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Angry India tells US 'times have changed' after diplomat spat

The US cannot stop you guys from acquiring nukes. But that does not make the nukes legal. If a nation cannot even follow the law, how do you expect each individual citizens to do so. Not to mention the elites of India who has a retinue of servants following them around. These guys believe that the law was created to serve them and they are above the law. This princess need to wake up and start becoming responsible. And you Indians need to help her grow up.

You are indeed so naïve ....

Indeed there is nothing like Illegal nukes ...as far as India is concerned ...

India doesn't require US sanction for its nuclear status ....

Illegal or Legal when nuke explodes it creates same havoc ....

This particular sense of Supremacist thinking is responsible for schism between West and east ....

they always consider themselves God and expect rest to follow their decree and abide by rule they create ....

We use toilet papers. Do you use your left hand? Or is it right hand?

and do you use your mouth to hold the toilet paper ???

seems that's the case ...!
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I also posted this earlier...but no indian on pdf came forward to criticize that. this woman is no saint either.

Did anybody in India said that she is saint ...
She is Indian citizen and Indian diplomat ....

Indian law will deal with her ...meanwhile In US she is a diplomat of India ...she needs to be treated in dignified way irrespective of her being named or shamed for corrupt practice in India ...

Raymond Davis was no saint either ....so did US government left him at the mercy of Pakistani law ....???

Of course, remove the barricade like threaten the life of US embassy station in India and remind everyone in the US the Libya incident that caused the life of Stevenson Ambassador assigned to Libya.

India is not Libya ....

It is funny you are getting worked up by just removal of barricades ...

Not like instance where US bombed the Chinese embassy ...
I'm a law abiding citizen, I have a fundamental respect for the US constitution, laws, ethics, and what define us as human beings.

I see what you mean, I guess it is fair to say that the Indian Gov't took it a bit too far.

How far is bit too far ???

Indian government won't take such unusually hard position unless it has definite reasons to do so ...

India has always tried for reconciliation and rapprochement ....

Even in face of grave provocation by Pakistan and China I, India has always acted in mature & restrained manner ....

It was unacceptable treatment to diplomat that too from a friendly country ...

US has demonstrated its insensitivity towards this issue ....

Its calculations have gone miserably wrong ...

if US wanted to arrest the diplomat and brought her to face law , it could have been done in more discreet and sensitive way ....

US is wrong on many counts ....

India has no choice but to take it to force its way its logical conclusion and that will be release of its diplomat ...

any update ?

UN posting gives Devyani temporary immunity, US says - The Times of India

Indian government is testing on whether throwing a temper tantrum would produce results. I have a 2 year old and that is her method of getting things now. Once they are 3 1/2, they would stop this method.

seems you are immature than your 2 year old ....

You have no idea how the rhetoric works in Diplomacy ...

India has set stage for back channel talks ....by setting agenda

Getting our Diplomat out of US is our priority ....it is necessary to show to US what length India can go to ensure this ....

Not all public statements are meant for public consumption....many times Publically states positions set agenda for private talks ....

But alas can we expect you to understand this ?
I doubt so ....
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That's what you feel....the papers were processed by US authorities ...why didn't they question as to since Devyani's income s 4500$ how can she pay 4800$ to maid ?

The papers should not have been processed in first place ???

The US authorities who processed papers must be stupid in that case ....

In any case there is substantial evidence that Devyani is being framed for what seems to be a common practice for diplomats of almost several hundred other countries ....

Serial sex offender US president Bill Clinton lied under oath ....

where did the so called Independent Judiciary went ???

US is the most hypocrite country in this world ....

and You are one of the most hypocrite on PDF ....

Independent Judiciary? OK. In the US constitution? who has the power to put anyone in the executive branch or the supreme court justices in jail?

You are a good example of US hypocrisy ....

US government tried to enforce diplomatic immunity on pakistan establishment ..with his diplomatic papers being processed 2 days after he was charged for murder ...

