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Anna's stir shows power of democracy: Army Chief

following some of the statements from Indian Army officials in the recent times i feel they are now asserting and in many cases even forced the govt over issues relating to foreign affairs
Hmm...seems to be true. But those off cases seemed to be more of a scare tactic to corner more budget or clearance of project proposals. And the media had been lapping it all up. This time seems to be a little out of place. Indian system has always tried to ensure the military does not get involved in internal affairs. This comment, though harmless on it's own , will definitely raise a few eyebrows in the political circles.
following some of the statements from Indian Army officials in the recent times i feel they are now asserting and in many cases even forced the govt over issues relating to foreign affairs
I think he is planning to enter politics after his retirement. Kind of dilemma whether it is BJP or Congress ...
I like the new trend of military chiefs actually participating in politics actively without giving a jack to the fake CONgress. Wish more military leaders fiercely indulge in national governance and comment on it.
I feel quite strongly about Anna hazard. The term "village idiot" can be used to define all that is Anna hazard.

Undermining our constitution and threatening the institution is not the way to go about it.
The constitution was built to serve the people. but look at the carrer record of the poleticians who have been elected to the Parliment.
This present form of governance is not "By the people, for the peopl, of the people" but "by the corrupt, for the corrupt, of the corrupt"
He is not undermining the constitution but trying to clean the constitution"
Our fathers and fore-fathers were left with no other choice but to vote people with cirminal back ground to Parliment no Anna is showing us a way out, but some fools think that the Constitution is made up of honest people, for those who think the MP'S & MLAS will do good for the people, i can only say that "You are living in a dream world"
Changes have been taking place all over India. Changes for the better. The folks who never saw it, never bothered to open their eyes.
Ya changes have been occuring, Poor becoming more poor, rich becoming more rich and the middle class population is getting reduced every day. The difference between haves and have nots exponentially increasing resulting in MOAIST, NUXALS, etc.
If the elected people did or had acted correctly to push the poor for desperate times with corruption, etc (all ills of society) there would have been no Anna today.
I am proud to say that I have got a lot of things done in India without greasing anyone's palms. Period. Call it the gift of the gab, I seem to have it. Believe it or not, I got my passport from the B'lore office in 4 hours flat - after submitting the completed application, without middlemen or paying any 'extra' fees! And so I have the right to comment on the mentality that I very well understand.

As for maligning the movement, I do respect the effort and the sentiments - but I do not agree with the methods being employed. I believe there are many on this very forum who agree with me.

---------- Post added at 07:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:53 PM ----------

i donot know about you ,but i have experienced it a lot - my father,(he was in doctor )holding a Govt job; expired in beginning of 2009 . Me and mom kept doing rounds of office clerks for one and a half year and we didn't receive any of the gratuity benefits, not even the GPF ...until we found a clerk who was pretty well known to my father ...even he demanded 30000 rs .....but anyway thats how, we got the work done .......
apart from, that i have bribed my college clerks to get certain documents which they were not issuing without sifarish ......i am a above average med student ...i have even bribed a department Head just because she failed couple of seniors who didn't do that ...she is pretty well known in our college for things like this ......

and can you believe i have witnessed so much of corruption in this society in these youth years .....i am still 22 years old ..........
i donot know about you ,but i have experienced it a lot - my father,(he was in doctor )holding a Govt job; expired in beginning of 2009 . Me and mom kept doing rounds of office clerks for one and a half year and we didn't receive any of the gratuity benefits, not even the GPF ...until we found a clerk who was pretty well known to my father ...even he demanded 30000 rs .....but anyway thats how, we got the work done .......
apart from, that i have bribed my college clerks to get certain documents which they were not issuing without sifarish ......i am a above average med student ...i have even bribed a department Head just because she failed couple of seniors who didn't do that ...she is pretty well known in our college for things like this ......

