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Another wave of Anti-Pakistani campaign in Turkey brewing. This time, Ataturk and Nuclear Technology is being discussed.

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those BTW werent Pakistanis.........I had reviewed those videos shared by the turks that i interacted in twitter. Those were Indian Punjabis, Bangladeshis or indian muslims. They were making videos with loud indian punjabi bhangra music in the background etc and r dark skinned with those silly mustaches that indians keep.

There r only 15000 Pakistanis in Turkey. There aint no refugees of Pak there as we arnt from a war torn country. We dont get refugee status in either Europe or Turkey or elsewhere. Its just that these ''mighty turks'' cant differentiate b/w different nationalities. They see a dark skinned person and think he is a Pakistani. Even though we Pakistanis dont have much of a dark skin. We r much more fairer in complexation then Indians/BD people. I taught them how we Pakistanis look and how our language sounds like.

We r much more closer to Kurds in our looks, thats the example i gave them to make them understand how a typical Pakistani look is like.

I was shown 3 videos by them and out of those 3 only one video i had suspected was a Pakistani, as he had a bit fairer complexation like how Faisalabadis look. But that too was suspicion.

I advised them that report such accounts in tiktok or in social media to police instead of bitching and moaning in internet abt those people that u dont know abt. Even this that they arnt refugees in anywhere in the World.

Mainly the Pakistanis who go to Turkey are tourists! Second group are of Students then the 3rd and final group are of scientists and engineers. And those scientists and engineers work in their def. sector. With ASFAT for construction of Milgem class for PN, designing of Jinnah Class with STM. Manufacturing and updating of Anka UAVs with TAI and on the other projects like TFX etc. There r also a lot of engineers working with Bayraktar on their projects and a lot with Havelsan and Rocketsan as well. Their Khan Ballistic missile even has a lot of Pakistani input in it.

Pakistan is the 7th largest producer of doctors and engineers in the World. And Turkey also has an agreement with Pak to tap this resource of Pakistan. Its also a Missile and Nuclear power. Infect its the fastest growing nuke power in the world.

These r the facts i told them to educate them abt Pakistan.
haha. Typical delusional.
Can never take responsibility for actions, no wonder Pakistan is in the situation its in.
You guys have the 4th worst passport in the world for a reason, and much before the Turks turned on you.
Saying i am great is meaningless when even your closest alies Turkey and China give visas to Indians so easily and try and keep you out.
those BTW werent Pakistanis.........I had reviewed those videos shared by the turks that i interacted in twitter. Those were Indian Punjabis, Bangladeshis or indian muslims. They were making videos with loud indian punjabi bhangra music in the background etc and r dark skinned with those silly mustaches that indians keep.

There r only 15000 Pakistanis in Turkey. There aint no refugees of Pak there as we arnt from a war torn country. We dont get refugee status in either Europe or Turkey or elsewhere. Its just that these ''mighty turks'' cant differentiate b/w different nationalities. They see a dark skinned person and think he is a Pakistani. Even though we Pakistanis dont have much of a dark skin. We r much more fairer in complexation then Indians/BD people. I taught them how we Pakistanis look and how our language sounds like.

They could be East Punjabi muhajirs with Pakistani citizenship.
not at all.
Pakistanis are like pros....es, initially you guys were the gfs of the British- thats how Pakistan came into being, then Americans, then the arabs and now the Chinese.
The Turks you just tried to use to improve your scummy and slummy reputations, by association.
Now they see you for what you are...
Well forget about name calling on social media against all Pakistanis. The esteemed self proclaimed defenders of Turkiye have outdid themselves in evil;

Warning brothers graphic indeed, 86 years old, disabled and kicked.

An elderly Syrian woman is recovering in hospital after being kicked in the face by a man in the Turkish city of Gaziantep, in the midst of a rising wave of anti-refugee sentiment in the country.

A video, shared widely in Turkey and Syria over the past few days, shows the woman, Leyla Muhammed, attacked while she sat on a bench.

The attacker, named by police as Sakir Cakir, has been arrested on charges of willful injury. The Turkish citizen said he had been told that Muhammed was a kidnapper, according to a statement he gave to police.

The victim is mentally disabled, local news reports indicated.

The person who beat Leyla has been arrested. She has been admitted to the hospital and her treatment has begun. Together with my wife and colleagues, we visited her and conveyed the wishes of our dear nation for her to get well soon. We stand with the oppressed against the oppressor,” said Gaziantep Governor Davut Gul in a statement on Twitter after visiting the hospital.

Gaziantep is a city of two million people located near the Syrian border, and is also home to nearly half a million Syrian refugees.

