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Another strange Character Enters Dharna Campaign: Younus Algohar

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Sep 19, 2008
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Younus AlGohar



Younus AlGohar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yunus Algohar.jpg
Younus Algohar 3.jpg
Younus Algohar.jpg

Younus AlGohar (younusalgohar) | Twitter
He has openly challenged Islamic Scholars to have "a healthy debate on this topic should it arise a theological reservation among the minds of petty scholars." In particular, AlGohar has challengedTahir-ul-Qadri to debates on spirituality, saints, Imam Mehdi and Islam
However, it seems that the religious differences are set apart for strategic objective of this move which remains unknown to me.
May Allah destroy these people. They are probably worse than the ISIS. Disgusting
There might be many more, we don't know. When there is chaos, many agents enter the game to pursue their own agendas. And he is just one of them.
Is this for real or superimposed using Photoshop, looks like superimposed.
I don't know this guy but co-incidently I wrote sth similar some time ago.

My post from 14-Feb-2012 (Post# 28 Link)
My post from 24-Mar-2011 (Link to Post# 20)

Prophet said Mahdi will be his name-sake\from my family.... Imran Khan's full name is
Imran AHMAD Khan Niazi...
What do u say.....!!! :lol:

...One more interesting observation; Prophet said Imam Mahdi who will liberate muslims will be his name-sake,,, Prophet's original name was AHMAD,,, IK's full name is Imran AHMAD Khan Niazi ... !!!


.. May Allah destroy those who put fourth our religion through dirty politics... It's safe to say he has no blood line with the Blessed Prophet, and things just dont add up regarding signs of the Imaam. Please tell PTI followers to keep their garbage inside their brains and stop polluting Pakistan soil.

Ameeen>>>and there goes Maulvi Diesel & those he's supporting.

Those who claim they are from the blood line (Syed) all have made that up. No one has any record of his true blood-line. And polluting the country are those corrupt who are ruling Pak-Watan right now. It's about time to put those corrupt in garbage bins.


in garbage bins.
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It's safe to say that many people who support "PTI" have lost their mind. I wouldnt blame them, since the leader seems to be unstable too. May Allah destroy those who put fourth our religion through dirty politics (while going completely against its teachings) and those who put them selves as "hero's" while they're destroying the development of a nation and doing disturbing things in the name of Islam. If Mr. Khan is so much against rigging the elections, please tell me how he survived the system himself?

I don't know this guy but co-incidently I wrote sth similar some time ago.

My posts from 14-Feb-2012 (Post# 28 Link)
Post# 20 from 24-Mar-2011 (Link to Post# 20)

I refute, It's safe to say he has no blood line with the Blessed Prophet, and things just dont add up regarding signs of the Imaam. Please tell PTI followers to keep their garbage inside their brains and stop polluting Pakistan soil.
I don't know this guy but co-incidently I wrote sth similar some time ago.

My post from 14-Feb-2012 (Post# 28 Link)
My post from 24-Mar-2011 (Link to Post# 20)

.I DO NOT suupport NS, let me make that clear. I support a Pakistan with Islam! And no, I dont support JI either. And no im not pro isis or any other crap like that aha


Ameeen>>>and there goes the Maulvi Diesel & those he's supporting.

Those who claim they are from the blood line (Syed) all have made that up. No one has any record of his true blood-line. And polluting the country are those corrupt who are ruling Pak-Watan right now. It's about time to put those corruptView attachment 57486 View attachment 57487 View attachment 57488 in garbage bins.
Did I miss out on something today? This thread isn't making sense to me.
He is a Foreign Agent!!!
Nops he is the foreign benificiary....

Did I miss out on something today? This thread isn't making sense to me.
Yunus Al Gohar is the leader of Gohar Shahi community, he is supporting these dharnas in a hope that he and his community would be allowed to operate openly in Pakistan in return of their support to dharnas.
look pmln has started the propoganda of 1990's . then will fail again ..yesterday someone started that imran khan will have a qadiyani finance minister.. then dancing then ... fazool loog gatiya propoganda

SBD we can understand you are a Noon leaguer but its funny that you are linking opinion of an individual to your self-imagined political alliance. lolzzz
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