US government all along maintained that Raymond Davis can't be subjected to Pakistani law ...as he has diplomatic immunity ....and it is the height of US hypocrisy that it eventually used the priovision of same Pakistani law it refused to accept to get Raymod davis free ....

US used its status , muscle power as well as its wealth to force Pakistani establishment to create this passage for Raymond davis ....

US is the most hypocrite country in the world ....

why did John Kerry expressed regrets then.... ? He must be retard in that case ....Go and preach John Kerry not to keep calling his Indian counterparts ....to express regrets ....since it is Indian that has broke the American law ...!!!

He has to say that US feel regret that we have to charge an Indian consulate worker. Its indeed a regrettable event.
This fake outrage about enslavement and visa fraud just boggles my mind. Next time Mr. Bharara orders Chinese/Indian/Asian food delivery to his home in Manhattan, he should ask the delivery guy how he is being treated, how much he is being paid and whether he gets the tip. Most of these restaurants not only underpay their immigrant workers without any overtime, but also keep their tip if the tip is included in the credit card charge.

That’s why we always pay cash tip directly to the food delivery guy. This is common knowledge in NYC. But hey as long as the New Yorkers keep getting their food delivered to their homes fast and cheap, its all good, mistreatment and enslavement of cheap 3rd world labor be damned.

Coming to Ms. Sangeeta Richard, not only she violated the terms of her visa by absconding from DK’s home and seeking work outside, her passport was also revoked by India. So she is nothing but an illegal alien, same as all those restaurant workers and farm workers who get picked up and deported the moment they come under the radar of LE agencies in the US.

Mind you, not all of these restaurant workers come here illegally, a lot of them come on tourist visas or maid visas of country and UN diplomats and then vanish when their visa expires or when they don’t want to work at the diplomat’s home (I know of couple of such cases), similar to what Ms. Richard did.

So instead of deporting her, the US authorities take her under their wing, believe all that she alleges, give her asylum as well as hurriedly give visa to her family and flow them out (while ignoring all the cases going on in Indian courts against them) and then go to war against an Indian diplomat and by extension against India. WOW!!!! How innocent!!

And as far as the State Dept not having any clue about this, that’s another lie. They were all aware of the Russian Diplomat Medicaid scam case and stopped Mr. Bharara from making any arrests (this is the exact quote from a nytimes article on this case:

“Mr. Bharara’s news briefing, unlike others in the past, was not followed by an appearance of the defendants in court. Mr. Bharara said his office had been advised that the defendants all had diplomatic immunity, so none had been arrested.

He said the State Department could seek a waiver of immunity from the Russian government to allow a prosecution to go forward. If no waiver was given, Mr. Bharara said, the State Department’s policy was to “require departure of that individual from the United States.”

How understanding Mr. Bharara is of diplomacy when dealing with Russian diplomats, most of them much junior to what DK’s diplomatic status is.

I understand the maid, she came here, saw the bright lights and bright future for her children and family and just wanted to stay here no matter what. I even get the State Dept., every country reserves the right to send a message to another country if they think their partnership is not working or that something is amiss. You gave Russia a good message for sheltering Snowden, but didn't arrest or finger rape anyone.

Couldn’t you have exercised the same diplomatic judgement here as well. Did you really have to arrest DK from the school and give her a cavity search. India also has the right to reply and I hope Americans received the message loud and clear that Indian’s won’t be cowed down by these tactics and you would not hear the end of it from 1.2 billion Indians.
Did anybody in India said that she is saint ...
She is Indian citizen and Indian diplomat ....

Indian law will deal with her ...meanwhile In US she is a diplomat of India ...she needs to be treated in dignified way irrespective of her being named or shamed for corrupt practice in India ...

Raymond Davis was no saint either ....so did US government left him at the mercy of Pakistani law ....???

India is not Libya ....

It is funny you are getting worked up by just removal of barricades ...

Not like instance where US bombed the Chinese embassy ...

