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Another PTI MPA killed in bomb blast

Politicians aren't the only ones that support these terrorists. Their sympathizers are in army, police, bureaucracy, religious clerics and our civilians too.

lets say all of them to goto hell, lets just deney them on every level?
sory to dissagree on army bieng infiltrated with terrorists theory, after all no one has given so much sacrifices against terrorism, thn of pakarmy & if bieng infiltrated shouldnt be able to librate sawat?
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajioon. :frown:
lets say all of them to goto hell, lets just deney them on every level?
sory to dissagree on army bieng infiltrated with terrorists theory, after all no one has given so much sacrifices against terrorism, thn of pakarmy & if bieng infiltrated shouldnt be able to librate sawat?

I am not saying the whole Army is bad. In fact Army has always saved Pakistan from corrupt politicians. But you can't deny Taliban enjoy some support within ISI and our Army.
I am not saying the whole Army is bad. In fact Army has always saved Pakistan from corrupt politicians. But you can't deny Taliban enjoy some support within ISI and our Army.

yes offcourse the afghan talibans did enjoy support of ISI!
bt they never supported any aggersion against pakarmy? even with TTp why thn they went to kill mullha nazir? just because afghan talibs dont like TTp,s declared war against pakarmy?
plz clear your mind there is no support to TTp by any deprt of PA, at any level!
TTp,s creation was the result of ISI,s moral support to mullha umar,s talibans in afghanistan, with TTp Pakarmy bieng engagged so that, its support of afghan talibs get reduced, it actully happend in the end!
yes offcourse the afghan talibans did enjoy support of ISI!
bt they never supported any aggersion against pakarmy? even with TTp why thn they went to kill mullha nazir? just because afghan talibs dont like TTp,s declared war against pakarmy?
plz clear your mind there is no support to TTp by any deprt of PA, at any level!
TTp,s creation was the result of ISI,s moral support to mullha umar,s talibans in afghanistan, with TTp Pakarmy bieng engagged so that, its support of afghan talibs get reduced, it actully happend in the end!

This is why its never a good idea to wage proxy wars. So you agree we created the Afghan Taliban. The same afghan taliban who went on killing thousands of Afghans. Now Afghans will never trust us they probably help TTP in Afghanistan just like we supported Afghan Taliban.
This is why its never a good idea to wage proxy wars. So you agree we created the Afghan Taliban. The same afghan taliban who went on killing thousands of Afghans. Now Afghans will never trust us they probably help TTP in Afghanistan just like we supported Afghan Taliban.

you hadnt seen Dr najeeb ullha hunged in kabul, bt i saw that? he was the deadliest chief of dangerous afghan intell crop!
with the talks going on , afghan talibs willbe back in power why & how? just because pakistan,s support!
so no it will never happen against us, TTp is there as a tool of CIA to bring its desired results on the table?
but lets see how saudis use it against shia iran?
we hve our own game plan, you will see that on the time!
bt until thn lets try damocrazy? which says if by any hook or crook a terrorist wins, you must hve to accept him as your new PM?
hope our great imran will nt going to accept it anyway, bt thn he hve to deny that damocrazy? ohh my god?lol
its the only way left for PTì to announce a talks offer to terrorists to lay down thier weapons, face the justice & be pakistani?
if not lets see who,s gun hve more fire power?
you hadnt seen Dr najeeb ullha hunged in kabul, bt i saw that? he was the deadliest chief of dangerous afghan intell crop!
with the talks going on , afghan talibs willbe back in power why & how? just because pakistan,s support!
so no it will never happen against us, TTp is there as a tool of CIA to bring its desired results on the table?
but lets see how saudis use it against shia iran?
we hve our own game plan, you will see that on the time!
bt until thn lets try damocrazy? which says if by any hook or crook a terrorist wins, you must hve to accept him as your new PM?
hope our great imran will nt going to accept it anyway, bt thn he hve to deny that damocrazy? ohh my god?lol
its the only way left for PTì to announce a talks offer to terrorists to lay down thier weapons, face the justice & be pakistani?
if not lets see who,s gun hve more fire power?

TTP laying down arms would itself be a miracle. They are nothing but pawns in this great game. These stupid politicians like NS and Imran Khan doesn't understand if TTP is done with them they will kill them.
sorry sir but swat accord was broken by Taliban but not other two those were broken by army on USA pressure sir and former governer general orakzi has even admitted it

No it wasn't the Waziristan Peace Accord was broken by the TTP and so was the Bajaur Peace Accord. These accords were signed after Orakzai sahab was in office, he has no power to state who is to blame rather than as a simple observer.

Laying down arms? You mean cease fire....

Laying down arms can only be ceremonial. Mehsuds and other tribals would never de-weaponize themeselves. And its not just FATA, even in settled areas people carry AK47 as zewar.

You cannot confuse the TTP with the Tribals. They are two distinct entities and the TTP will have to lay down arms like they did in Bajaur.
No it wasn't the Waziristan Peace Accord was broken by the TTP and so was the Bajaur Peace Accord. These accords were signed after Orakzai sahab was in office, he has no power to state who is to blame rather than as a simple observer.

You cannot confuse the TTP with the Tribals. They are two distinct entities and the TTP will have to lay down arms like they did in Bajaur.

So TTP are non-tribals?
No it wasn't the Waziristan Peace Accord was broken by the TTP and so was the Bajaur Peace Accord. These accords were signed after Orakzai sahab was in office, he has no power to state who is to blame rather than as a simple observer.

You cannot confuse the TTP with the Tribals. They are two distinct entities and the TTP will have to lay down arms like they did in Bajaur.

sir both off these accords were broken by army not TTP and stop living in denial 70% off TTP guys are from different tribes off Tribal areas
This is the only reason why I think that Imran is naive, he wants to leave a war that Pakistan can no longer leave.

The TTP have made it clear that the war won't end until one side is completely buried, the PA has to see it through to it's end.
TTP laying down arms would itself be a miracle. They are nothing but pawns in this great game. These stupid politicians like NS and Imran Khan doesn't understand if TTP is done with them they will kill them.

very good yes its all a long story of dam intersts written somewhere in pentagon?
our politicians have every single chances in thier hands but they are to affraid to go beyond their written script?
So TTP are non-tribals?

Neither are all Talibs Tribals,
Nor are all Tribals Talibs.

sir both off these accords were broken by army not TTP and stop living in denial 70% off TTP guys are from different tribes off Tribal areas

Oh they were? Kindly tell me HOW? What were the circumstances? It seems you have indepth understanding of the matter, so how about ACTUALLY laying it out there, rather than just contradicting me?

Neither are all Tribals Talibs,
Nor are all Talibs Tribals.
Pakistan should ban carrying of all types of weapons by civilians unless they have written permission to do so. Anyone found violating this ban should automatically be given imprisonment for life. But then how do you stop the armed bodyguards of the likes of Hafiz Saeed and Co? Impossible to disarm them! So be prepared for more such murders.

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