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Anniversary | 06 Dec 1992 | When India demolished, its 465 year old Mosque.

1.A mosque is not a temple. We pray anywhere clean.Ghazi Aurangzeb Alamgir used to offer prayers even during raging battle sitting on his horse.Babri Masjid is more than just a mosque. it is a significant symbol and a landmark in the Islamic heritage in SA.
Aurangazeb was a tyrant thats what we learned in India. is he a reverent in your land?

more than destroying Babari Mosque, Hindu nationalists does feel they can defeat Islam in the land of Bharat. destruction of Babari masjid - a big blow to pan Islam. that Hindus once considered as cows infront of Lions, can actually retaliated and reclaim Ram janm bhumi. the mythical Gazis will dare to touch them now :D

the bigger problem is, if Hindu nationalists wants to claim the many thousands of Muslim/Boudh/Christian worship places which are "disputed" - because some of them can be possibly Hindu temples.
If the demolition had happened immediately after independence, no one would have given a s***t to the destruction just like the Somnath temple reconstruction where the mosque was moved few miles away. Instead it has become an object of politics.
In one way the breaking of mosque removed the poison from Indian society, especially hatred among hindus towards muslim. The existance of a mosque in a hindu sacred site was a rallying point for right wing organizations.
Right there, right there - that's our fucking problem. That's the reason we're treated like shit by even the most moderates in the world. You expect everyone to fucking respect your wishes, treat you like kings and all, but you feel you don't owe even an ounce of respect for anyone else. Why would anyone have anyone have anything good to say about Islam when people like you act like little twats?!

Think about it. You are a Muslim. You are seen as one of the representatives of Islam (which is quite unfortunate). When people relate you to Islam, what kind of impression does it leave of Islam to them? You're hateful, resentful, illogical and (it seems reasonable to conclude) pretty fucking retarded. Islam is not meant to be coerced, it's mean to be taught and educate with.

Most extremist Muslims such as yourself see that the only way to spread Islam is by force of will. While to do this day, the major driving factor in spreading Islam (after inheritance), is attraction toward its values. You'll find a lot of foreigners in peaceful and prosperous Middle Eastern countries convert to Islam. You know why they do that? Because they like the Muslims of that region. They like how the committed they are to it, they like how generously they do charity and they like how they treat their fellow humans. Nobody converts after they've been told that they're absolute pieces of worthless shit.

People like you drive people to hate us. You're responsible for half our problems. Shame on you. Go back and read the Quran and the Hadiths. See how Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) lived and treated people. Whenever someone is told they need to live more like our dear Prophet, they instantly grow a Mullah-level beard - because our dear Prophet had one too! You know why most of them do that - because the beard is visible and they can use it like a status symbol. No one remembers that they're supposed to treat people like humans.

Now can we go back to banning religious threads?! Nothing productive comes out of them anyway. Or perhaps create a Religious Trollfest section and confine this kind of hate mongering in there?

[ This goes for you 3 as well: @Aeronaut, @Aslan, @AUz ]
wonderful post sir!!!
we need more people like you :agree:
Islam like other religions is a beautiful religion...but some brainwashed people spoil its name!
The above shows how much anger was bottled up over 465 years in the people's mind. They wished it demolished so that the original temple could be rebuilt.

The forgoing made a few Mullahs angry - so be it. Who cares.
There was no anger bottled up till BJP made it an issue over which anger got bottled up.

That said, the ground reality today is that there is anger over it NOW.
1."When India demolished its 465 years old mosque"- WRONG.
It was done by a bunch of antisocial elements.Most of the Indians never supported it. @Aeronaut adding fuel to fire???is it??

There is no such thing as 'India', its 'Hindustan', a country of Hindus.
We are officially INDIA.If hindus are in majority then in our country we also have 2nd largest population of muslims in the world.

This proves india is a "sickular" country and they hate Muslims.....

Indians hate muslims???
India has the 2nd largest population of muslims in the world even when the majority in the country are non muslims.
Countries with Largest Muslim Population - World Top Ten

3. Thread reported.

well brother its this opologetick behaviour of so called "educated and secular hindus/indians" which is /was & will always be taken as owr biggest weakness if you want to live with dignity in your own land you have to take harsh decisions other wise what happened to hindus in bangladesh in 1971 might/can/ & will happen to us again ..."sawal jis zuban me poocha jaye uska jawab bhi usi zuban me dena chaiye"
Speak for yourself.
Majority of hindus dont support the demolition of Babri masjid.
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The day when a national shame was removed, a symbol of Indic defeat (although momentary in its long history) before barbarian hordes from Central Asia was demolished, the defeatism of the Hindu masses was addressed atleast temporarily , the day when people stopped looking each other as chamars, rajputs, jats, northie, southie and started looking as Hindus and the day a new sense of pride and belonging was given. This day will go in history as the day the average Hindu asserted his claim on the piece of land he has always worshipped and retrieved it from the clutches of invaders.

If not today, but definitely atleast some day, "Ram Lalla aayenge, mandir wahi banayenge"

Majority of hindus dont support the demolition of Babri masjid.

And you spoke to them ?

So what applies to him, applies to you too - "Speak for yourself".
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Right there, right there - that's our fucking problem. That's the reason we're treated like shit by even the most moderates in the world. You expect everyone to fucking respect your wishes, treat you like kings and all, but you feel you don't owe even an ounce of respect for anyone else. Why would anyone have anyone have anything good to say about Islam when people like you act like little twats?!

