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Another wave of Anti-Pakistani campaign in Turkey brewing. This time, Ataturk and Nuclear Technology is being discussed.

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What is this Hinduism you talk about? I don't know anything like this.

We in India had long tradition of a religion which we call Sanatan Dharm. Or simply Dharm at times. It goes back 1000s of years and to be honest, no one knows how long back. Hinduism etc etc etc are the names given by British.
Yes. Hinduism was invented by the British - that much we can agree on. However, many BJP Indians are asleep to this fact.
I think a tragedy in Pakistan is that we didn't retain Farsi/Persian as our state language. Historically, that was the state language of our ancestral rulers dating through to the Mughals, Delhi Sultanate, etc. IMO that language could've helped us build deeper bridges in Iran and Afghanistan.

Our current language was in use with us for much longer, starting with Ghaznavid rule in Lahore since the 11th century and even having it's own name, Lashkari, before being replaced by "urdu" during Mughal rule.
What the heck did I just read? Some good discussions on the origin of language interspersed with real desi language on peoples origins! :lol:
Turkey is one to talk.

Well forget about name calling on social media against all Pakistanis. The esteemed self proclaimed defenders of Turkiye have outdid themselves in evil;

Warning brothers graphic indeed, 86 years old, disabled and kicked.

An elderly Syrian woman is recovering in hospital after being kicked in the face by a man in the Turkish city of Gaziantep, in the midst of a rising wave of anti-refugee sentiment in the country.

A video, shared widely in Turkey and Syria over the past few days, shows the woman, Leyla Muhammed, attacked while she sat on a bench.

The attacker, named by police as Sakir Cakir, has been arrested on charges of willful injury. The Turkish citizen said he had been told that Muhammed was a kidnapper, according to a statement he gave to police.

The victim is mentally disabled, local news reports indicated.

The person who beat Leyla has been arrested. She has been admitted to the hospital and her treatment has begun. Together with my wife and colleagues, we visited her and conveyed the wishes of our dear nation for her to get well soon. We stand with the oppressed against the oppressor,” said Gaziantep Governor Davut Gul in a statement on Twitter after visiting the hospital.

Gaziantep is a city of two million people located near the Syrian border, and is also home to nearly half a million Syrian refugees.

Turkey hosts 3.7 million Syrians, while the number of those seeking refuge in the country from Afghanistan and other nations has also steadily increased.

Polls indicate that the majority of Turkish citizens want the refugees to return to their countries, and one increasingly popular opposition politician, Umit Ozdag, has framed his entire platform on promising to send them back.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has pushed back against that sentiment and has announced that refugees are welcome in Turkey. Erdogan has, however, encouraged resettlement for those who want to return to Syria.

It is a politically risky stance as Turkey’s next elections are due in 2023, and many Turkish citizens hold refugees responsible for the ongoing economic crisis in the country, with the Turkish lira experiencing severe devaluation and inflation reaching alarming rates.

Former Gaziantep parliamentarian Samil Tayyar noted in a tweet that Cakir has an extensive criminal record.

The assault has been condemned by a variety of individuals and organisations on social media.

Many Syrians have taken photos covering one side of their face with their palm, imitating an image of Muhammed after she had been hit.

“It’s a kick in the face of humanity and one of many for us as Syrians. I’m standing in solidarity with the 70-year-old Syrian woman, Leyla, who was kicked in her face yesterday by a racist in Gaziantep, Turkey,” tweeted Syrian journalist Husam Hezaber.

Turkey’s International Refugee Rights Association stated that it was tracking the situation.

“All criminal complaints and court proceedings regarding the attacker will be followed to the very end by the lawyers of our association,” the organisation said on Twitter.

Others highlighted the video as a further example of violence towards women in Turkey.

