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Anglophile Owner of Cafe Cannoli in Islamabad Harass Manager for "Poor English Accent".

Poor folk!!!! Working under the female "micro" management is no fun!!!!

For a reason, the "White" blokes under President Trump wanted to burn down the Capitol....

*Looks like these "ladies" are unmarried. The Pak serials are right to depict the strong-willed mothers-in-laws having a PAF-on-02/27 like dominance over their "timid" daughters-in-law
Poor folk!!!! Working under the female "micro" management is no fun!!!!

For a reason, the "White" blokes under President Trump wanted to burn down the Capitol....

*Looks like these "ladies" are unmarried. The Pak serials are right to depict the strong-willed mothers-in-laws having a PAF-on-02/27 like dominance over their "timid" daughters-in-law
Can I respectfully suggest something.
Your icon photo looks like young W C. Tufail Qaiser.....just a guess?
No sir. The guy in the picture is Lieutenant Derek Joseph, a young troop leader with the 'Harawals', was awarded the Tamgha-e-Jurat for gallantry, after knocking out 4 tanks despite taking several hits. he was of Armenian descent, and retired as a Lieutenant Colonel.

Further reading here,
No sir. The guy in the picture is Lieutenant Derek Joseph, a young troop leader with the 'Harawals', was awarded the Tamgha-e-Jurat for gallantry, after knocking out 4 tanks despite taking several hits. he was of Armenian descent, and retired as a Lieutenant Colonel.

Further reading here,
Armenian in Pakistan Army?
This fakeass anglophile Uzma the owner of Cafe Canoli in Islamabad and her friend Diya (who probably should hit a gym) mocked and abused their male manager for not speaking English in their fake wannabe accent, and videoed it for laughs.

Stop going there.

The goray kay tattay chuknay still runs in alot of Pakistanis veins. I have seen some idiot aunties in islamabad bargaining with shop keepers in english.

She must have had a brain -fa-rt or something---. Who would want to post and insulting video of their employee on the video channel.

That is a lawsuit in itself for humiliation on the world forum by an employer---.
I plan to visit the caffee and make a video secretly on my next visit to Islamabad in March or April time this year.
will be fun lol.
I am still considering how should I dress? tribal or modern?
I plan to visit the caffee and make a video secretly on my next visit to Islamabad in March or April time this year.
will be fun lol.
I am still considering how should I dress? tribal or modern?
Tribal Tribal Tribal.
I plan to visit the caffee and make a video secretly on my next visit to Islamabad in March or April time this year.
will be fun lol.
I am still considering how should I dress? tribal or modern?


Dress well to suit the occassion.
If wealth was a measure of something’s honor the Prophet would have no honor. Islam would not be a major religion. If Pakistan was a wealthy state these besharam tawaif would be speaking Urdu, wearing shalwar kameez and yapping about how amazing Urdu is. Instead they are part of this liberal kanjar tola who have zero respect or devotion to our nation, language, heritage and people. Where is Khadim Hussain when you need him.
I plan to visit the caffee and make a video secretly on my next visit to Islamabad in March or April time this year.
will be fun lol.
I am still considering how should I dress? tribal or modern?
Tribal all the way pakol, vaskat and naswar also carry a legal side piece walk in with huge smile and on top of your lungs ASALAM o ALIKUM.
I intent to make a video and share on twitter lol
I might get kicked out if I go too tribal lol.
dont be afraid you are legally entitled to wear what ever you want, and if they do refuse to serve you then that just strengthens your case.

I may also remind discrimination goes both ways so I know exactly how the manager feels I was made a lot of mockery of the way I spoke, pronounced and the way I looked when I was in school in Pakistan at this point it is personal.
I plan to visit the caffee and make a video secretly on my next visit to Islamabad in March or April time this year.
will be fun lol.
I am still considering how should I dress? tribal or modern?

I vote tribal. And only speak any native language Pakistan!!!

dont be afraid you are legally entitled to wear what ever you want, and if they do refuse to serve you then that just strengthens your case.

I may also remind discrimination goes both ways so I know exactly how the manager feels I was made a lot of mockery of the way I spoke, pronounced and the way I looked when I was in school in Pakistan at this point it is personal.
kids with heavy British or Canadian accent get bullied and mocked in Pakistan. I have seen that happening in my school time and felt bad for those kids and tried to protect them when I was around.
my intended visit is just for a light laugh. not to put anyone on the spot. I will have a laugh with the coffee management, have my food and make some vlog and will be gone without creating any scene.
I am just not the kind who just joins the band wagon of morality police commentary on social media.
I vote tribal. And only speak any native language Pakistan!!!

my native might be too remote or hard for them to understand. so I will speak national language or English
Lowest of the low two scums disguising as human beings.
When most of his customers are pakistanis then why the heck english matters.
He just need a basic english he already has to deal with the occasional visits of foreigners in the cafe.
When I was living in russia I used to visit many cafes and offices overthere. No one overthere most of the time knew a word of english and if you try to force your english on them they will rudely force their Russian on you as a retialiation.This is called taking pride in your language and identity. See that's why they are such a global level power and have influence far beyond Russian borders. Here even after 72 years we are too busy worshipping a white a$$.
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