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Angry India tells US 'times have changed' after diplomat spat

The premium to be USA's ally is to let USA station army in your land, will India allow them doing so? I think big no.

Damn .No .we will not allow US soldiers in our soil.For that we have communist parties
This isn't a case about US what right or wrong, this is a case of justifiable cause or not, later find out no concrete evident to justifiable so on the ground of do or do not. Do not because of human error and faulty intelligent, do so because hard evident at hand confirm by intelligent and it surrounding.
This isn't about justice, in a war people kill each other not to uphold justice and what not, they kill each other for survival.

Apache Helicopter attack video is all about justice ...

It not about people killing each other in war ....it is about mad soldiers killing for amusement ...

It is about the US federal government trying to cover it up ...

It smacks of US hypocrisy to preach about human rights to whole world publicaly and to trample them in private ....

Thanks to Julian Assange and Edward Snowden numerous such instances have been brought in Public domain ...
and no wonder stripped and exposed ' Statue of liberty ' is hounding both of them .....

No matter however US may try to pretend , the rest of the world is not blind ....we know very well that the US is the most hypocrite country in the world ....
I stand with the maid, Sangeeta Richard. Everybody let's all boycott all 3 Indian products in the US.

Disgusting Indians. Whine, whine, whine. Should just nuke them back to stone age.

Basically, you are saying Nuke the Indians back 20 years??? That shouldn't be hard. Most of Mumbai looks like it already got nuked.
"The US has to understand that the world has changed, times have changed and India has changed."
The U.S. understands that; it is India that doesn't. The U.S. won the war on racism over a generation back. America's two-term leader sees himself as coming from a third-world country. Most of his advisers and key men are minorities. The head of the Justice Dept. is African-American and the prosecutor in the case was himself an Indian citizen until recently and quite likely still carries an Indian passport.

These people feel no connection, nor need to apologize, for any of their racist predecessors. They do not hold that there should be one standard for white people and a second standard for brown people any more.

One of India's greatest assets in America has been its presumption of moral sanctity: the "saintliness" of Ghandi and third-world colonial sufferings expanded to the Indian nation as a whole. Through the Indian government's choice - puzzling to almost all Americans - to defend the indefensible, this image is breaking, though in my opinion it has not yet completely broken.
Its an Indian that is violating the American law. And its the Indian media, public and forum members that are indignant. It should be Americans that get pissed off as our laws are violated by an Indian national.

A rag tag chini troll in support of USA is going to tell the world about a American laws been broken. What an oxymoron.

Whole yellow race just one day before was telling Indians to be American poodles has turned the whole rant on it head to suit their lies like a low life insecure Hypocrite.

Bombing China embassy in the war zone can be justify because of faulty intelligent or human error. Since India removed the barricade likely invited the open season for terrorist to have a run at the embassy with a truck bomb, this can be preventable, the 1st cause can be justify because of human error

Only a tin pot like you can make bombing on Chinese embassy look small. We all know why Chinese didn't reacted against their dad USA.

BTW Chinese embassy is next door to USA. They are just doing well without barricades.

I stand with the maid, Sangeeta Richard. Everybody let's all boycott all 3 Indian products in the US.

Basically, you are saying Nuke the Indians back 20 years??? That shouldn't be hard. Most of Mumbai looks like it already got nuked.

Another false flag maggot pretending to be an American.
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Disgusting creature talking about nuking 1.2Billion people...

China man has run out of noodles his cheap phone is not only giving him enough thrill of talking about nukes but earning him food for the table while posting such garbage.
A rag tag chini troll in support of USA is going to tell the world about a American laws been broken. What an oxymoron.

Whole yellow race just one day before was telling Indians to be American poodles has turned the whole rant on it head to suit their lies like a low life insecure Hypocrite.

Only a tin pot like you can make bombing on Chinese embassy look small. We all know why Chinese didn't reacted against their dad USA.

BTW Chinese embassy is next door to USA. They are just doing well without barricades.

