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Anniversary of Babri Mosque Demolition Today

I am sorry. I didnt realize that you are among the few rational ones in the forum.

Yes, you should already know most Indians condemn these acts. I dont understand how you guys have myopia. When all these acts are done, which reporters bring out the news - other set of Indians right?

I understand that in your country teaching from childhood everything in life revolves around religion that is not the case in India. Religion exist as a backdrop hardly any one cares about religion. Religion only comes to foreground during election times where crazy few try to use religion to get votes just like how they use word "India" in your country to get votes.

Otherwise, I cant understand what does your question mean? Whether any one condemns loss of human life or not! (I know your question only revolves around Muslim life) but for me it is loss of human life for a thing as crazy as far we know and discover may not even exist.

not everything needs to be a comparison to pakistan - or india

thats a general statement aimed at everyone

however, my point is that if the criticism is valid then indians need to learn to accept it from everyone, regardless of who is saying it - same with pakistanis.

otherwise you are in my eyes a charlatan and a fraud who does not believe in what they are happy to preach to, pakistanis and indians .
not everything needs to be a comparison to pakistan - or india

thats a general statement aimed at everyone

however, my point is that if the criticism is valid then indians need to learn to accept it from everyone, regardless of who is saying it - same with pakistanis.

otherwise you are in my eyes a charlatan and a fraud who does not believe in what they are happy to preach to, pakistanis and indians .

Buddy we accpet if criticism is valid but in which way citing one or two examples and telling all the minoties are opressed and consider a second class citizens ,are valid???

Can a hindu wear a thilak in a Islamic country like Saudi Arabia??France banned head scarf and turban from schools..considering all these what did Indian Hindus done to minorities??we never been asked not to wear a cross nor they asked a muslim gal not to wear burka..Here also Muslims or Christians has the right to pray and celebrate their festivals..Even though most of the north Indian Hindus consider killing a cow is a sin..They ever banned muslims or chritians from eating beef?? Heck i can even eat pork if I wanted to in here and i practiced my right about it ...Can I be able to eat a pork in any Islamic country??Still you are saying that Hindus are religious fanatics..

BTW what right we ,Christain like me and Muslim like you to call them fanactics??we killed many in the name of Holywar than any of the religion ...
Nemesis I beg to differ. Now it's practical that our tax money is spent on development projects and stuff. This issue is completely different, this is about Hindu history and dignity, Now im not saying that bringing down Babri was the most sensible of things to do but what is an average Hindu suppose to do when the leaders back then could not do anything to fix the issue or bring it to a logical conclusion .. I've posted a few links in my previous post and I suggest you go through it to get the bigger picture and eventually the whole game.. Ram temple issue is not something made by RSS or BJP .. There have been riots regarding the temple way back in 1800s.. and it's a well known fact that temples were destroyed by mughals and mosques were built at the very same place.. The biggest example is the Qutub minar complex in Delhi there was a masjid built which had pillars just like the pillars in temples and they are still there for everyone to see!!!! now stop talking like a new age brain washed kid who is awed by main stream indian media which in 90% cases related to domestic issues serves crap to the nation.

i totally disagree. this talk about hindu dignity and history is horse dung. you cant go about correcting history's wrongs unless it is adversely affecting how people live in the present. by that logic you should go and raid afganistan because many invaders came from there and demolished temples. go pay them in kind. go across the khyber pass and destroy some temples. or better still go to england and try to take over because they ruled us and subjugated us for so long. where does your dignity go in those cases? and i dont even see you destroying the qutub minar which you have mentioned.

accept it,
1)it was a political move by the RSS/BJP(i havnt read much of the liberhan report yet so mentioning BJP too) to garner support. it was never to avenge the demolition of a temple which at the time was not proven to exist.

2)nothing good is going to come out by building a temple there. something of true practical importance is much better. something like a kendriya vidyalaya or a hospitral.

saying that you don't care is easy but finding out the truth is difficult. There was an ASI digging at the site before BMD (Babri Masjid Demolition) happened, the digging was in an adjacent piece of land and they found pillars and stone slabs of temple dating back to 11 AD. After BMD happened ASI dug under it and found the foundation dating back to the same period of 11 AD and Babri was built much after that period... So what does it suggest?? That someone just laid the foundation and never built anything upon it till one day some muslim fellow came and decided to built a mosque on it?? I mean does it seem logical in anyway...