US Bombed Chinese embassy because China embassy located in a war zone in Belgrade, US stated they accident bomb the building and killed 3 people inside, US also believed China and Serb shared intelligent inside the building, in the war zone US bomber would bombs any nation assist the enemy in the war. NATO at war against the Serb in Belgrade, when China embassy thought to have connection with the Serb, China embassy placed itself in the bombing campaign, later to find out there weren't concrete evident China share intelligent with Serb in China embassy nor confirmed China did or didn't have the downed blackhawk stealth technology in China hand. The bombing was call an accident by not having enough evident of China involvement.
Independent Judiciary? OK. In the US constitution? who has the power to put anyone in the executive branch or the supreme court justices in jail?

He has to say that US feel regret that we have to charge an Indian consulate worker. Its indeed a regrettable event.

Or he regrets for being himself ....you never know.

May be he is regretting being an American ....( you wouldn't know if he does or doesn't )
Bombing China embassy in the war zone can be justify because of faulty intelligent or human error. Since India removed the barricade likely invited the open season for terrorist to have a run at the embassy with a truck bomb, this can be preventable, the 1st cause can be justify because of human error
US Bombed Chinese embassy because China embassy located in a war zone in Belgrade, US stated they accident bomb the building and killed 3 people inside, US also believed China and Serb shared intelligent inside the building, in the war zone US bomber would bombs any nation assist the enemy in the war. NATO at war against the Serb in Belgrade, when China embassy thought to have connection with the Serb, China embassy placed itself in the bombing campaign, later to find out there weren't concrete evident China share intelligent with Serb in China embassy nor confirmed China did or didn't have the downed blackhawk stealth technology in China hand. The bombing was call an accident by not having enough evident of China involvement.

Off course Uncle Sam is always right ...

Do you have any instance where US got it wrong ???

I am sure answer is NO .

Big Boss Uncle Sam is always correct ....always right ....always !!!
Bombing China embassy in the war zone can be justify because of faulty intelligent or human error. Since India removed the barricade likely invited the open season for terrorist to have a run at the embassy with a truck bomb, this can be preventable, the 1st cause can be justify because of human error

The barricades were removed from Nyaya Marg to ease general traffic.No changes have been made in the security arrangement around the embassy. There is no modification in the deployment of security personnel or police patrolling in the area, so whats the big fuss going around here????
Bombing China embassy in the war zone can be justify because of faulty intelligent or human error. Since India removed the barricade likely invited the open season for terrorist to have a run at the embassy with a truck bomb, this can be preventable, the 1st cause can be justify because of human error

we have seen US mistakes in war zone ...and human errors

Thanks to Julian assange : we could never have understood the human errors seen in Apache Helicopter attack video ....

Such awful mistake and human error indeed ....and what a great sense of US justice to brush it under the carpet ....

The Great American sense of justice is commendable beyond imagination ....
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Disgusting Indians. Whine, whine, whine. Should just nuke them back to stone age.

Fortunately there is someone by your username who is shameless enough to do it in every Indian thread. Continue whining, while the rest have a fruitful discussion overlap your jokes.
Off course Uncle Sam is always right ...

Do you have any instance where US got it wrong ???

I am sure answer is NO .

Big Boss Uncle Sam is always correct ....always right ....always !!!

This isn't a case about US what right or wrong, this is a case of justifiable cause or not, later find out no concrete evident to justifiable so on the ground of do or do not. Do not because of human error and faulty intelligent, do so because hard evident at hand confirm by intelligent and it surrounding.

we have seen US mistakes in war zone ...and human errors

Thanks to Julian assange : we could never have understand the human errors seen in Apache Helicopter attack video ....

Such awful mistake and human error indeed ....and what a great sense of US justice to brush it under the carpet ....

The Great American sense of justice is commendable beyond imagination ....

This isn't about justice, in a war people kill each other not to uphold justice and what not, they kill each other for survival.

The barricades were removed from Nyaya Marg to ease general traffic.No changes have been made in the security arrangement around the embassy. There is no modification in the deployment of security personnel or police patrolling in the area, so whats the big fuss going around here????

There no big fuss in here, no one want something to happen if you can prevent it to happen at all.
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