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ANP’s Obaidullah Yousufzai shot dead in Karachi

Pukhtoon...alaka sta zara waree che sta puktane owajnaley shi?
Na pukhtanh oona wagale she kho pa khpal mulk keh de war sara ziate hom

oo na she che pa khpal mulk keh pe pabande oolagi che dalta ba ze ao dalta

ba na ze.

baki da wajalo khabra no khoga rora haga kho hase hom wajale keegi

oogora ka da MQM da lasa de ao ka da Fouj ao ka da ISI ganee no drone ho

charta tale na de !!

We are suffering !!
Pukhtoon...agree with you, but ANP has no one to call for help neither do ANP has any strategy or strong political minded people to successfully talk to MQM and get a deal out of it.
MQM is the REAL TERRORIST organization...

They always claim we are Gangs here... Land MAfia... 1000 of mafia... Drug dealers.... Drug Mafias ... Underworld... Gangs etc in KArachi WTF u owned Karachi govt since last 20 years and you guys dont know who they are ??? BS MQM
Karachi Operation 1992 to 1999 and its result ..

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where are our uselesss paramiltitary ranger forces & police , they cant take actions they cant catch criminals , rangers should be send back to the border areas may be they can do a thing there. I wont be surprised if they are behind conspiring unrest in karachi. Like in the past our state agencies have
where are our uselesss paramiltitary ranger forces & police , they cant take actions they cant catch criminals , rangers should be send back to the border areas may be they can do a thing there. I wont be surprised if they are behind conspiring unrest in karachi. Like in the past our state agencies have

Yes they are conspiring against Karachi and even when you are enjoying the fruits of federal and provincial govt.

God knows how you believe in all this just to hide the crimes of your haq parast party.

Either its the day of Death of Benazir Bhutto or Target killings ... did u notice why everytime KARACHI become victim ? and police/Rangers deliberately do nothing...

Benazir died in Rawalpindi .. her funderal occured in Garhi Khuda Baksh .. her 100% support was in Larkana ... but u will not see such extreeme reaction neither in Larkana , nor in Rawalpindi or Garhi Khuda Baksh .. but Karachi is always the easiest target for destruction .
MQM was created due to political vacuum and utter helplessness of people of Karachi. Sindhis, Punjabis, Pakhtuns, Seraikis, Balochs, etc come and settle in karachi while there are no funds available to build infrastructure to settle them. There is competition for jobs, housing, places in colleges and universities. There is water and electricity shortages. Northern areas of Pakistan are sending their excess population to Karachi while natural disasters like earthquakes, droughts and floods. You cannot have 18 million people in a large city without funding for them it creates problems.
Why is no one blaming over population in the city with no planning done in 30 years? Idle hands are the devils tools .. This problem is here to stay and its definately getting worse. Thank the Punjabi members for their insightful comments as always.
=Areesh;1081743]Yes they are conspiring against Karachi and even when you are enjoying the fruits of federal and provincial govt.

:what: who you refered as YOU here ?

God knows how you believe in all this just to hide the crimes of your haq parast party.

92 operation in karachi heard about it , was conducted by our own army initially to crush and split karachi's representation ! MQM was accused of planning Jinnahpur does that ring any bells !! it what planet have u been on ? :rolleyes:
MQM was created due to political vacuum and utter helplessness of people of Karachi. Sindhis, Punjabis, Pakhtuns, Seraikis, Balochs, etc come and settle in karachi while there are no funds available to build infrastructure to settle them. There is competition for jobs, housing, places in colleges and universities. There is water and electricity shortages. Northern areas of Pakistan are sending their excess population to Karachi while natural disasters like earthquakes, droughts and floods. You cannot have 18 million people in a large city without funding for them it creates problems.

thanks for that and there are a zilion more reason which MQM voters know very well , khietes have been acused of racism where in the same punjabi city there are no pukhtoon masses living like karachi can some one enlighten here why is this ? why are they not allowed in lahore, pindi , islamabad. From IDP issues to operation is wazirsitan people are coming in millions , some of them are from criminal back grounds or are fundo talibans ... this problem has started since those people have started arriving in karachi ... otherwise khietes and pukhtoons have been living side by side from deades as they both are essential part of karachis economy there is no difference or issues btw mohajirs and pukhtoons this all has started due to ANP faliure in KP since they are kicked out of KP now they want a base so that they either deliberatly or stupidly for eg KP use politics to let the criminal elements infiltrate in karachi. MQM is against this and we will let these scum bags ruin our city which is already shatered after decades of unrest!
may allah have mercy on karachi, peaceful city turning into flames..

peace should prevail in the city

its all happening because of PPP, leaving country onto ruins and ethnic division.
Is this by any chance the doing of some terrorist organizations? They may just want to stoke unrest in the city to achieve their goal of anarchy.
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