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Ancient Pakistan - 500Bc

I am not going to waste my time with the Indian posters. What they say merely reflects their perspective. However I will say this to the Indian.

To the Indian & Pakistani

India has a problem. India want's to shine in the world. Whether we like it or not in the world we live in Western world matters a lot. If you get the West to buy your story you have effectively got the world to buy it because the West dominates the world. If I become famous in USA, my fame will spread to your Europe, from there it will spread to most of the Third Word.

India has a problem. The problem is since history began South Asia's window to the world has been the Indus Basin. In antiquity, in classic times and until very recently when the light was shone from the west towards east Indus Basin was the one to get lit up. Thus until the British came all Western, Persian, Arab history has focussed on Indus Basin. Indus Basin was the region the that got the primary historical interest of the west. The reason is simple. Geography.

In addition almost all the early civilizations took root in the Indus Basin and THEN spread east or west. The aggregate effect is most of the defining aspects of South Asia history took place in the indus Basin or areas contigous to it. For the modern Indian's a travesty of enormous proportions took place in 1947.

The land, the Indus Basin that most echoed through ancient history second only to Mesoptotamia escaped them. The Jewel of the ancient South Asia was in Pakistan. India was left with a few crumbs adjacent to the border. India is a huge country. The defining parts of India are the Ganges plain where most Indian live and the Peninisular India. Please refer to maps below.

Ganges Basin Map


Ganges Basin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Peninsular India


These two regions of India house perhaps 90% of India population. In fact they are India. Most of the great Indian cities fall within these gian regions of India. Dehi, Kolkutta, Mumbai, Chennai all the dense packed UP, Bihar and West Bengal including the cities that are making waves like Banaglore etc.

However both these regions were almost in the dark in antiquity. All the action was in the dry deserts of the Indus Basin. That is why Indus Basin is a the historical jewel.

Going back to 1947 the Indians felt cheated. Almost the entire jewel in the crown was torn out of their hands. What were they left with. Just across the Pak border in dry areas of India a few crumbs were left. The Indian's ignore the huge Ganges Basin, the huge Peninsular India which form 90% of India and focus their entire attention on border states of India. Gujrat, Rahasthan and Indian Punjab. Any observor will know these states are next to Pakistan.

This is because they closest they can get to the Indus Basin without crossing the border into Pakistan is going to these areas. That is why talk ancient history and I guarantee you the Indian's will sniff in the shadow of Pakistan's backside.
The Indian's have spent decades and in particular since 1990 in 'cooking up' history. They may not be able to bring the Indus River into India but they have come up with another idea.

They have actually cooked up a myth about a ancient river called 'Saraswati' and claim that it flowed along a certain axis which happens to either be in India or nearer India. Then they have found a brick or two and declared it as major Harappan site. Then false books have been written. This fraud has speeded up in the last 2 decades. I intend to expose this in a dedicated thread. Things have gone to the point that they now even call it 'Saraswati-Indus Civilization'. If you google now you cannot even avoid it anymore.

The reality is centre of IVC was in what is now Pakistan with branches spreading out into Afghanistan and parts of India. Its like if you have a large Mango tree growing in your garden branches might intrude into both neighbours garden. The Indians have grabbed the branches and claimed the root originally was in their garden.

That still leaves another problem. What about the people of Pakistan? They have already dreamed up that the river in ancient times flowed through India but what about the people of Pakistan. Simple. Apparently all the people who built Harappa packed their bags and moved to, yes you got it it present day India. You want to meet some 'Harappans' today?

Then whole bunch people from a Alien spaceship came and landed in Indus basin. A whole bunch of Aliens got out and moved into Harappa. So you want to meet a Harappan today? Go to Chennai, go to Mumbai, go to Kolkatta. All the Harappans are chilled out in India today.

So desperate are the Indian's to claim the jewel of South Asia history - Indis Basin that they have changed courses of mighty rivers, invented nerw rivers, moved entire people so that they can continue with thie fraud. This is most evident on Wiki. The Indian's have almost destroyed the history of Harappa to the point that it looks like a civilization in Mumbai then in Mohenjo Daro.

Even some observors outside have noted this fraud. Please read this:


This fraud is so bad that even most of the Indian's have been brainwashed with this. Proof. Mention anything about Harappa which we know is in Pakistani Punjab and Indians will go crazy like bees being smoked in a beehive. In particular the Hindutwa parties have really spun this Hindu fable where everything comes from one thing ... Hindu scripture.

Have a look at the mythical Saraswati River. Can you see how the axis is being moved into india?

He is right though, much of India's population and people are descendants of Ganges river civilization. You don't have anything to do with Indus Valley civilization as your ethnic groups are not descendants of IVC but Ganges civilization people.

Science, civilization and society
So what was the cross border migration al about? Your post s as senseless as your history.
Bro, you are disgustingly racist.

How am I racist? I think you just like to spit the word "racist" a lot to everyone... I respect the Negroid civilization just like I respect the Mongoloid and the Caucasian civilization... But no way is someone that lives 3000 miles away from me going to claim my history as his.
* For the purposes of this thread take the meaning of 'Pakistan' to be coterminous with the Indus basin.

