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Armenians are on par with Kurds in there hate of Turkey. You have chosen the one Armenian hailed as a celebrity as an example of the "typical" Turkish Armenian. I can't tell if you are being stupid or think that I am stupid LOL.
Just because you do, doesn't mean that they should.
Armenians do not hate the people of Turkey. I never said that. They dislike the policy of the Turkish government.
Oh please, stop pretending. Turkish government has absolutely no policy regarding Armenians. They tried to revive relationships with Armenia but Azerbaijan objected.

Untill you retreat from Karabagh the government of Armenia will not be recognized.
Armenians in Turkey are fine

Of course their fine!

Where else are they going to find that luxery?

I can tell you now, not from a ex soviet state; especialy not Armenia. Except Azerbaijan; Azerbaijan is a very rich country; i would love to live in Baku!
Of course their fine!

Where else are they going to find that luxery?

I can tell you now, not from a ex soviet state; especialy not Armenia. Except Azerbaijan; Azerbaijan is a very rich country; i would love to live in Baku!

LOL you would absolutely not love to live in Azerbaijan. You be in utter subservience to Sultan Aliyev. Azerbaijan may have oil wealth, but the people do not see a penny, all that revenue goes to Ilham's real estate in Dubai and that project to build the world's tallest building.

Think before you post.
Of course their fine!

Where else are they going to find that luxery?

I can tell you now, not from a ex soviet state; especialy not Armenia. Except Azerbaijan; Azerbaijan is a very rich country; i would love to live in Baku!

LOL you would absolutely not love to live in Azerbaijan. You be in utter subservience to Sultan Aliyev. Azerbaijan may have oil wealth, but the people do not see a penny, all that revenue goes to Ilham's real estate in Dubai and that project to build the world's tallest building.

Think before you post.
Untill you retreat from Karabagh the government of Armenia will not be recognized.

What a pointless, uneducated post. First of all, Artsakh is now Armenian populated, we will never EVER withdraw. Second, there is a difference between not recognizing a government and not having relations with one. Turkey does recognize Armenia, just has no ties. Pakistan on the other hand, does not recognize Armenia at all.
I told you already what you accept as truth is not truth for us, why we would recognize something we don't accept ?

Dear targon please use the right word "... something that did not happen and a claim which is the biggest scam of human history"
Thanks in advance for your kind attention.
What a pointless, uneducated post. First of all, Artsakh is now Armenian populated, we will never EVER withdraw. Second, there is a difference between not recognizing a government and not having relations with one. Turkey does recognize Armenia, just has no ties. Pakistan on the other hand, does not recognize Armenia at all.
Turkey recognizes armenia without karabagh just like the UN and you don't really have a choice here, either you will withdraw from karabagh or economical pressure will turn into military one.

Sooner or later it will happen but i'd rather see it in a less bloody way.
You are remembering incorrectly. I posted those pics after the Khojaly pics.

Again, you are making up lies. I talked about KURDISH rights, but have always maintained that there is not enough info about PKK.

The thing is there are enough info about PKK to consider them as terrorist organization. But apperantly those infos are not working on victims of state supported hatred towards Turks such as yourself. To you, they are "fighting" for a great cause, they are fvckin freedom fighters.

And i'm pretty sure you posted those pictures as an answer to my post. But it is a good thing that you are denying it. Which means you are aware of that was a wrong thing to do.

My point is, you are the one whose brain has washed here. You're full of hatred and fantasies.
Who is "we"? Are you referring to Muslims in general or specifically Turks? In both cases you are in correct.

Sudanese Muslims have committed genocide against the Christians in the southern part of the country. Or do you deny this as well? Don't make generalizations about religions, they are almost always untrue.

I have researched. What you fail to mention is that Pickthall was a Muslim convert, and even before that he was in love with the Ottoman Empire. Don't you think this is bias? If you would like a truly impartial source, read Ottoman Centuries by Lord Kinross, a British historian, He is leading expert on this field, and has no particular love/dislike of Ottomans, Armenians, or any other group. You would enjoy this book, it is very readable and detailed.

I was not talking about modern Muslim rulers, most of these formerly-colonized places still are ruled by the westernized class that the colonizers nurtured and cherished. Just like in Bosnia, the west sits back and lets massacres happen, and then afterward, uses them to it's political aims. That's what they did in Indonesia(broke East Timor), did it to Yugoslavia(one of the most prosperous and peaceful countries in the region till the 80's), and they did it to numerous other countries like Sudan.

Pickthall converted to Islam due to his experiences in Ottoman Turkey. The sharp difference between the Turks and Europe, is visible to anyone. Turkey tolerated numerous sects and religions and co-existed peacefully with them for almost seven hundred years. Queen Elizabeth wrote repeated letters to Sultan Murad of Turkey, begging for protection before their war with the Spanish Armada. But when Europe got a chance, these folks were brutal - they went on every inhabited continent on the world and brutally raped weaker cultures, literally on every friggin continent except Antarctica. Instigating wars and "divide and conquer" in Mughal India, repeated massacres in South America, North America. Even now, there's this form of neo-colonization in the world where millions of people all over the world, in places like Vietnam, slave over on less than $1 a day to make these shirts and shoes for Nike and western mega-corps. These people can't afford to get sick or complain about the slave-like work conditions, if they do, they're easily replaced. This is worse than slavery where the master was responsible for ensuring the slave/s were well-fed and would continue to live.

