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Anniversary | 06 Dec 1992 | When India demolished, its 465 year old Mosque.

muslims will be enraged after knowing tat an idol of Mohammad has be erected....islam prohibits idols and idol worshipping

Oh Fish I didn't knew that
How about on half of land build a temple & on the other half a Mosque
& I am sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings in advance
Forget all the populist sentiments regarding the demolition of this structure. The fact remains that it was a beautiful piece of historic architecture. The history behind it maybe negative. That however remains history which is irreversible. The demolition of the masjid in my opinion was a mistake acted out on emotions.
Oh Fish I didn't knew that
How about on half of land build a temple & on the other half a Mosque

court gave the same solution.... but the haft board dosn want a new mandir to be made on the land alloted to hindus...they only want hindus to use the land for worshipin but not to build a new temple on it....on the other hand radical hindus want the whole land for a grand mandir
The effort this silly mod puts in to show his hatred towards India is unparalleled.

His own house is not in order yet this guy goes on throwing stones on other's houses.

A nation where muslim is killing muslim where a muslim shoots a musilm girl where poor muslims are forced to blow themselves up is not much of a concern for this guy.

Land of pure is not so pure afterall.

Pakistan should take care of its minority first.

A UN intervention is needed to look after the minorities.

Feel sad for those Hindus who didn't leave hoping things would be better in pakistan.

Not realizing pakistan is the next Somalia.
Even after all the huffing and puffing why does the sole Nuclear armed Islamic Country count zero in the muslim world???

Why does the Muslim world give zero ****s to Pakistan but cries liters to tiny teeny Syria or Palastine?

Could some one please explain...
It was an act of war upon Muslims by Hindus

That one Mosque was more important then all the temples of the world combined

Any injustice upon the hindu's any destruction of any temples or removal of any cultural or historic hindu temple or landmark in any muslim area anywhere in the world can no longer be opposed

We must have our revenge upon the hindu's for the destruction of our mosque

we had discounted them in 1947.

we dont care at all.
There is no such thing as 'India', its 'Hindustan', a country of Hindus.
With trying to be respectful as possible. How come your country is called "Pakistan"....It should be called "Paistan"..The letter K does not belong to you and never will, first change that....
@WebMaster ....how come this thread is not yet closed and the other thread created to retaliate against this one has been closed ???? is it bcoz a moderator created this thread....even though religious threads are not allowed on pdf???....if this is how u wanna treat indians on pdf then its bttr to block us all and make pdf a pure pakistani defence forum....kick us all out plzzz
Four hundred and sixty five years a tyrant named Babur, a Moghul, Muslim, a Turk came to this place and demolished a temple which had been around there for four thousand years. It had built, rebuilt and rebuilt by various generation of people over four thousand years.

Babur, the tyrant ordered its demolition of the temple - birth place of Rama, for no apparent reason but at advice of his Jihadi Mullahs hoping that by demolishing the people's belief it would be easier to convert them into Muslom faith. They did not succeed. The building of mosque actually turned people against the Moghuls. It was Akbar 40 years later who decided to cool off the local people's temper by abolishing the most dastardly taxes against the Hindu majority.

This mosque has been there for 465 years as a symbol of tyranny.

Later generation of Muslims abondoned it. There was no functioning mosque at that location, but a pile of brick and mortar when it was finally demolished not by fanatic Hindus but general approval of millions and millions of Hindus. Every city, every community, every village in India sent bricks to the site to rebuit the temple.

The above shows how much anger was bottled up over 465 years in the people's mind. They wished it demolished so that the original temple could be rebuilt.

The forgoing made a few Mullahs angry - so be it. Who cares.
funny thing is the same mod deleted a thread in which many pakistanis and bangladeshis torched temples in response to babri masjid demolition, this is what i mean by hypocrisy....temples destroyed no one questions that....but everyone is still hung up about that maosque
Isn't posting old news, against the rules?

Forget the rules, I have seen this guy post fake pictures of Babri Masjid to show how evil yindoos are :lol:

He later deleted the whole thread when his lies were caught by me and couple other posters.
That one Mosque was more important then all the temples of the world combined

Right there, right there - that's our fucking problem. That's the reason we're treated like shit by even the most moderates in the world. You expect everyone to fucking respect your wishes, treat you like kings and all, but you feel you don't owe even an ounce of respect for anyone else. Why would anyone have anyone have anything good to say about Islam when people like you act like little twats?!

Think about it. You are a Muslim. You are seen as one of the representatives of Islam (which is quite unfortunate). When people relate you to Islam, what kind of impression does it leave of Islam to them? You're hateful, resentful, illogical and (it seems reasonable to conclude) pretty fucking retarded. Islam is not meant to be coerced, it's mean to be taught and educate with.

Most extremist Muslims such as yourself see that the only way to spread Islam is by force of will. While to do this day, the major driving factor in spreading Islam (after inheritance), is attraction toward its values. You'll find a lot of foreigners in peaceful and prosperous Middle Eastern countries convert to Islam. You know why they do that? Because they like the Muslims of that region. They like how the committed they are to it, they like how generously they do charity and they like how they treat their fellow humans. Nobody converts after they've been told that they're absolute pieces of worthless shit.

People like you drive people to hate us. You're responsible for half our problems. Shame on you. Go back and read the Quran and the Hadiths. See how Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) lived and treated people. Whenever someone is told they need to live more like our dear Prophet, they instantly grow a Mullah-level beard - because our dear Prophet had one too! You know why most of them do that - because the beard is visible and they can use it like a status symbol. No one remembers that they're supposed to treat people like humans.

Now can we go back to banning religious threads?! Nothing productive comes out of them anyway. Or perhaps create a Religious Trollfest section and confine this kind of hate mongering in there?

[ This goes for you 3 as well: @Aeronaut, @Aslan, @AUz ]
This thread is already going, but the thread where there is mention of demolition of 50 temples in Pakistan by angry crowd was closed. Why can't we remember and discuss temples ?

I thought this is Pakistani forum....:azn:
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