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Anglophile Owner of Cafe Cannoli in Islamabad Harass Manager for "Poor English Accent".

As a business owner myself and from a business point of view these ladies actually have a point.

it appears A requirement of this position is to have a manager who can speak proper english. Also this manager was paid a handsome salary for over 8 years and has taken expensive english classes.

such a significant investment has been made on this guy and he cant even speak a word of english properly. I see this as constructive critism.

unfortunately our society has become used to rewarding failure.This guy is honestly lucky he still has such a great job and I honestly dont know how he even managed.
As a business owner myself and from a business point of view these ladies actually have a point.

it appears A requirement of this position is to have a manager who can speak proper english. Also this manager was paid a handsome salary for over 8 years and has taken expensive english classes.

such a significant investment has been made on this guy and he cant even speak a word of english properly. I see this as constructive critism.

unfortunately our society has become used to rewarding failure.This guy is honestly lucky he still has such a great job and I honestly dont know how he even managed.

I have two observations on that view.

First, he is obviously performing his duties very competently, otherwise he would not be a manager, or he would not have a job. The fact he has a job, and as a manager, obviously means he is fulfilling his role very well. Those ladies are not the soft type, so he must be doing very well in his role.

Secondly, if for a moment, we accept their point of view, what kind of person displays his shortcomings to the whole world in such a manner, it's contemptuous beyond measure.
As a business owner myself and from a business point of view these ladies actually have a point.

it appears A requirement of this position is to have a manager who can speak proper english. Also this manager was paid a handsome salary for over 8 years and has taken expensive english classes.

such a significant investment has been made on this guy and he cant even speak a word of english properly. I see this as constructive critism.

unfortunately our society has become used to rewarding failure.This guy is honestly lucky he still has such a great job and I honestly dont know how he even managed.

I understand the business case here even how ridiculous that sounds. However, you do it aside reminding him why the good English skill is necessary and not make fun of him in front of the whole world.
I have two observations on that view.

First, he is obviously performing his duties very competently, otherwise he would not be a manager, or he would not have a job. The fact he has a job, and as a manager, obviously means he is fulfilling his role very well. Those ladies are not the soft type, so he must be doing very well in his role.

Secondly, if for a moment, we accept their point of view, what kind of person displays his shortcomings to the whole world in such a manner, it's contemptuous beyond measure.

The main job of a manager is to communicate to customers. This shop appears to be high end and in islamabad. Most likely catering mostly to foreigners/diplomats/upper class. There is nothing wrong with that. the fact that this guy is unable to speak english def hurts the credibility of the business in handling customer complaints, orders, feedback, etc...

These ladies seem to be doing some kind of performance review. Something they should do more often...since it took them only 8 years to realize his short comings. These type of things are also very remediable.
As a business owner myself and from a business point of view these ladies actually have a point.

it appears A requirement of this position is to have a manager who can speak proper english. Also this manager was paid a handsome salary for over 8 years and has taken expensive english classes.

such a significant investment has been made on this guy and he cant even speak a word of english properly. I see this as constructive critism.

unfortunately our society has become used to rewarding failure.This guy is honestly lucky he still has such a great job and I honestly dont know how he even managed.
Sounds like you are terrible at business, so your main criteria for evaluating effectiveness is the command of the English language and not competence.

Either two women running the show are terrible at business like you are or they retrained this manger for 9 year and I believe continue to retain him and invest on what they perceive to be a differentiator I.e. his English language.

If they had done something similar here in North America there business would have been tagged as racist and they would have been forced to close down not to mention the hr mess they would be in for disclosing someone’s salary, training and performance on social media!

I hate to do this but this is the problem with dumasses like your self that feel competence and the command of the English language are the same thing, this really is a relic of our colonial past, a sickness also called Baboji mentality. When shit heads like yourself come to the west and find out the hard way that competence has nothing to do the English language and your only marketable asset is a fake American accent you are surprised and Start chalking your failures to cultural shock.

to make my point I will give you three examples of people who are extremely successful without a command of the English language and a funny American accent

dr Qadri khan, his German is far better than his english

dr Alana Iqbal, his German was also far better than english

Malik Riaz who’s English is pretty bad but is easily more successful than you are

I just hope one day people in Pakistan are not judged by their fake English accents but rather by their competence at doing the job

The main job of a manager is to communicate to customers. This shop appears to be high end and in islamabad. Most likely catering mostly to foreigners/diplomats/upper class. There is nothing wrong with that. the fact that this guy is unable to speak english def hurts the credibility of the business in handling customer complaints, orders, feedback, etc...