So I don't understand this argument that one has to be detached and disinterested in the struggle between the victim and the tyrant. If Pickthall(who came from very high British lineage - something he was proud of) saw both the "Powers of Europe"(that were looting, raping, colonizing, and subjugating every continent on the planet) and Ottoman Turkey, and felt a deep admiration for Turkey - I do not think you can call that bias. If you read any of his writing, you would know that he is very methodical and factual, even his opponents(including Churchill - former classfellow of his, and someone who's actions he opposed) would not accuse him of being dishonest or unfair in his writings. Here's an excerpt from a biography written about him - shows what the Turkey of the late 18th century was like and how peaceful and tolerant it was, despite western subterfuge resulting in tremendous economic hardships:

Hoping to learn enough Arabic to earn him a consular job in Palestine, and with introductions in Jerusalem, Pickthall had sailed for Port Said. He was not yet eighteen years old.

The Orient came as a revelation. Later in life he wrote: ‘When I read The Arabian Nights I see the daily life of Damascus, Jerusalem, Aleppo, Cairo, and the other cities as I found it in the early nineties of last century. What struck me, even in its decay and poverty, was the joyousness of that life compared with anything that I had seen in Europe. The people seemed quite independent of our cares of life, our anxious clutching after wealth, our fear of death.’ He found a khoja to teach him more Arabic, and armed with a rapidly increasing fluency took ship for Jaffa, where, to the horror of European residents and missionaries, he donned native garb and disappeared into the depths of the Palestinian hinterland.

Some of his experiences in the twilight of that exotic world may be re-read in his travelogue, Oriental Encounters. He had found, as he explains, a world of freedom unimaginable to a public schoolboy raised on an almost idolatrous passion for The State. Most Palestinians never set eyes on a policeman, and lived for decades without engaging with government in any way. Islamic law was administered in its time-honoured fashion, by qadis who, with the exception of the Sahn and Ayasofya graduates in the cities, were local scholars. Villages chose their own headmen, or inherited them, and the same was true for the bedouin tribes. The population revered and loved the Sultan-Caliph in faraway Istanbul, but understood that it was not his place to interfere with their lives.

It was this freedom, as much as intellectual assent, which set Marmaduke on the long pilgrimage which was to lead him to Islam. He saw the Muslim world before Westernisation had contaminated the lives of the masses, and long before it had infected Muslim political thought and produced the modern vision of the Islamic State, with its ‘ideology’, its centralised bureaucracy, its secret police, its Pasdaran and its Basij. That totalitarian nightmare he would not have recognised as Muslim. The deep faith of the Levantine peasantry which so amazed him was sustained by the sincerity that can only come when men are free, not forced, in the practice of religion. For the state to compel compliance is to spread vice and disbelief; as the Arab proverb which he well-knew says: ‘If camel-dung were to be prohibited, people would seek it out.’

Throughout his life Pickthall saw Islam as radical freedom, a freedom from the encroachments of the State as much as from the claws of the ego. It also offered freedom from narrow fanaticism and sectarian bigotry. Late Ottoman Palestine was teeming with missionaries of every Christian sect, each convinced, in those pre-ecumenical days, of its own solitary rightness. He was appalled by the hate-filled rivalry of the sects, which, he thought, should at least be united in the land holy to their faith. But Christian Jerusalem was a maze of rival shrines and liturgies, where punches were frequently thrown in churches, while the Jerusalem of Islam was gloriously united under the Dome, the physical crown of the city, and of her complex history.
LOL you would absolutely not love to live in Azerbaijan. You be in utter subservience to Sultan Aliyev. Azerbaijan may have oil wealth, but the people do not see a penny, all that revenue goes to Ilham's real estate in Dubai and that project to build the world's tallest building.

Think before you post.

Have you seen Baku? They improved alot in city planing before the eurovison. Many people have new good cars and they built new infrastructures. What do you except? Azerbaijan İs recovering from the wrong policies of
the USSR.

P.S. "Think before you post."
Turkey recognizes armenia without karabagh just like the UN and you don't really have a choice here, either you will withdraw from karabagh or economical pressure will turn into military one.

Sooner or later it will happen but i'd rather see it in a less bloody way.

The UN has no choice in the matter, but ieven if that were the case it would not matter. There will never be sanctions placed on Armenia, there will simply be "endless talks" by the OSCE. Nobody has ever even brought up sanctions, so what the hell are you talking about?

Armenia will have no problem taking care of Azerbaijan militarily despite its smaller budget.
Underestimating enemies caused disasters in the history.
Have you seen Baku? They improved alot in city planing before the eurovison. Many people have new good cars and they built new infrastructures. What do you except? Azerbaijan İs recovering from the wrong policies of
the USSR.

P.S. "Think before you post."

You are honestly the least informed person on this forum. Do you have any idea about what kind of a county Azerbaijan is. Its freedom of media is only a couple of notches above North Korea's, and its human rights record is somewhere around there too. Which means that if you are anything close to a respectable person and will speak out against the injustices that you see there, you will be getting your @ss kicked by the authorities on a regular basis.

Yes, Baku has some nice buildings, but the Azeri citizens had to starve for them to be built. Go just outside the city, and you will see poverty like never before.

That is one proud aspect of Armenia: it technically has the resources to make Yerevan fancy, but it instead uses them to make comfortable living for most citizens (though there are still slums). There are no highrises, but there is also no poverty like in Baku.

Go ahead, go live in Azerbaijan. Enjoy being the slave of Sultan Aliyev.

Underestimating enemies caused disasters in the history.

Yes, but this estimation is based of prior experience. An analogy I like using for Azeri army: doesn't matter how many diamonds you put on a turd, it's still a piece of sh*t.
Thats ridiculous and baseless, because they're failed in the past is it means Armenians are superior humans ? for a certain event you can't label them useless.

That self confidence coming from nationalist arrogancy.
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