Turkey hosts 3.7 million Syrians, while the number of those seeking refuge in the country from Afghanistan and other nations has also steadily increased.

Polls indicate that the majority of Turkish citizens want the refugees to return to their countries, and one increasingly popular opposition politician, Umit Ozdag, has framed his entire platform on promising to send them back.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has pushed back against that sentiment and has announced that refugees are welcome in Turkey. Erdogan has, however, encouraged resettlement for those who want to return to Syria.

It is a politically risky stance as Turkey’s next elections are due in 2023, and many Turkish citizens hold refugees responsible for the ongoing economic crisis in the country, with the Turkish lira experiencing severe devaluation and inflation reaching alarming rates.

Former Gaziantep parliamentarian Samil Tayyar noted in a tweet that Cakir has an extensive criminal record.

The assault has been condemned by a variety of individuals and organisations on social media.

Many Syrians have taken photos covering one side of their face with their palm, imitating an image of Muhammed after she had been hit.

“It’s a kick in the face of humanity and one of many for us as Syrians. I’m standing in solidarity with the 70-year-old Syrian woman, Leyla, who was kicked in her face yesterday by a racist in Gaziantep, Turkey,” tweeted Syrian journalist Husam Hezaber.

Turkey’s International Refugee Rights Association stated that it was tracking the situation.

“All criminal complaints and court proceedings regarding the attacker will be followed to the very end by the lawyers of our association,” the organisation said on Twitter.

Others highlighted the video as a further example of violence towards women in Turkey.

“The kick launched at the Syrian woman was launched against all of humanity. Every day, thousands of immigrant women are subjected to torture, violence and humiliation. We will absolutely bring to account this racism and this violence,” Turkey’s Women’s Solidarity Committees said.

Wow this guy is a fucking animal and should get his legs broken. Motherfucker
LOL That is funny considering you Indians have been cussing Pakistanis for being Turkish slaves for years. Dirty Hindustani. Make up your mind rape maniac.

Technically we are the actual Hindustanis, being the people of the Indus Valley. They are the Gangestanis being the people of the Ganges.
Much of "India" was actually carved out of formerly Muslim-ruled lands. In a way, "India" came out of Pakistan, not the other way around.

Yes because "India" prior to colonization referred to the land of the Indus and not the newly established country that adopted the name.
*Yawn* There was no Islam before 610 AD... so... whats the point "No this before that year".

Because unlike "Hinduism" which is a fictional British construct from the 1800s, Islam does not claim to be thousands of years old. Islam as we know it is based on the Hadiths which were written centuries after Muhammed died, so it's a different argument all together.
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at the moment you Pakistanis are the symbol of rape and molestation in turkey , your close Islamic friend.
Guess this thread is above your iq level.

Well , your sis was satisfied .
And thats what matters...

Well , your sis was satisfied .
And thats what matters...

Did you not see those Twitter threads in Turkish explaining rape culture in India? Did you not see the comments?
Well forget about name calling on social media against all Pakistanis. The esteemed self proclaimed defenders of Turkiye have outdid themselves in evil;

Warning brothers graphic indeed, 86 years old, disabled and kicked.

An elderly Syrian woman is recovering in hospital after being kicked in the face by a man in the Turkish city of Gaziantep, in the midst of a rising wave of anti-refugee sentiment in the country.

A video, shared widely in Turkey and Syria over the past few days, shows the woman, Leyla Muhammed, attacked while she sat on a bench.

The attacker, named by police as Sakir Cakir, has been arrested on charges of willful injury. The Turkish citizen said he had been told that Muhammed was a kidnapper, according to a statement he gave to police.

The victim is mentally disabled, local news reports indicated.

The person who beat Leyla has been arrested. She has been admitted to the hospital and her treatment has begun. Together with my wife and colleagues, we visited her and conveyed the wishes of our dear nation for her to get well soon. We stand with the oppressed against the oppressor,” said Gaziantep Governor Davut Gul in a statement on Twitter after visiting the hospital.

Gaziantep is a city of two million people located near the Syrian border, and is also home to nearly half a million Syrian refugees.

Turkey hosts 3.7 million Syrians, while the number of those seeking refuge in the country from Afghanistan and other nations has also steadily increased.

Polls indicate that the majority of Turkish citizens want the refugees to return to their countries, and one increasingly popular opposition politician, Umit Ozdag, has framed his entire platform on promising to send them back.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has pushed back against that sentiment and has announced that refugees are welcome in Turkey. Erdogan has, however, encouraged resettlement for those who want to return to Syria.

It is a politically risky stance as Turkey’s next elections are due in 2023, and many Turkish citizens hold refugees responsible for the ongoing economic crisis in the country, with the Turkish lira experiencing severe devaluation and inflation reaching alarming rates.