“The kick launched at the Syrian woman was launched against all of humanity. Every day, thousands of immigrant women are subjected to torture, violence and humiliation. We will absolutely bring to account this racism and this violence,” Turkey’s Women’s Solidarity Committees said.

haha. Typical delusional.
Can never take responsibility for actions, no wonder Pakistan is in the situation its in.
You guys have the 4th worst passport in the world for a reason, and much before the Turks turned on you.
Saying i am great is meaningless when even your closest alies

Turkey and China give visas to Indians so easily and try and keep you out.
Lol where's your source for this claim - your big a** hole (result of a western prison cause in an Indian prison it would still remain quite small 🤣)
So many people go to China like nothing, we have thousands of scholarships on thier universities, buisness etc aside
Don't know about turkey

If you're smart you'll understand, Indians should be the absolute last people running thier mouth
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haha. Typical delusional.
Can never take responsibility for actions, no wonder Pakistan is in the situation its in.
You guys have the 4th worst passport in the world for a reason, and much before the Turks turned on you.
Saying i am great is meaningless when even your closest alies Turkey and China give visas to Indians so easily and try and keep you out.
Indians talking big whilst shitting on the roadside. 😂💩💩💩💩

The advice part of the ministry document that was signed workers who went to work abroad in 1960s :

Be Honorable:
-You shouldn't live in worse conditions than necessary, just because you'll save money.
-Don't ask for anything from anyone else, don't show your situation even if you are in need.
-Don't try to make others feel bad for yourself.
-Don't try to do things for free that should be done with money.
-Never be stingy
-Turn your back on provocative people

Don't Forget Your Family and Home
-Write letters to your home and loved ones regularly
-Don't write to your family about all your troubles and don't upset them.
-Learn to be thrifty, send money to your family if you can

Protect Your Health
-Take care of yourself
-Do not be drunk
-Maintain sleep patterns
-Stay away from nasty behavior

Use your intelligence well
-Learn your job quickly and always try to do your best
-Don't be afraid to ask what you don't know.
-Do not cause material wastage in your work by carelessness
-Never be lazy, always finish your work on time
-Don't listen to those who say never mind
-Respect managers and hierarchy in the workplace

Think of Your Flag
- The good or bad work you do in a foreign country does not belong to you, but to your nation.
- Remember the honor of the flag, do not forget that you get its color from the blood of your ancestors
- Stick to your religion and faith, don't leave it!

"May your path and fortune be clear."

(Under this, workers written that 'I have read and understood'.)

60 years later, this time the immigration office should apply a similar practice.
haha. Typical delusional.
Can never take responsibility for actions, no wonder Pakistan is in the situation its in.
You guys have the 4th worst passport in the world for a reason, and much before the Turks turned on you.
Saying i am great is meaningless when even your closest alies Turkey and China give visas to Indians so easily and try and keep you out.
Are you sure they are necessarily favorable towards you?

Melissa's response to an indian troll.png
I know you are trying to gain sympathy from humble Islamist Pakistanis here. Not my concern but since you mentioned my country as some Turkish colonized territory then I am going to answer please read this carefully.

Turkish have never ever ruled any part of IRAN. Ever. Your Turkish identity (still ~80-85 % Indoeuropean Anatolian by blood) is merely 800-850 years old. Turkey is not an Oghuz nation by any means. It is not the legacy of the Seljuk empire or anything. This is an adapted identity by a native Anatolian population which by thick major proportion is still genetically Indo-European (Nonturkic) like neighboring Iranics, Armenians, and even Syriacs. Turkish identity is a socio-linguistic adaptation of a migrant monarch and nothing else. One can larp as much as they want but blood does not lie man.

Ever since your Anatolian Turk identity established itself and my Azeri Turk Identity (Afshar Qereqlu Turk from Khoy) settled, No Turkish has ever ruled Iran. We clashed, fought wars, and exchanged territories in the middle east but that is it. Even at the times when the ottoman empire was very successful in subduing and colonizing arabs, Balkans, etc they failed to move an inch into Iranian territory because of us Azeris Turks of Iran.

Pre-Turk Identity, it was a different ball game as Persian + Medes (Kurds, Pre Turkification Azeris) Iranics ruled your entire country (preserved in ~80-85% of your genetic construct) for centuries, extending into Thrace (they were superpowers). When they did not, it was Greeks or Byzantines. The point is Anatolia was a colonized bone of contention between Iranian empires and Southern Europe. Post Turkification no Anatolian Turk has ever expanded into Iran. I respect Turkey for we share blood, culture, food, and linguistics. Even if you look at our genetics, Iran and Turkey are extremely close to each other like blood-brother nations. I just wanted to clarify this misconception. You may carry on with whatever is going on in this thread.

