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Another crazy venom about India

Can someone tell me if there is discrimination against these actors in Bombay then how come they have been living in damn expensive houses for decades in Bombay that too in Hindu majority areas. If there is discrimination , how is it possible that they managed to become such beloved celebrities in a largely Hindu country anyway ?

Some people just complain too much taking everything they have for granted .
No you cant. You can have your preferred people to rent your place. Also, how will you convict me? How will you prove the discrimination. Passing a law wont change anything.
I can show you it happens in Uk too, in london. ( "pakistani muslims" only... etc)

UK has anti discriminatory laws , i may have a little more insight as i have worked in the lettings for long time yes people have preferences but they are not vocal about it , for proof its technical but can be arrange for eg : recently a journalist duo went to ask estate agents pretending as muslims. Also this gives minority a little edge and cant be discriminated openly which results in bit of supression of silly practices after all who wants to get in trouble with the law

Doing something like this will have it's own repurcusions..............You can't force people to live together. The only way to solve this problem is gradually by education both academic and social-cultural.

yes correct academic and social cultural but wont you agree that a law would be icing on the cake
The article was believable until I hit the statement -

"Clearly, the decades of demonisation of the community – in textbooks, media, television, movies and political and cultural discourse – over the past several decades, especially since the Partition is beginning to bear fruits."

The article would have attracted much more sympathy from India only if it had been portraying reality, not spiced up with propaganda. The original and 'true' article is still there, but heavily edited by someone else who has added propagandist nonsense to it. So.... anyone reading it... accept it with a lump of salt.
There are elements of truth in the report. One important reason why hindus wont like muslims to live in the neighbourhood is because of dietary habit (eating beef) and killing animals/birds in their house.
I am not saying hindus are right in doing so, just saying it may not be due to hatred of muslims as such.

As the report pointed out, in some societies (jain/gujrati), non-vegetarians like me wont be welcome.

This discrimination is more of a dietary issue than a religious issue.

I'm as much likely to be refused as a house as a Muslim due to my dietary habits. And not only consuming beef gets you blacklisted, its pretty much any non veg.

Moreover its the owner's preference whom he wants to rent out the houses to and these type of 'sensationalist' articles only tell you one half of the story.

There are plenty of cases I have seen where people come into a house like good tenants and after few months refuse to pay the rent and if the owner asks for the rent, threatens to haul them to court on fake charges of religious persecution or caste persecution and refuse to leave the house.

Also the report speaks only of 'Hindu' owners refusing to sublet to Muslims. But it is also a fact that Muslim owners mostly prefer tenants from their own religion and christians prefer their own. If the former is discrimination, then the latter is also a case of discrimination.
UK has anti discriminatory laws , i may have a little more insight as i have worked in the lettings for long time yes people have preferences but they are not vocal about it , for proof its technical but can be arrange for eg : recently a journalist duo went to ask estate agents pretending as muslims. Also this gives minority a little edge and cant be discriminated openly which results in bit of supression of silly practices after all who wants to get in trouble with the law

yes correct academic and social cultural but wont you agree that a law would be icing on the cake
Exactly, the only change the law will bring is, people wont say it openly. As the article suggests, people give some excuse or other while tuning back you, if you dont match their preferred category. That is already the case in mumbai (they wont say I wont give you because you are muslim, they will apologize and say, sorry that house has already been rented)
If you have experience in letting in Uk, you must be knowing this already.
I will be very surprised if anybody is prosecuted for this in Uk, discrimination in workplace/public place is easy to prove, but this one is not.
All the lawmakers and parliamentarians has to do is pass a anti discriminatory act .. thats it after that any one found of any sort discrimination can be charged

Govt has no right to do that. Let me say why.

I dont know what Muslims do when they build or buy a house, but when Hindus build a house, before they go inside they will do a Vaasthu Puja and a Ganapathi Homam to invoke the Lord's blessings on the house. The house then becomes or is considered to become an abode of Goddess Lakshmi and hence Hindus dont like cooking beef inside the house as the cow is considered to be ancarnation of the Goddess.

It is the same as opening a pork shop right beside a Mosque. It is absolutely legal but it is not allowed.

So if any such law is passed then it becomes a law that interferes directly in the religious practise of Hindus.

p.s: What I said does not apply to all Hindus, but I'm generalizing based on the majority.
No wonder Indian Muslims go on a bombing campaign in India. They simply don't get their God-gifted rights.

How is getting a rented accomodation in my house, an Indian muslim's God gifted right? Some muslims just dont know how to get rid of their victim mentality...
No wonder Indian Muslims go on a bombing campaign in India. They simply don't get their God-gifted rights.

Ok , then I fail to understand why are your courtymen blowing themselves up all the time?
^^^^because that is their 'God-Gifted' right......

God has told them that blowing themselves up is the ONLY solution to ALL problems........
So it is their 'God-Gifted' 'Birth-Right'.....
As if hindus are all altruist
No they are not. Why should they be. BTW, it is not my right to stay in your property. Even if I agree to pay more, you have every right to refuse me.
No they are not. Why should they be. BTW, it is not my right to stay in your property. Even if I agree to pay more, you have every right to refuse me.
read the report carefully.once the property is advertised for lease in the market and u agree to show the property and at final stage you refuse it from renting after you come to know about person's religion is clear discrimination.there has to be law against such discrimination .
WTH i love to eat non-veg food if i go to an other city and my landlord or other members of the sociry are pure hindus , jains etc i wont be taken with good regards
read the report carefully.once the property is advertised for lease in the market and u agree to show the property and at final stage you refuse it from renting after you come to know about person's religion is clear discrimination.there has to be law against such discrimination .

There is no way it can be proved in a court of law.
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