These ladies seem to be doing some kind of performance review. Something they should do more often...since it took them only 8 years to realize his short comings. These type of things are also very remediable.

I understand your first point, and I have not ignore it. You are scrapping at the bottom of the barrel for silly excuses.
But that view is taken before an applicant is hired, or staff is promoted. If it was so fundamentally important to the business, he would not have been promoted.
Or, if they was under the impression he could learn, then they should have sent him on course before he was appointment, not after, furthermore, if his inability to learn and communicate in English was so important, he would have be demoted by now, they are a ruthless pair. Please stop looking for excuses.

Performance review, are you serious? looks like you are defending for the sake of defending a relative. All third world countries have weak legal systems, otherwise, he could easily sue them, and take their café for slandering his character, and I'm sure lawyers could think of few more things.

You are in America, please treat your staff this way in America, then tell me what happens to you. Lets get real and treat people with respect.
Pakistan is awesome because of all of us except the LibTurds

According to Con-Turds everything that is wrong with Pakistan is liberals fault are you claiming you are a sheep and simply follow orders no matter right or wrong?
Because some Pakistanis with archaic mentality can't fathom any change that doesn't come from them. when they see anything they don't like, or doesn't agree with their views or values, they label it as liberals. It's an easy scapegoat for them. It also shows their lack of understanding of the whole subject.

Those ladies are shitty human beings. It has nothing to do with them being "liberal" or westernized.

Who says liberals in Pakistan are even liberals LOL They are wannabe liberals at best.

İ could not find the original video of the ladies. So İ posted the entire video of L&P included. Please ignore him he is uses bad words etc.

But it accurately dpicts what effect the social and psychological operations ran by Gora had on our people to this day.

İ also went to an expensive school private angrez school. But İ never did this to anyone in such a embarrassing manner(other than my really really annoying cousin still İ was soft on him).

He has been giving them good service for 9 years(apparently because they wouldn't have kept him that long if he wasn't at such a posh restaurant). They should be ashamed. Bechare ghareeb admi k saamne zyada angrez ban kar shokhiyan maar rai hai.
These 2 take ki goris should go to Belgium or Austria and try to order in their fancy Oxford snob english and see what happens. Everyone takes pride in their language. Look at our Arab(not their rulers) or Turk brothers.


Diya is ugly as a f---.
As a business owner myself and from a business point of view these ladies actually have a point.

it appears A requirement of this position is to have a manager who can speak proper english. Also this manager was paid a handsome salary for over 8 years and has taken expensive english classes.

such a significant investment has been made on this guy and he cant even speak a word of english properly. I see this as constructive critism.

unfortunately our society has become used to rewarding failure.This guy is honestly lucky he still has such a great job and I honestly dont know how he even managed.

Constructive criticism is done behind closed doors. Not on YT.
According to Con-Turds everything that is wrong with Pakistan is liberals fault are you claiming you are a sheep and simply follow orders no matter right or wrong?
nope ... just the treasonous Neo-Liberals who are anti-pakistan: AKA PTM, PDM, Indian-Stoogies...

be they, Neo-Cons or Neo-Libs.

I dont care who you bend your head down to... as long as youre not anti-pak!

Textbook Definition: Neoliberalism is contemporarily used to refer to market-oriented reform policies such as "eliminating price controls, deregulating capital markets, lowering trade barriers" and reducing, especially through privatization and austerity, state influence in the economy.... When it comes to Pakistani Neo-Librals it means: Anti-State and Anti-Armed forces who keep the country safe!! F'em!
This fakeass anglophile Uzma the owner of Cafe Canoli in Islamabad and her friend Diya (who probably should hit a gym) mocked and abused their male manager for not speaking English in their fake wannabe accent, and videoed it for laughs.

Stop going there.

let them off the hook now
they must be cursing themselves for their error of judgement. remember they employ people who make their living through working at this place.
what the owners did was in bad taste for sure but by boycotting the place we are punishing the staff as well who had no part in this insensitive video.
let them off the hook now
they must be cursing themselves for their error of judgement. remember they employ people who make their living through working at this place.
what the owners did was in bad taste for sure but by boycotting the place we are punishing the staff as well who had no part in this insensitive video.


She must have had a brain -fa-rt or something---. Who would want to post and insulting video of their employee on the video channel.

That is a lawsuit in itself for humiliation on the world forum by an employer---.

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