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Annan peace plan fails as Asad's zombies massacre 92 inc 32 kids in Houla.

now zip it off you blind man , I'm not talking about the world I'm talking about the people who are getting killed every single minute. god can't believe this !!! lets not divert the topic with the sunni/shia conflict don't u see what Assad is doing to his own people.

enough with your name calling and insults this has been happening for a while what on earth do you plan to do ? Russia will VETO anything that happens to Syria. this is the situation in which assad can only fix not external forces.
Again assad never did anything to pakistan. this kind of thinking is why pakistan is in the place it is now.

all 57 muslim countries ? many seem to be having their own problems to look out to much for the ummah, you are however free to be like the foreign jihadis in syria only to make it worse.

I don't think you ZIONIST should open the bottle yet. We will resolve this problem and than sort you out in 2012.
I don't think you ZIONIST should open the bottle yet. We will resolve this problem and than sort you out in 2012.

again accusing me of something I'm not I consider Israel a leech or parasite. you haven't done a single thing yet assad is still in power and aside from Arab countries and turkey maybe pakistan other muslim countries aren't giving it much attention.
enough with your name calling and insults this has been happening for a while what on earth do you plan to do ? Russia will VETO anything that happens to Syria. this is the situation in which assad can only fix not external forces.

arming the free syrian army which already in progress. a little help from turkey to grant an isolated area. then will see that little piece of sh11t hanged in the center of Damascus.
arming the free syrian army which already in progress. a little help from turkey to grant an isolated area. then will see that little piece of sh11t hanged in the center of Damascus.

The FSA is getting armed but it doesn't help and I'm not sure if your aware but in Syria there are kurds do you know who they are ? and they are not on the fondest terms with turkey look up the PKK-turkey wars, the kurds will fight turkey if they cross over to syria. not to mention Russia will VETO anything Turkey does so it won't help you need UN permission before turkey does anything.
"If your neighbors house is on fire & you don't help put it out , those flames will eventually burn your own home " Turkish legend.

Syria is a Arab-Arab and Arab-Iran problem, why should we Pakistanis get involved? We are not affected by the bloody civil war in Syria so no need to worry about us catching fire. Besides, the Arabs have enough gadgets to handle the situation themselves if to comes down to b****mbing Assad's forces.
Syria is a Arab-Arab and Arab-Iran problem, why should we Pakistanis get involved? We are not affected by the bloody civil war in Syria so no need to worry about us catching fire. Besides, the Arabs have enough gadgets to handle the situation themselves if to comes down to b****mbing Assad's forces.

Exactly with all the Euro typhoons, F-15's, F-16's, not to mention high quality material from EU & USA they still can't, Pakistan needs to rebuild itself and have a good economy pakistan is suffering from a energy problem while countries like Saudi Arabia and the UAE want it to stop with the pipeline with Iran, if pakistan wants to be the superman of the muslim world at least get a good economy, I would even recommend Indonesia with it's 1 Trillion + economy over pakistan.

I wish Pakistan was in a position to bomb the sh!t out of this son of a b!!tch where ever he lies. He is exactly as ugly as his father.

Aren't you guys getting bombed by drones ? don't do to others as you wouldn't want to yourself.
Where is the Arab League's rage on Bahrain and the suppression there? Or are you all hypocrites on Syria and only want to call out those you oppose?

Oh I forgot, Bahrain has a Sunni ruler and the people are Shia. Inconvenient, that.
unfortunately this isn't anything new, and it is the usual suspects who support this.

I wouldn't be surprised if Assad knew nothing of this. He is either a very evil man or completely out of touch/ incompetent/ has lost control.
To all of those who believes that the Syrian government committed those ugly crimes i must say you are CRAZY, why would the Syrian government ask for more trouble? why would Alasad ask for more international pressure ? you people just need to think about it, this happened before Annan visit, to declare the mission as a failure which will allow the gulf countries and the west to use the 7th in the UN, which is military attack on Syria, Syria is the West's nightmare, the only government that its people did not abandon. We Syrians know the truth, and trust me if the Syrian government have done those crimes, the Syrian people will not let Alasad last a night, if the whole nation rises up, Alasad will be in trouble, so Alasad will not do any mistake to make the people turn against him even his supporters, BUT WE SYRIANS KNOW BETTER, WE KNOW HOW TO THINK OUT SIDE THE BOX.
Until the day comes when powers like China and Russia learn to understand the value of human lives and Muslim lives, we Muslims should stick with the US/West and finish off these murderers among our midst. If I was in charge of Bangladesh, and if there was a coalition of the willing to take out Assad, I would send whatever resources necessary to take care of this job, including our Armed forces, a good part of which has experience with the UN as peace keepers. Down with Russia and China for this inhuman power game and playing with Muslim lives.
Until the day comes when powers like China and Russia learn to understand the value of human lives and Muslim lives, we Muslims should stick with the US/West

Uh, sorry to disappoint you, but most muslims actually believe that their lives do have some value. So no, they are not going to stick to US/West.
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