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Anna's stir shows power of democracy: Army Chief

Add cynicism to that as well. Your skeptical post just prove it.
May have, would have, could have....they haven't do any good for India. If you cant support let it be, dont malign the movement.

I am proud to say that I have got a lot of things done in India without greasing anyone's palms. Period. Call it the gift of the gab, I seem to have it. Believe it or not, I got my passport from the B'lore office in 4 hours flat - after submitting the completed application, without middlemen or paying any 'extra' fees! And so I have the right to comment on the mentality that I very well understand.

As for maligning the movement, I do respect the effort and the sentiments - but I do not agree with the methods being employed. I believe there are many on this very forum who agree with me.

---------- Post added at 07:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:53 PM ----------

So do my profile. I work for a private firm. That cant stop me raising my voice democratically, isn't it???
You are a private citizen. General Singh is NOT (He will be once he retires - he can then make all the comments he would like). You dont find military bosses making comments about the political process in USA or France or Russia or UK or Germany. Do they?
As for maligning the movement, I do respect the effort and the sentiments - but I do not agree with the methods being employed. I believe there are many on this very forum who agree with me.

But the method works and thats what matter.

I am yet to find a single person suggesting the alternative method. However those yelling that the method is wrong are quite easy to find.

There is a huge difference between "i should have" and "i did". No method is perfect but what matter is will and execution.

---------- Post added at 09:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:59 AM ----------

You are a private citizen. General Singh is NOT (He will be once he retires - he can then make all the comments he would like). You dont find military bosses making comments about the political process in USA or France or Russia or UK or Germany. Do they?

Did he say anything technical about lokpal bill. He left it for parliament to decide.

We can protest, we can argue/question the government and thats we enjoy because of democracy. He simply reiterate the obvious. He didn't force anything on GOI. Why so drama?
There is a huge difference between "i should have" and "i did". No method is perfect but what matter is will and execution.
Exactly. I have refused to pay a bribe and will stick to the principle. How many of you - supporters of this 'andolan' - can claim this? I do my part, do you?
Why so drama?
No drama here. Chief of Army should stick to making comments about the threats to the nation - not its political process, and certainly not one which is trying - blatantly - to blackmail an elected representative body into doing something. Period.

ps: I know you guys will hate me for this, but better sense should prevail.
Dont blame the Netas. We only have ourselves to blame for things to have gotten this worse. I'd bet some organizers of this anti-corruption drive may have greased some babu palms to get permission for protesting! Its our desi mentality and our "chalta hein" attitude which is to blame. That has to go, first.

You are right we always had the 'chalta hai' attitude & it was because of our laid back attitude. This was probably due to centuries of foreign rule. Till a couple of decades back a government job was the ultimate aim in almost every one's life & career. Even in matrimonial columns people working for the Government were given preference. Now a days who cares for the Govt jobs? Times have changed & preference is given to corporates/multinationals etc..
I feel quite strongly about Anna hazard. The term "village idiot" can be used to define all that is Anna hazard.

Undermining our constitution and threatening the institution is not the way to go about it.
Can any one tell me the way then and why haven't the way executed from last 6 decades???
I feel quite strongly about Anna hazard. The term "village idiot" can be used to define all that is Anna hazard.

Undermining our constitution and threatening the institution is not the way to go about it.

Then what way do you suggest or propose to rid our country of corruption? Something that has not been tried for 60 odd years... Here somebody could do something to rid us of our "chalta hai" attitude which was exploited in every walk of life...
Changes have been taking place all over India. Changes for the better. The folks who never saw it, never bothered to open their eyes.
Dont blame the Netas. We only have ourselves to blame for things to have gotten this worse. I'd bet some organizers of this anti-corruption drive may have greased some babu palms to get permission for protesting! Its our desi mentality and our "chalta hein" attitude which is to blame. That has to go, first.
I have to disagree. Socially acceptable behaviour is always propagated from the leaders to the masses. There is a reason why they are called leaders.
I feel quite strongly about Anna hazard. The term "village idiot" can be used to define all that is Anna hazard.

Undermining our constitution and threatening the institution is not the way to go about it.
Where did this undermining our constitution get in here? He (and I) is (are) protesting to get a very serious bill taken up appropriately. It is going through parliament. There will be a vote by the elected representatives. There are peaceful protests on the street.
Now where in all this is something that is unconstitutional?
Seems Army is also having some grin over Congress??

Even I was surprised at the statement. Perhaps some fallout over the debate over his age. The armed forces in India generally refrain from commenting on internal affairs.
Even I was surprised at the statement. Perhaps some fallout over the debate over his age. The armed forces in India generally refrain from commenting on internal affairs.

following some of the statements from Indian Army officials in the recent times i feel they are now asserting and in many cases even forced the govt over issues relating to foreign affairs
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