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and now, German paper attacked for re-printing Charlie Hebdo cartoons

A donkey can try to act like horse but eventually it will give it away once it opens it mouth. :lol:

And who is Ram Chand?

This is what I call average hindu indian Joe with extremist tendencies, :P
Freedom of speech eh? Give me an assurance that mods wont ban me and I'll show you my freedom of speech liberty. After you hear what I say, tell me your opinion about the "freedom of speech". ;)

That snarky attitude fails to impress me, there are countless threads where people have already posted rather badly drawn cartoons, called Pakistan all manner of names, insulted our faith our prophet our livestyle or practice, beliefs, faith creed, nation, education... Need I go on!

You want to lecture us on PDF about freedom of speech, answer me this one then my Indian friend, why is it that your nation is a beacon for democracy in Asia, yet Pakistani IPs are banned on BRF? I need to use an Australian Proxy just to peek and have a giggle at what you all call "research".

Give it a rest, the MODS here like @WebMaster @jaibi so on and so forth are most tolerant. We have a negative points system, so far you will not see me abuse it, even when the post is highly insulting. IT just gets reported to the mods for assessment and appropriate resolution.

So don't sit here and lecture me about freedom of speech.
How can you tell, not for 100% but a practicing Christian should know the Lords prayer and Hail Mary Full of Grace, a Practicing Muslim should know the Kalma, an Ahmadhi should know the question that was asked by me several times.
I really can't tell. I made it very clear here but there is also a possibility that he is a second or third generation Ahmadi living in Canada thus justifying his ignorance in the religion. But i might be wrong.
Reason? They demolished one mosque? If what you think is true, Muslims would not be the fastest growing minority in India. Their population is as much as your country's population. So much for the extremist hindus. How about your minorities?

Stick to the topic.

Extremist hindus are threatening freedom of speech by attacking newspapers, cinemas etc.
Extremist hindus are attacking, burning, destroying Mosques, Churches etc.
Extresmist hindus are spreading terrorism in neighborung countries.

So they should not be defended but condemned the same way as the Jihadi Mullahs.
Why not? A Moslem keyboard "warrior" was boasting that one Moslem was worth ten Hindus in a fight. Let's use any and all data to disprove this naive claim. And I'm not even Indian or of South Asian descent. I'm an Australian as you can tell from the flags displayed in the details under my avatar.
It's really funny to see that some people are actually claiming that you are an Indian Hindu.
Welcome to PDF. The only place where these things can happen.
It's really funny to see that some people are actually claiming that you are an Indian Hindu.
Welcome to PDF. The only place where these things can happen.

Thank you, my lord. PDF can be a funny place, to be sure.

And thank you for all the positive ratings. It is good to see that some people choose not to delude themselves.
No disrespect but i know Muslims who pork and also pray in local mosque i don't know may be bcz the pressure from families, same can be apply to a ahmadia who doesn't want to know his history of relegion or its fundamentals.
BTW your are question my relegion which has nothing to do with the fact that i am criticising terrorism.

And what do you say abt those ahmadis who are being oppressed in Pakistan.

I can show you Pakistanis in Pakistan who do the "very" same and does it make them less human? No! It is their life they can live it how they want.

Regarding your second question: I defend anyone who is oppressed Hindu, Christian, Ahmadi, Jew or Sikh. That is not the way of our faith, that is not the way of Islam. I studied in a Catholic convent and one of our English teachers was a German Holocaust survivor who was thrown into a concentration camp (despite being a Christian and a German) because she helped the Jews.

Not everyone is the same, Pakistan just like Islam is a nation of more than 180 million people. Not everyone is a rating, raving lunatic out for blood, consider that when you have your discourse with people. You will make more friends and more people to support what you are fighting for.
That snarky attitude fails to impress me, there are countless threads where people have already posted rather badly drawn cartoons, called Pakistan all manner of names, insulted our faith our prophet our livestyle or practice, beliefs, faith creed, nation, education... Need I go on!

You want to lecture us on PDF about freedom of speech, answer me this one then my Indian friend, why is it that your nation is a beacon for democracy in Asia, yet Pakistani IPs are banned on BRF? I need to use an Australian Proxy just to peek and have a giggle at what you all call "research".

Give it a rest, the MODS here like @WebMaster @jaibi so on and so forth are most tolerant. We have a negative points system, so far you will not see me abuse it, even when the post is highly insulting. IT just gets reported to the mods for assessment and appropriate resolution.

So don't sit here and lecture me about freedom of speech.
As far as BR is concerned, I cant comment since I'm not a member there. But you are free to register with ***. No one insults prophet mohammad...coz he is a figure who is referred to in hindu scriptures. It is the muslims who are generally trolled...not Islam. There is a difference between both. It's not only Indians...the whole world is now in a mood that Islamophobia is kinda ok. It was not like this till a decade. It's for your own people to introspect. Still If you feel I have insulted your faith/prophet, show me the post. I'll delete it and apologize. But the other posts are all what i feel are relevant.
It's really funny to see that some people are actually claiming that you are an Indian Hindu.
Welcome to PDF. The only place where these things can happen.

I've even changed my avatar to the Royal Australian Air Force's roundel to reinforce the message that my nationality is Australian. I hope this makes my statements on my nationality more convincing.
As far as BR is concerned, I cant comment since I'm not a member there. But you are free to register with ***. No one insults prophet mohammad...coz he is a figure who is referred to in hindu scriptures. It is the muslims who are generally trolled...not Islam. There is a difference between both. It's not only Indians...the whole world is now in a mood that Islamophobia is kinda ok. It was not like this till a decade. It's for your own people to introspect. Still If you feel I have insulted your faith/prophet, show me the post. I'll delete it and apologize. But the other posts are all what i feel are relevant.

You will never be stopped from critiquing things here on PDF. If you wish to insult our faith, go right ahead, at the end of the day God if with the righteousness, and righteousness is more than just holding a sword or gun and killing someone you disagree with. True righteousness comes from conviction and moral fortitude to listen to objections and remembering that reason is better than roughhousing.

I appreciate your gesture to delete posts that are offensive, it is highly appreciated. Let us use PDF to share ideas and "sticking points" that we can educate our friends, family and children in our communities. I always feel PDF can be a source for good where Indians can teach Pakistanis about the "India we don't see" and likewise.

Yes there will always be drama but we are human, lets face it Islam is not going anywhere and nor is the west and their ideology. Globalisation, like the radio has brought people closer, the internet has brought information to our homes, but it is because of the convenience and ease at which we can access information and get from Point 1) to point 2) that we loose respect for the value and significance of this leap in development.

I would like to leave you with this video, although a speech from a rather comical movie, it stands today as one of the most powerful speeches ever written:

God bless and preserve mankind. Ameen
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in germany, the signal is already given, don't play with the authorities. Otherwise things will reciprocate.
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