and can you believe i have witnessed so much of corruption in this society in these youth years .....i am still 22 years old ..........
Let me tell you my story,
I applied for a passport and on the day of the Police verification, the Writer of the Police station knew that I was son of a Commanding Officer in the RPF, so he asked me to get Unrulled Note Books.
I really regreted the State Police for their cheep behaviour.
On a other occation, I had a ansystral land dispute with my uncle, to survey my land the Government Survayer took a bribe of 5000 Rs.
I had no other choice to battle these ills as this has become a part of the Government Employees. It is people like Anna who show us the way to fight these scums.
i had to pay money for every document be it Voter ID card, DL , or Passport . fooking me . wont give a dime to any sob rest of life
Totally uncalled for comments by the Army Chief. His job is to ensure the security of the country and do the bidding of the democratically elected government - his BOSSES - whatever party or whoever it may be. Sorry, but IMHO, the Army chief has stepped out of line with this comment.

the army chief is also an indian and the constitutionally granted freedom of speech applies to him also. Did he say anything that is not true ?

---------- Post added at 08:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:51 PM ----------

I feel quite strongly about Anna hazard. The term "village idiot" can be used to define all that is Anna hazard.

Undermining our constitution and threatening the institution is not the way to go about it.

mr....can you explain how he exactly undermines the constitution (the most used three words by the congress these days) ?

---------- Post added at 08:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:53 PM ----------

Where did this undermining our constitution get in here? He (and I) is (are) protesting to get a very serious bill taken up appropriately. It is going through parliament. There will be a vote by the elected representatives. There are peaceful protests on the street.
Now where in all this is something that is unconstitutional?

anything against Congress pov is unconstitutional...no ?
i donot know about you ,but i have experienced it a lot - my father,(he was in doctor )holding a Govt job; expired in beginning of 2009 . Me and mom kept doing rounds of office clerks for one and a half year and we didn't receive any of the gratuity benefits, not even the GPF ...until we found a clerk who was pretty well known to my father ...even he demanded 30000 rs .....but anyway thats how, we got the work done .......
apart from, that i have bribed my college clerks to get certain documents which they were not issuing without sifarish ......i am a above average med student ...i have even bribed a department Head just because she failed couple of seniors who didn't do that ...she is pretty well known in our college for things like this ......

and can you believe i have witnessed so much of corruption in this society in these youth years .....i am still 22 years old ..........

Let me tell you my story,
I applied for a passport and on the day of the Police verification, the Writer of the Police station knew that I was son of a Commanding Officer in the RPF, so he asked me to get Unrulled Note Books.
I really regreted the State Police for their cheep behaviour.
On a other occation, I had a ansystral land dispute with my uncle, to survey my land the Government Survayer took a bribe of 5000 Rs.
I had no other choice to battle these ills as this has become a part of the Government Employees. It is people like Anna who show us the way to fight these scums.

I sympathize with your situations.

@ Garry - I have been in the same situation as yours - a decade ago! But we refused to pay any bribes for we had NO MONEY. Period. We made that very clear to the govt babus.

@ Ashokdeiva - you dont battle such society ills by giving in to their demands. You have the right to refuse to pay a bribe. You can simply say NO.

To those who support Anna Hazare - I respect your sentiments. But as they say "Charity begins at home". We, Indians, should take an oath to NOT PAY ANY BRIBES. Begin with yourselves. Supporting an "andolan" makes no sense when you walk oput of the protest and pay a bribe to get your work done. I bet there are many people who have done exactly that. What is thepoint of protesting then, if you wont stick to the principle?

Instead of protesting and supporting this "andolan" - start by saying NO TO BRIBES. That applies to our friends across the border as well.
the army chief is also an indian and the constitutionally granted freedom of speech applies to him also. Did he say anything that is not true ?
The Army chief is an Indian citizen. A proud one at that and commands the respect of Indians. However, by donning the Uniform, some of his constitutional rights are suspended - and he agreed to that when he wore that uniform. Among those suspended rights is the freedom of speech - to make comments on the political process of the country he serves.
Military professionals can shed more light on this particular aspect.
anything against Congress pov is unconstitutional...no ?
Its not a pov against congress. Its about unconstitutional comments.

---------- Post added at 08:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:14 AM ----------

i had to pay money for every document be it Voter ID card, DL , or Passport . fooking me . wont give a dime to any sob rest of life

This is the attitude we need to cultivate. Stick to it.
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