages along with English..
Actually when we were at school, we were taught Tamil Grade 6 to 9. But now I have forgotten the most of it apart from its alphabet. It's too hard to handle three languages which are completely different from each other.
I have met tamilians and knows pretty well how they feel towards people from northern india and the fact the most of the top brass in Delhi , army and bureaucracy are from north despite the fact Tamils are more educated , sophisticated and civil people.

This has to be the most ridiculous thing i have heard. There are more IAS officers from TN than any other state.

Majority of RBI governors were from the south.
This has to be the most ridiculous thing i have heard. There are more IAS officers from TN than any other state.

Majority of RBI governors were from the south.
I replied him. Now waiting for his reply.

Err...you forgot Field Marshal Cariappa, the first CoAS. Shouldn't Pakistanis have heard of him?
yes, how can I forgot ? I must be blind.
No my question it why a poll will lead to riot as you have mentioned ?

It will lead to a riot because it will be considered as transgression of Hindiwallahs on others. No one is interested in knowing which is the national language of India other than Hindiwallahs. You conduct a poll only in UP/Bihar and other Hindi speaking states and keep your opinion within the confines of those states. Do not bring that shit to other states.
that is a flawed logic,
ps-look at the popoulation of up,bihar in relation with other states
% . I was talking about %

It will lead to a riot because it will be considered as transgression of Hindiwallahs on others. No one is interested in knowing which is the national language of India other than Hindiwallahs. You conduct a poll only in UP/Bihar and other Hindi speaking states and keep your opinion within the confines of those states. Do not bring that shit to other states.
Why it should be considered when all languages are there in the poll ?
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