Whatever you said, India government threw a fistful of hot air won't change the outcome of this case, removed the barricade won't make the US state department issue an apology, US justice department won't drop the case because India government had a temper tantrum, legally or otherwise India government is powerless pertain to this criminal case. Do something concrete not mere words or used the barricade to blackmailed the US in this matter.
USA must be sweating that India has the P4 Posiden technology and C17 technology risk of falling in hand of Russia

Suprised at the attitude of Indians , after all the diplomat committed fraud and serious slave trading crime

US is correct in this sadly

Exclusive! Kerry, Burns, Biswal not informed of action against Khobragade
December 18, 2013 11:56 IST

The investigation into and action being taken by the US State Department's Diplomatic Security Service against Dr Devyani Khobragade were not shared with Secretary of State John F Kerry, Deputy Secretary of State William Burns or Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia Nisha Desai Biswal, reveals Rediff.com's Aziz Haniffa from Washington, DC.
enior American administration and law enforcement sources have told Rediff.com that the political and career leadership at the State Department -- from Secretary of State John F Kerry, down to Deputy Secretary of State William Burns and the newly minted Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia, Nisha Desai Biswal -- had absolutely no clue that at the time they were meeting with Foreign Secretary Sujatha Singh, that an arrest warrant was being prepared by US Attorney Preet Bharara's office to arrest India's Deputy Consul General in New York Devyani Khobragade, left, on visa fraud charges -- on the strength of an affidavit provided it by the State Department.
Ironically, at the time Kerry dropped in at the meeting between Burns and Singh and the respective delegations, and both sides were appreciating the camaraderie between Washington and New Delhi -- so much so that India officials said, "The partnership has reached a level where you can discuss pretty much anything, including issues where there are differences in perspective" -- unbeknownst to them, US Magistrate Judge for the Southern District of New York Debra Freeman had signed off on the warrant requested by Bharara for US Marshalls to arrest, handcuff and strip-search Dr Khobragade, which action set off an unprecedented diplomatic row between India and the US.
The sources said that the investigation into the alleged fraud, conducted by Special Agent Mark J Smith with the State Department's Diplomatic Security Service, had been going on for over a year.
The DSS was working in concert with the State Department's consular services bureau, which in turn had alerted the Indian embassy in September that such an investigation against Dr Khobragade was under way and action could be taken for violation of US laws.
However, this information and its gravity of an imminent arrest had not reached those dealing with India like Burns and Biswal or Sujatha Singh's diplomatic counterpart, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman.
Like it happened during the Benghazi fiasco, where then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was not informed of the security concerns expressed by Ambassador Chris Stevens, the US envoy to Libya, who was later killed along with three other Americans by terrorists who stormed the Benghazi consulate, the investigation and action being formulated by the DSS against Dr Khobragade had not been conveyed to Burns, Sherman or Biswal.
Evidently, Special Agent Smith had scrupulously prepared his case anticipating the fallout from an arrest of a diplomat like Dr Khobragade.
His affidavit submitted to Bharara's office says how besides reviewing dutifully the official database of the Department of State, he had also checked with the latter's protocol section which, he said, is 'the entity that accredits foreign diplomats and determines immunity levels. And I know that Khobragade enjoys limited diplomatic immunity with respect to only those acts undertaken in her official capacity.'
Thus, when Burns and Biswal came to know of the Khobragade case as everyone else did through news reports, the horse had already left the barn, or as one diplomatic observer told this correspondent, "The shit had hit the fan," with New Delhi taking a set of actions unprecedented in the annals of the US-India diplomatic and political experience.
Burns and Biswal and US Ambassador in New Delhi Nancy Powell are in full damage control mode. Kerry, travelling in Southeast Asia, has been made aware of the diplomatic and political spat.
The State Department officials have appealed to Delhi for understanding, and are in constant touch with their counterparts at the ministry of external affairs.
Since the matter is now sub judice, the State Department officials have to be extremely scrupulous about their statements as even a tinge of apology would mean they are questioning the very investigation carried on by the very agency they belong to and more importantly could have implications on the case when it is heard.
Thus, one source told Rediff.com, "There is absolutely no way, let alone a formal apology, even anything close to what can be construed as an apology will be made."
What was giving likely worry lines to Burns, Biswal and other senior officials who deal with India was that it could only get worse as the case proceeds, once Bharara's office begins its prosecution for the alleged charges against Dr Khobragade, which, if proven, could result in 10 or five years imprisonment.
One way out for Dr Khobragade, a source acknowledged, may have been that once the State Department alerted the Indian embassy that action was imminent against her -- as the State Department claims it did -- for the diplomat to have immediately packed her bags "and gotten the hell out of the US."
According to this source, "In such a scenario, the case would have fallen flat, because can you imagine what India would have said if the US called for her extradition? They would have told the US to go take a hike."
Now that avenue is closed because Dr Khobragade has had to surrender her passport. Her travel within the US is restricted and permitted only with the court's prior approval.