Former Gaziantep parliamentarian Samil Tayyar noted in a tweet that Cakir has an extensive criminal record.

The assault has been condemned by a variety of individuals and organisations on social media.

Many Syrians have taken photos covering one side of their face with their palm, imitating an image of Muhammed after she had been hit.

“It’s a kick in the face of humanity and one of many for us as Syrians. I’m standing in solidarity with the 70-year-old Syrian woman, Leyla, who was kicked in her face yesterday by a racist in Gaziantep, Turkey,” tweeted Syrian journalist Husam Hezaber.

Turkey’s International Refugee Rights Association stated that it was tracking the situation.

“All criminal complaints and court proceedings regarding the attacker will be followed to the very end by the lawyers of our association,” the organisation said on Twitter.

Others highlighted the video as a further example of violence towards women in Turkey.

“The kick launched at the Syrian woman was launched against all of humanity. Every day, thousands of immigrant women are subjected to torture, violence and humiliation. We will absolutely bring to account this racism and this violence,” Turkey’s Women’s Solidarity Committees said.

And look at the comments from them after a top politician went to visit the poor old lady.

I find the historical and linguistic turn that this thread has taken pleasantly surprising given how it started out. As a native Urdu speaker currently learning Turkish, let me just say that there is much more common between the two languages than 24 words as @Novus ordu seclorum seems to say. I will write down a list off the top of my head that will easily go beyond 24:
  1. Cevab = Jawab (Answer)
  2. Cunku = Choonkay (Because)
  3. Her = Her (Every)
  4. Defol = Dafa (get out)
  5. Uceret = Ujrat (Fare, Payment)
  6. Ya = Ya (Or)
  7. Kitap = Kitab (Book)
  8. Rengarenk = Rangarang (Colorful)
  9. Aksam = Shaam (Evening)
  10. Sabah = Subah (Morning)
  11. mukemmel = mukambal (Perfect, Complete)
  12. Duvar = Deevar (Wall)
  13. Yani = Yani (Therefore)
  14. Cep = Jaib (Pocket)
  15. Meyve = Maive (Fruit, dryfruit)
  16. Tamam = tamam (Okay, complete)
  17. Lutfen = Lutf (Please, pleasure)
  18. Cay = Chai (Tea)
  19. Baraber = Baraber (With)
  20. Seker = Shakar (Sugar)
  21. Corba = Shorba (Soup)
  22. Tava = Tava (Pan)
  23. Sakin = Sakin (Calm, immovable)
  24. Tatil = Tateel (Holiday)
  25. Cuma = Jumma (Friday)
  26. Ahliyet = Ehliyat (License, Eligibility)
  27. Fark = Farq (Difference)
  28. Defa = Dafa (times)
  29. Sehir = Shehr (City)
  30. Lugat = Lughat (Vocabulary, Dictionary)
  31. Zaman = Zamana (Period)
  32. Sey = Shay (thing)
  33. Tarih = Tareekh (Date/History)
  34. Vucut = Wujood (Body, Existence)
  35. Edbiyat = Adabyat (Literature)
Ok I'll stop now - I do have other things to do lol. I am an absolute beginner so I bet someone that speaks both languages well can point out many many more words. Some words are pronounced slightly differently, some words are used slightly differently, but the connection is obvious.

The point I was trying to make was this:
Yes, like any other people, we are extremely proud of our linguistic heritage, but languages inevitably mix with each other when in geographical proximity. This is why Urdu has so many Arabic, Persian, and Turkish words. Therefore, it would be disingenuous to deny the impact of Turkish on Urdu.

Interestingly, the grammar is often very similar too - you can often translate word-for-word and get the right thing. This is not something you can do between Urdu and English, for example - this has to do with the subject-verb order I think. Example:
- Mainay aik saib khaya (mainay = I did, aik = one, saib = apple, khaya = ate)
- Ben bir elma yerim (ben = me, bir = one, elma = apple, yerim = I ate)
- I ate an apple
"The most interesting part of this research is that the list of 2,608 words common in Turkish and Urdu only contains 24 words which are pure Turkish. The rest are either Arabic, Persian or English words used commonly by Turks and Urdu speakers."
Because unlike "Hinduism" which is a fictional British construct from the 1800s, Islam does not claim to be thousands of years old. Islam as we know it based on the Hadiths which were written centuries after Muhammed died so it's a different argument all together.
What is this Hinduism you talk about? I don't know anything like this.

We in India had long tradition of a religion which we call Sanatan Dharm. Or simply Dharm at times. It goes back 1000s of years and to be honest, no one knows how long back. Hinduism etc etc etc are the names given by British.
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