This is the map of the Achaemenid empire ... similar territory was maintained by other persian/iranic empires for centuries.

I would have to disagree about the Anatolian part. I would argue that most of their DNA is not Anatolian because Anatolians went extinct centuries before Islam.

They are indeed more Iranic, Hellenic, Semitic and to a lesser degree Kavkaz, Balkan & Hellenic, which is mostly what you've pointed out.
I know you are trying to gain sympathy from humble Islamist Pakistanis here. Not my concern but since you mentioned my country as some Turkish colonized territory then I am going to answer please read this carefully.

Turkish have never ever ruled any part of IRAN. Ever. Your Turkish identity (still ~80-85 % Indoeuropean Anatolian by blood) is merely 800-850 years old. Turkey is not an Oghuz nation by any means. It is not the legacy of the Seljuk empire or anything. This is an adapted identity by a native Anatolian population which by thick major proportion is still genetically Indo-European (Nonturkic) like neighboring Iranics, Armenians, and even Syriacs. Turkish identity is a socio-linguistic adaptation of a migrant monarch and nothing else. One can larp as much as they want but blood does not lie man.


Ever since your Anatolian Turk identity established itself and my Azeri Turk Identity (Afshar Qereqlu Turk from Khoy) settled, No Turkish has ever ruled Iran. We clashed, fought wars, and exchanged territories in the middle east but that is it. Even at the times when the ottoman empire was very successful in subduing and colonizing arabs, Balkans, etc they failed to move an inch into Iranian territory because of us Azeris Turks of Iran.

Pre-Turk Identity, it was a different ball game as Persian + Medes (Kurds, Pre Turkification Azeris) Iranics ruled your entire country (preserved in ~80-85% of your genetic construct) for centuries, extending into Thrace (they were superpowers). When they did not, it was Greeks or Byzantines. The point is Anatolia was a colonized bone of contention between Iranian empires and Southern Europe. Post Turkification no Anatolian Turk has ever expanded into Iran. I respect Turkey for we share blood, culture, food, and linguistics. Even if you look at our genetics, Iran and Turkey are extremely close to each other like blood-brother nations. I just wanted to clarify this misconception. You may carry on with whatever is going on in this thread.

This is the map of the Achaemenid empire ... similar territory was maintained by other persian/iranic empires for centuries.


And this is a post Turkification map of the Qizilbash empire of Afshars at its max. Like I said, ever since our identities were established, the Iran-Turkey border came into being which never really changed to this day.

In 1037, the Seljuk Empire, a Turkic state, was founded northeast of Iran in Central Asia and quickly overran much of Persia, Iraq, and the Levant. By the 1060s, the Seljuk Empire bordered Byzantine Asia Minor. It should be noted that the Turks were a minority, ruling a Persian, Arab, and Kurdish majority.


The advice part of the ministry document that was signed workers who went to work abroad in 1960s :

Be Honorable:
-You shouldn't live in worse conditions than necessary, just because you'll save money.
-Don't ask for anything from anyone else, don't show your situation even if you are in need.
-Don't try to make others feel bad for yourself.
-Don't try to do things for free that should be done with money.
-Never be stingy
-Turn your back on provocative people

Don't Forget Your Family and Home
-Write letters to your home and loved ones regularly
-Don't write to your family about all your troubles and don't upset them.
-Learn to be thrifty, send money to your family if you can

Protect Your Health
-Take care of yourself
-Do not be drunk
-Maintain sleep patterns
-Stay away from nasty behavior

Use your intelligence well
-Learn your job quickly and always try to do your best
-Don't be afraid to ask what you don't know.
-Do not cause material wastage in your work by carelessness
-Never be lazy, always finish your work on time
-Don't listen to those who say never mind
-Respect managers and hierarchy in the workplace

Think of Your Flag
- The good or bad work you do in a foreign country does not belong to you, but to your nation.
- Remember the honor of the flag, do not forget that you get its color from the blood of your ancestors
- Stick to your religion and faith, don't leave it!

"May your path and fortune be clear."

(Under this, workers written that 'I have read and understood'.)

60 years later, this time the immigration office should apply a similar practice.

Very nice!
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