Think about it. You are a Muslim. You are seen as one of the representatives of Islam (which is quite unfortunate). When people relate you to Islam, what kind of impression does it leave of Islam to them? You're hateful, resentful, illogical and (it seems reasonable to conclude) pretty fucking retarded. Islam is not meant to be coerced, it's mean to be taught and educate with.

Most extremist Muslims such as yourself see that the only way to spread Islam is by force of will. While to do this day, the major driving factor in spreading Islam (after inheritance), is attraction toward its values. You'll find a lot of foreigners in peaceful and prosperous Middle Eastern countries convert to Islam. You know why they do that? Because they like the Muslims of that region. They like how the committed they are to it, they like how generously they do charity and they like how they treat their fellow humans. Nobody converts after they've been told that they're absolute pieces of worthless shit.

People like you drive people to hate us. You're responsible for half our problems. Shame on you. Go back and read the Quran and the Hadiths. See how Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) lived and treated people. Whenever someone is told they need to live more like our dear Prophet, they instantly grow a Mullah-level beard - because our dear Prophet had one too! You know why most of them do that - because the beard is visible and they can use it like a status symbol. No one remembers that they're supposed to treat people like humans.

Now can we go back to banning religious threads?! Nothing productive comes out of them anyway. Or perhaps create a Religious Trollfest section and confine this kind of hate mongering in there?

[ This goes for you 3 as well: @Aeronaut, @Aslan, @AUz ]

I didnt bother to read ur rant beyond the first 2 lines, when u are having ur periods stay away from the keyboard.
There was no anger bottled up till BJP made it an issue over which anger got bottled up.

That said, the ground reality today is that there is anger over it NOW.

Sorry I only partially agree. True the Ram Mandir itself was not the sole focus or reason..but to say that Hindus never cared about that is not a fact. The correct thing is Hindus did care about that, but were averse to act on it. But a combination of various factors during those years gave them a fillip and a new zeal was found.
The day when a national shame was removed, a symbol of Indic defeat (although momentary in its long history) before barbarian hordes from Central Asia was demolished, the defeatism of the Hindu masses rectified and the day a new sense of pride and belonging restored.
National shame???
Yes the nation was drenched in shame when such an act was committed by hordes of brainwashed men.
KS said:
This day will go in history as the day the average Hindu asserted his claim on the land he has always worshipped and rescued it from the clutches of invaders.
Clutches of invaders???
His later generation did give us more monuments like the Taj mahal.And not to forget the red fort where every year our national flag is hoisted on Independence day.
If structures made by babar and his successive generations are to be destroyed then all these structures should also be brought down isnt it???
Go ahead and do it.

KS said:
And you spoke to them ?
Yes baby i did.

KS said:
So what applies to him, applies to you too - "Speak for yourself". I'm not as de-racinated as you to cry over a symbol of foreign occupation.

Non sense.
Mughals were not Genghis Khan.
Mughal Empire did not stamp out the local societies when it came to rule but rather balanced and pacified them through new administrative practices and diverse and inclusive ruling elites leading to more systematic, centralised, and uniform rule.
You have a skewed view of history.
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what do i do with taj mahal and lal qila?

it is the tradition of intellect of hinduism that earns India money today.
But its not just only our land brother. Its the land of Muslims, Christians, Jains, Sikhs etc.

Strawman. How is the status of muslims or sikhs or christians in India harmed by the removal of a structure that was built by a central asian as an expression of hate towards everything that is India ? People say indian muslims are not the progenies of invaders and are the sons of the soil -- i agree, but if that is true, shouldn't the sons of the soil actually oppose this act of a foreigner in their country ? No, the truth is most of them celebrate the act of demolition as the symbolic victory of Islam in India and Babar as a ghazi who destroyed a place of idolatory. These things might seem harsh, but the real world isnt as politically correct as you are being here.

Lets focus on making India a better place rather than finding places to worship which does not result in anything substantially good. :)

Religion and betterment are not mutually exclusive bro. The only issue with Ayodhya is the timing. If it had been removed soon after Partition just like Somnath, nobody would even remember it. But idiot Nehru let the issue fester, get sceptic and then someone had to amputate the whole leg.
Natinal shame???
Yes it is. It was a symbol of defeat of Indic culture before a foreign horde of islamist fanatics.

Yes the nation was drenched in shame when such an act was committed by hordes of brainwashed men.

Speak for yourself. I dont consider it a shame. Actually its a shame that you consider it a shame. It was this defeatist, self-flagellating mentality that was rectified to some degree on that day.

Clutches of invaders???
His later generation did give us more monuments like the Taj mahal.And not to forget the red fort where every year our national flag is hoisted on Independence day.
If structures made by babar and his successive generations are to be destroyed then all these structures should also be brought down isnt it???
Go ahead and do it.


I didnt say anything about his descendants. But the cold fact of history is that he is a foreigner. Go ahead, try and deny it.

Yes baby i did.

Oh ok..lol.

Non sense.
Mughals were not Genghis Khan.

And you call me having a skewed sense of history ! For starters, the word Mughal itself is a derivative of Mongol (in chagatai i guess) and Babur was a descendant of Genghis on his mother's side. He is as foreigner to Indian subcontinent as a foreigner could be.

Mughal Empire did not stamp out the local societies when it came to rule but rather balanced and pacified them through new administrative practices and diverse and inclusive ruling elites leading to more systematic, centralised, and uniform rule.
You have a skewed view of history.

And they also indulged in massacres of Hindus, practising discriminatory laws like Jaziya, demolishing Hindu places of worship like Kashi, Mathura and Ayodhya being the most prominent etc. Thanks but not thanks, it would have been better had these barbarians not set foot in India.
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