So if there were a time machine and you could go back to about 500BC the first surprise would be that most of our Pakistan was in the Persian Achaemenid Empire. The mighty Persian Empire stretched from Greece to Pakistan, from Egypt to Kazakistan. It was divided into Satrapies like we have provinces in Pakistan today.

Have a look at the map below. You will notice the Satrapy of Hindush [India] is modern day Sindh, Satrapy of Gedrosia modern day Balochistan, Satrapy of Sattagydia modern day Punjab and parts of Arachosia and Gandhara modern day Khyber Pak province. Is that not interesting?

I will be doing series of historical articles but I thought I would just give a taster of what I intend to do. I do not want the typical 'but Pakistan created in 1947' childish rubbish I get so often. First and foremost do please read the first line of this post. It makes everything quite explicable but just in case any of you fail to understand what that caveat means let me explain in detail.

When we go back in time we run into many problems. For a start words or names that mean one thing today will mean something else then. If you go back 5,000 years ago there was nothing. No nation, no landmass had name yet. We use words or names invented today to apply backwards. Example we say 'Harappan civilization'. You realise that name did not exist 5,000 years ago.

Drift (linguistics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sometimes even if a name existed it might have meant something else. A fine example is 'Asia' That name was coined by Greeks for what is now the Aegean coast of Turkey. Soon it came to mean all of modern Turkey [ Anatolia ] then it came to mean our part of the world. Then in time it drifted even more east and it came to mean even include Japan.

Etymology of Asia : List of continent name etymologies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So a name that meant the Aegean coast of Anatolia today is even used for Japan. This sort of change of meaning is called 'linquistic drift' and is quite common.Thus in 500BC when Persians said 'Hindush' it meant Sindh. It had no religious or other meaning that you think of today. In history you have to contextulize words or names. You can't hear a 500Bc name and then attach the modern meaning as used today. You must translate according to context that is the time, 500BC.

Anyway here it is.

Sindh - Hindush [India]
Punjab - Sattagydia
Balochistan - Gedrosia
Khyber Pak- Arachosia/Gandhara

* Of course 2,500 years ago they din't match the precise modern boundaries of Pakistan provinces but they are pretty close.

* The English translations are given. There is a table underneath the map where you will find in parenthesis the Persian names for the Satrapies.


Modern Provincial map of Pakistan.


* The Persian Empire included modern Greece, part of Bulgaria, Turkey, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Isreal, Palestine, Egypt, Libyia, Kuwait, part of Saudia Arabia ,Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Chechnia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, parts of Kazakistan, Kirghiztan, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Ancient Pakistan.

@Joe Shearer is the only person I will count on here.
How about this, the civilisations of the sub-continent belong to all.
I seriously don't see a great deal of our ancient IVC culture being put on display. I may be wrong here but I don't see the legacy.Dare I say some might object to it.
This entire contention over the legitimate inheritance of a particular civilisational legacy sounds horribly absurd and immature given the fact that both Indian and Pakistani archaeologists and historians overall see the same as a common heritage of the people of the sub-continent

Indus civilization, although uniform in its distinct urban character, primarily restricted within a certain geographical system i.e. the Indus river system is principally constructed on four occupational settlements, two in Pakistan (Harappa and Mahenjo Daro) and the other two in India (Lothal and Kalibangan). The name ‘Indus civilization’ is quite appropriate for all the phases are settled on the alluvial plains of the river Indus, but it extends along the coastal range from the mouth of Narmada and Tapti in the east to the Sutkagen dor in the west, Akhnor being the northern most limit and Alamgirpur being the eastern most boundary of this civilization. So, the simplistic notion that a particular civilization belongs to a particular set of people just because its name suggests so is difficult to understand.

From the beginning of the 19th century, national boundaries have precipitously been altered and redefined all over the world. German princely states though claimed the traditional inheritance of the extinct Holy Roman Empire practically kept their national sovereignty unhurt under the new constitution of 1867. Empires, civilizations and cultures may not respect the sacredness of borders of modern nations, it is common sense. A civilization spreading out over such a vast stretches of territory, comprising of distinct phases and traditions in the context of food production, arts of pottery and habitant structures is too extraordinarily complex to be defined in a single analytical and traditional unit, let alone assigning it to a single modern country.

Since my childhood I have been reading that principal excavation sites of IVC fall under modern day Pakistan, but it never deterred me away from believing that it is a part of Indian history too, rather the entire civilization is a part of a bigger geographical horizon comprising part of Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India whose people can claim equal claim on it. The idea of containing historical legacies within a certain nationalistic framework is not only untenable in academic sciences but it is beyond the sphere of common sense too.
There is no reason to believe in the facts that are proposed and excavated during British Period.

British invaders like to deny the cultural heritage of India and they are more than willing to suppress the facts, destroy evidence and change the history that will make Indians inferior.

One such theory is Indus basin, I agree Indus Basin is a great civilization of Sub Continent, But there are various other places through out India where the same civilization flourished and yet to be excavated.