She looks like a "Magroor" Type , gives a impression of above the law attitude sadly
I heard she was running a slave trade ring by paying 2$ wages

Cannot imagine how the Nanny was living in USA with wage of just 2$

Cost of water bottle for the rich diplomat costs 2$ -$5.00
Whatever you said, India government threw a fistful of hot air won't change the outcome of this case, removed the barricade won't make the US state department issue an apology, US justice department won't drop the case because India government had a temper tantrum, legally or otherwise India government is powerless pertain to this criminal case. Do something concrete not mere words or used the barricade to blackmailed the US in this matter.

I am not here to read prediction from some dick head.

We have all the right to defend our people. We are not Chinese or Pakistanis. We can pull anyone who messes with us.

This episode is slap on the face of every cunt who has been trolling at Indians that we were poodles of USA or any other so called Hyper power.
Whatever you said, India government threw a fistful of hot air won't change the outcome of this case, removed the barricade won't make the US state department issue an apology, US justice department won't drop the case because India government had a temper tantrum, legally or otherwise India government is powerless pertain to this criminal case. Do something concrete not mere words or used the barricade to blackmailed the US in this matter.

For India, diplomacy is always a game.If they dont drop charges,we have back-up plan .And it is not going good for US.After all India move forward without help of US until last decade and India can move like that.It is our culture to treat our friends like GOD.Al this friend ship talk has only 10 years old.If they dont need us,we also dont need them.And our congress GoI cant stand down now.If they do it, it will be a finishing game for congress in next election.
The head of the Justice Dept. is African-American and the prosecutor in the case was himself an Indian citizen until recently and quite likely still carries an Indian passport.
Whoa! I do agree with some of your points but a sweeping statement like this doesn't befit you:usflag:
India has NEVER ALLOWED nor will it EVER Will. .... .DUAL CITIZENSHIP.
I'm pretty sure DAs or even chief prosecutors in USA won't be dual citizens of any other country!
I am not here to read prediction from some dick head.

We have all the right to defend our people. We are not Chinese or Pakistanis. We can pull anyone who messes with us.

This episode is slap on the face of every cunt who has been trolling at Indians that we were poodles of USA or any other so called Hyper power.

Just more hot air, say anything you want to sooth your soul and help you sleep soundly as night, bomb the US embassy to retaliate the perception of US ill treatment of your diplomat or India. All these won't change the outcome of this criminal case in the US, US justice department allow the defendant a fair trail to defend her case in the US criminal court.

For India, diplomacy is always a game.If they dont drop charges,we have back-up plan .And it is not going good for US.After all India move forward without help of US until last decade and India can move like that.It is our culture to treat our friends like GOD.Al this friend ship talk has only 10 years old.If they dont need us,we also dont need them.And our congress GoI cant stand down now.If they do it, it will be a finishing game for congress in next election.

Diplomacy war between US and India can't influence the outcome of a criminal case. US justice department have the supreme authority to enforce US law not the US state department.
USA must be sweating that India has the P4 Posiden technology and C17 technology risk of falling in hand of Russia

Suprised at the attitude of Indians , after all the diplomat committed fraud and serious slave trading crime

US is correct in this sadly

She looks like a "Magroor" Type , gives a impression of above the law attitude sadly
I heard she was running a slave trade ring by paying 2$ wages

Cannot imagine how the Nanny was living in USA with wage of just 2$

Cost of water bottle for the rich diplomat costs 2$ -$5.00

Not so Azaad Pakistani threatened by Indian transport planes which have been already copied by Chinese, and couple of Poseidon operated by Pakistan; who has given access to their F-16s and many other american technologies to China is doing great service for his country. Good Job today you have become a real musalman.

Offensive language to offer "insult" to another member is not allowed as per rules, kindly adhere to forum rules. Post reported. Thank you.

Loser, Don't talk for others when they themselves have been capable to answer back and write better than you.
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