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Ankara restores relations with Paris, revoking sanctions



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Dec 27, 2010
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Ankara has decided to restore diplomatic and economic relations with Paris following the new French government’s decision to end its efforts to pass a bill to criminalize denial of Armenians genocide, Press TV reports.

During a meeting in Paris on Thursday, foreign ministers of the two countries (Ahmet Davutoglu of Turkey and Laurent Fabius of France) agreed to improve the strained relations between the two countries over the Armenian genocide bill.

Following the meeting with his French counterpart, Turkish foreign minister said: “as a result of the few difficulties which we experienced in the past, Turkey took a series of measures against France, but I would like to announce that these measures have been completely removed.”

Former President of France Nicolas Sarkozy had previously proposed a bill to the French parliament to criminalize denial of the Armenians genocide by the Ottoman Empire, the modern-day Turkey, during the World War I, in a bid to garner the vote of the Armenian population of the country during the Presidential elections.

However, the proposal which had caused widespread protests across Turkey and infuriated the Turkish establishment, was ultimately declared illegal by the French Constitutional Court.

France had accused Turkey, and its forerunner the Ottoman Empire, of committing genocide against the Armenian population of the country during the last days of the Ottoman Empire before it collapsed in 1915, an accusation Turkey has always strongly denied.

Turkey has always resisted the term ‘genocide’ being applied to the mass killing of the Armenian minority, arguing that they were not specifically targeted and thus the mass killings cannot properly constitute a genocide.

At the meeting, Fabius hailed “a new period of relations on every level” between the two countries.

In response to a question about Turkey’s adhesion issue, Fabius implied that such a decision will require a referendum, adding “at the end of the day things will come down to the decision of the people,” However, on the other hand, President Hollande had previously stated that he did not foresee Turkey’s acceptance into the EU bloc during the next five years.

PressTV - Ankara restores relations with Paris, revoking sanctions
Hahahaha I advise people to read the comment senction!! People are so obsessed with Jews and ''Zionists'' I am amazed that they working brain cells :D
Ankara restores relationship while France planning again to bring out a denial law?

Indeed just one week ago Hollande said he will upbring same law again , like i said many times france is a country offical enemy of Turkish nation.
the part i dont understand is they kill people in the name of democracy and freedom of speech, yet the put u in prison for speaking out. ike the alleged holohaox. i dont care what the ottomans do, they are zionists.
Guys you still do not get the point. AG is a politic tool and none wants to miss this opportunity. They use AG as a carrot for horses(armenians) then they get their votes.
Guys you still do not get the point. AG is a politic tool and none wants to miss this opportunity. They use AG as a carrot for horses(armenians) then they get their votes.

Typical "the-entire-world-is-lying-but-only-we-the-Turks-know-the-truth" attitude.:no:
Well, I will have no say whether the Armenian genocide happened or not, but I will point out that in terms of Pakistan's only genocide, our presidents/leaders have admitted to it and apologized to the Bengali people.
God willing, Turkey will do the same someday.

You say 'God Willing' as if you're Musilm, though, most Armenians are Christians. Is Christianity treated similar with the tenets of Islam in Armenia, as you do have your consitution based on Christianity I believe?
You say 'God Willing' as if you're Musilm, though, most Armenians are Christians. Is Christianity treated similar with the tenets of Islam in Armenia, as you do have your consitution based on Christianity I believe?

"God willing" is a universal statement. Would you have understood if I said "astvats kamenum" (Armenian version)? On the other hand, Muslims say inshallah. All same meaning.

All Armenians are Christian, those who converted are called Hemshis.

I believe that Christianity and Islam in government are generally aligned, although the conservatism in Armenia is matched probably only by Saudi Arabia or Iran. ( By this, I do not mean that Christianity is forced on society, but those who do observe are adamant and even the most secular will attend church at least once every few months. And yes, the Constitution recognizes the Apostalic Church as state religious authority and as ecclestial guide for all Armenians).
Armernian Genocide happends during Ottoman Empire time.
Please tell me where is Ottoman empire today?
Armernian Genocide happends during Ottoman Empire time.
Please tell me where is Ottoman empire today?

Turkey is the legal successor state.

Germany still pays Jews compensation, although it was a different government during Holocaust.
Turkey should project it's point-of-view on the Armenian genocide more vigourously.

One of my favorite English writers, M. Marmaduke Pickthall, spent alot of time in Ottoman Turkey(both during and before&after WW1), and he spent alot of time and effort trying to show people that the Armenian genocide was a complicated thing. His book, With the Turk in Wartime(copyright expired, available online for free), detailed some pretty grueling things.

He writes about how the Turks were the only race so civilized and tolerant, that their injured soldiers would mark in lines out of ships in Istanbul, and their own westernized elements and Christian/Greek minorities would humiliate them, throw things at them, mock them, and the wounded Turk soldiers would still quietly bear it all.

The West has a way of twisting facts, and using what happened a century ago to pressure nations. Really selective morality though, because they're perfectly with killing millions of civilians in Iraq(4 million+), Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea(essentially every war they wage), or when their dearest ally Israel blocks food supplies to Gaza's starving population. In cases like those, it's actually immoral to provide those starving people food, and the brave people who get massacred trying to bring those criticially needed supplies, are the bad guys.
Typical "the-entire-world-is-lying-but-only-we-the-Turks-know-the-truth" attitude.:no:

What you mean by whole the world? Who was involved to the first world war? Look at the countries that involved in to this, their dark history is full of genocides and warcrimes. Yes, i am talking about Brittish, French, Russian, Greek, Italyan and Armenian.

There only hope is, that a Islamic Empire must have comitted a genocide to.
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