Also FYI after when the BMD was happening some pillars that looked like pillars from a hindu temple were found from inside Babri (YES u read it right!! inside Babri!!!) But SC did not accept that evidence stating that they might have been planted there by Karsevaks, fair enough might have happened might not have happened.. but you know what the fked up part is...

carbon dating of the pillar supposedly found inside Babri dated to the same period of 11 AD !!!

carbon dating of the pillars? please dont make a fool of yourself. carbon dating is done only for organic substances which are derived from living organisms. most commonly wood. now were those 11th century pillars made of wood?
please go and read up on carbon dating.
Nice thread, request every Indian to keep its link. We're gonna merge it with Urmaqui massacre ceremony and will witness greatest U-Turn of all time.
RSS (India) = Taliban (PAK)

Both these groups should be eradicated for the good of mankind.
Nice thread, request every Indian to keep its link. We're gonna merge it with Urmaqui massacre ceremony and will witness greatest U-Turn of all time.

No its ok with them..Muslims in China can be murdered and they can be banned from going to prayers because China is a friendly nation to Pakisthan ..No Ummah can come between ...
Nice thread, request every Indian to keep its link. We're gonna merge it with Urmaqui massacre ceremony and will witness greatest U-Turn of all time.

Why you want find escapes from Hindu terrorism in wake of Babri Mosque demolition???
No its ok with them..Muslims in China can be murdered and they can be banned from going to prayers because China is a friendly nation to Pakisthan ..No Ummah can come between ...

Pakistan only prefers state-sponsored eradication programs like that - Chinese govt can kill its people as a state policy, Pakistani military can bomb Pakistanis with drones. that is all ok. If some militant organization does it in India, they would strike protests and post a yellow media's outlet info. But the same yellow media content cant be used for any other information as they know it exaggerates!
Why you want find escapes from Hindu terrorism in wake of Babri Mosque demolition???

Why his statements hurts you??I didnt see any Champions of Islamic faith crticizing attacks on muslims in China??no thread seems to be open here about it??Is it called the double standard or fake love for the muslim brotherhood??? you can choose any of it or can choose both :cheers:
No its ok with them..Muslims in China can be murdered and they can be banned from going to prayers because China is a friendly nation to Pakisthan ..No Ummah can come between ...

I think you should be neutral to see the bad in your own country instead of finding justification whether Pakistanis see the two things in the same way or not.

Your example of China and India is not at all comparable because in case of Babri Mosque no insurgency was linked to it.

The Hindu fundamentalists have razed it and 3000 Muslims were killed by Hindu terrorists.
I think you should be neutral to see the bad in your own country instead of finding justification whether Pakistanis see the two things in the same way or not.

Your example of China and India is not at all comparable because in case of Babri Mosque no insurgency was linked to it.

The Hindu fundamentalists have razed it and 3000 Muslims were killed by Hindu terrorists.

China's cant be comparable at all to India because in India it was fundamentalists that did it. In China it was the government. Ofcourse not comparable at all. Muslim brotherhood cannot be discussed because China might not like it! :azn:

China's killing of Bhuddhists in Tibet because that is an offense because how dare some one talks about killing people as a state policy and especially who cares about anybody other than Muslims. :undecided:

So much for neutrality! :argh:
Why his statements hurts you??I didnt see any Champions of Islamic faith crticizing attacks on muslims in China??no thread seems to be open here about it??Is it called the double standard or fake love for the muslim brotherhood??? you can choose any of it or can choose both :cheers:

:) The Indian statement doesnt hurt me rather its going to hurt India in the long run.

No one is stopping you from opening such thread against China.

The only point is why Indians find it a justification for a crime done by Hindus in India??
:) The Indian statement doesnt hurt me rather its going to hurt India in the long run.

No one is stopping you from opening such thread against China.

The only point is why Indians find it a justification for a crime done by Hindus in India??

Probably also that is why minority population in Pakistan dwindled from 10% to less than 1% now. Thanks though for your consistent anti-Indian posting and still caring about India for the long run.

Hope that your more religious TTP does not take Pakistan for a ride!
China's cant be comparable at all to India because in India it was fundamentalists that did it. In China it was the government. Ofcourse not comparable at all. Muslim brotherhood cannot be discussed because China might not like it! :azn:

China's killing of Bhuddhists in Tibet because that is an offense because how dare some one talks about killing people as a state policy and especially who cares about anybody other than Muslims. :undecided:

So much for neutrality! :argh:

My point is that if our hypocricy can justify the terrorism done by Hindu fundamentalists against your own citizens ??
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