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Ankara restores relations with Paris, revoking sanctions

Is having a lot of billionaires something to be proud of? All it shows is the wealth/income inequality in your country... Generally a sign of a poorer economy. The ideal situation is to have a large middle class, with small amounts of very rich and poor. In India it is the opposite, you have a small middle class with a lot of millionaires and billionaires and hundreds of millions of poor people.

Also you gave some examples of monuments for Khojali massacre (regrettable event it was). Let me give you just some of the monuments for Armenian genocide;

Cardiff, Wales
Marseille, France
Valencia, Spain
Esfahan, Iran
Arizona, US
California, US
Der Zor, Syria
Antelias, Lebanon
Beunos Aires, Argentina
Nicosia, Cyprus
Montreal, Canada
Assen, Netherlands

And many many more. So don't think that the international community has forgotten about Armenia...

If you want to talk about the so called 'Armenian genocide' , you can go on the other thread; we can discuss alot about the Armenian raids and massacares against Kurds, Turks, Iranians and their villages.
Is having a lot of billionaires something to be proud of? All it shows is the wealth/income inequality in your country... Generally a sign of a poorer economy. The ideal situation is to have a large middle class, with small amounts of very rich and poor. In India it is the opposite, you have a small middle class with a lot of millionaires and billionaires and hundreds of millions of poor people.

Also you gave some examples of monuments for Khojali massacre (regrettable event it was). Let me give you just some of the monuments for Armenian genocide;

Cardiff, Wales
Marseille, France
Valencia, Spain
Esfahan, Iran
Arizona, US
California, US
Der Zor, Syria
Antelias, Lebanon
Beunos Aires, Argentina
Nicosia, Cyprus
Montreal, Canada
Assen, Netherlands

And many many more. So don't think that the international community has forgotten about Armenia...

Really, I didn't know that giving milk to pregnant women and new mothers, settling Armenians to fetile cresendent and even giving money to Armenians for their relocation would be considred as genocide...
If you want to talk about the so called 'Armenian genocide' , you can go on the other thread; we can discuss alot about the Armenian raids and massacares against Kurds, Turks, Iranians and their villages.

You are really stupid if you think that you will debate someone on whether the AG happened or not. It's like debating whether there was a terrorist attack on 9/11: it's demeaning and pointless. There is nothing to argue about.

If you would like to talk about the problems impeding Turkey from facing its history, that would make for a more meaningful conversation.

Russia will invade this, Russia will invade that, is it your plan for a better economy ?

Well....yes. Given that Russia is Armenia's biggest trading partner, a border with them will help the economy.

Really, I didn't know that giving milk to pregnant women and new mothers, settling Armenians to fetile cresendent and even giving money to Armenians for their relocation would be considred as genocide...

Oh yes of course, and the PKK simply "resettled" Turkish soldiers that subsequently died on their own accord...
So Armenia's economy plan is supposition on the invade of other countries ?

Not happened for us, doesn't concerns us what do you think about that :)
So Armenia's economy plan is supposition on the invade of other countries ?

Not happened for us, doesn't concerns us what do you think about that :)

No, Armenia is not planning for this to happen. However, it is a logical unfolding events that can only help Armenia.

Something can't just "not happen to you." It happened, and eventually Turkey will take responsibility whether you like it or not.
You saying its happened, we saying not what is the point on further bringing it out ? :D
You saying its happened, we saying not what is the point on further bringing it out ? :D

Because it's not that simple. You see, if it weren't for the effort of Armenian diasporans worldwide, the genocide would have been forgotten long ago. But that is not the case. In the United States for example, Turkey must spend millions every year to hire politicians to deny the genocide, whereas Armenian diaspora is equally if not more effective with a fraction of the money.

Fortunately, Russia has already recognized the Genocide so there is no such problem here.
Why you think we should care ? :P

Well, Turkey clearly cares if they are putting so much time and money into genocide denial. Clearly they are trying to hide this, otherwise all this work would not be necessary.

In fact, Davutoglu had an interview a couple of days ago in which he know claimed that Armenian genocide survivors are actually members of Turkish diaspora. He said that there will now be a Turkish effort to reach out to Armenians and make dialogue. It really is disgusting. Turkey never gave a sh*t about Armenians until now, and are preparing for 2015 (Genocide 100 year anniversary).

This effort will fail miserably. If Turkey wanted genuine dialogue, it would recieve interest. But trying to fill the heads of Armenians with lies will not work.
Turkey cares because its being used as a political tool, simple as that.
Turkey cares because its being used as a political tool, simple as that.

I agree with you, the matter should not be politicized. Its partly due to diaspora activity (which I am personally against) and partly due to foreign governments (like France using this new bill to curb Turkish influence).

Either way, Turkey should recognize the genocide on moral grounds.
Either way, Turkey should recognize the genocide on moral grounds.

Stop begging here. Turkiye will never recognize your so-called genocide lie. You still are living in your dreams. There was no armenian genocide unlike Kurdish genocide. First armenia must recognize Kurdish genocide on moral grounds ok?
Stop begging here. Turkiye will never recognize your so-called genocide lie. You still are living in your dreams. There was no armenian genocide unlike Kurdish genocide. First armenia must recognize Kurdish genocide on moral grounds ok?

Funny, I don't hear any Kurds talking about this. And there are a lot of Kurds here in Nizhny.
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