Migrations happened through out History and the people settled in river banks and plains to build cities and civilization. Considering this pattern India has many rivers, plains and evidence of great civilization through out its territory waiting to be excavated.

The logic of the historians of the British dominated world goes like this, India had great civilization but at present it was under Islamic Pakistan. But the fact is India has Great civilization some part is in Pakistan and some part is yet to be excavated.

I am not going to waste my time with the Indian posters. What they say merely reflects their perspective. However I will say this to the Indian.

To the Indian & Pakistani

India has a problem. India want's to shine in the world. Whether we like it or not in the world we live in Western world matters a lot. If you get the West to buy your story you have effectively got the world to buy it because the West dominates the world. If I become famous in USA, my fame will spread to your Europe, from there it will spread to most of the Third Word.

India has a problem. The problem is since history began South Asia's window to the world has been the Indus Basin. In antiquity, in classic times and until very recently when the light was shone from the west towards east Indus Basin was the one to get lit up. Thus until the British came all Western, Persian, Arab history has focussed on Indus Basin. Indus Basin was the region the that got the primary historical interest of the west. The reason is simple. Geography.

In addition almost all the early civilizations took root in the Indus Basin and THEN spread east or west. The aggregate effect is most of the defining aspects of South Asia history took place in the indus Basin or areas contigous to it. For the modern Indian's a travesty of enormous proportions took place in 1947.

The land, the Indus Basin that most echoed through ancient history second only to Mesoptotamia escaped them. The Jewel of the ancient South Asia was in Pakistan. India was left with a few crumbs adjacent to the border. India is a huge country. The defining parts of India are the Ganges plain where most Indian live and the Peninisular India. Please refer to maps below.

Ganges Basin Map


Ganges Basin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Peninsular India


These two regions of India house perhaps 90% of India population. In fact they are India. Most of the great Indian cities fall within these gian regions of India. Dehi, Kolkutta, Mumbai, Chennai all the dense packed UP, Bihar and West Bengal including the cities that are making waves like Banaglore etc.

However both these regions were almost in the dark in antiquity. All the action was in the dry deserts of the Indus Basin. That is why Indus Basin is a the historical jewel.

Going back to 1947 the Indians felt cheated. Almost the entire jewel in the crown was torn out of their hands. What were they left with. Just across the Pak border in dry areas of India a few crumbs were left. The Indian's ignore the huge Ganges Basin, the huge Peninsular India which form 90% of India and focus their entire attention on border states of India. Gujrat, Rahasthan and Indian Punjab. Any observor will know these states are next to Pakistan.

This is because they closest they can get to the Indus Basin without crossing the border into Pakistan is going to these areas. That is why talk ancient history and I guarantee you the Indian's will sniff in the shadow of Pakistan's backside.
The Indian's have spent decades and in particular since 1990 in 'cooking up' history. They may not be able to bring the Indus River into India but they have come up with another idea.

They have actually cooked up a myth about a ancient river called 'Saraswati' and claim that it flowed along a certain axis which happens to either be in India or nearer India. Then they have found a brick or two and declared it as major Harappan site. Then false books have been written. This fraud has speeded up in the last 2 decades. I intend to expose this in a dedicated thread. Things have gone to the point that they now even call it 'Saraswati-Indus Civilization'. If you google now you cannot even avoid it anymore.

The reality is centre of IVC was in what is now Pakistan with branches spreading out into Afghanistan and parts of India. Its like if you have a large Mango tree growing in your garden branches might intrude into both neighbours garden. The Indians have grabbed the branches and claimed the root originally was in their garden.

That still leaves another problem. What about the people of Pakistan? They have already dreamed up that the river in ancient times flowed through India but what about the people of Pakistan. Simple. Apparently all the people who built Harappa packed their bags and moved to, yes you got it it present day India. You want to meet some 'Harappans' today?

Then whole bunch people from a Alien spaceship came and landed in Indus basin. A whole bunch of Aliens got out and moved into Harappa. So you want to meet a Harappan today? Go to Chennai, go to Mumbai, go to Kolkatta. All the Harappans are chilled out in India today.

So desperate are the Indian's to claim the jewel of South Asia history - Indis Basin that they have changed courses of mighty rivers, invented nerw rivers, moved entire people so that they can continue with thie fraud. This is most evident on Wiki. The Indian's have almost destroyed the history of Harappa to the point that it looks like a civilization in Mumbai then in Mohenjo Daro.

Even some observors outside have noted this fraud. Please read this:


This fraud is so bad that even most of the Indian's have been brainwashed with this. Proof. Mention anything about Harappa which we know is in Pakistani Punjab and Indians will go crazy like bees being smoked in a beehive. In particular the Hindutwa parties have really spun this Hindu fable where everything comes from one thing ... Hindu scripture.

Have a look at the mythical Saraswati River. Can you see how the axis is being moved into india?

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So the fact is we were not Hindus, Sikhs, Aethist, Pagans but actually Persians as this below confirms:

About 500BC the first surprise would be that most of our Pakistan was in the Persian Achaemenid Empire
So the fact is we were not Hindus, Sikhs, Aethist, Pagans but actually Persians as this below confirms:

About 500BC the first surprise would be that most of our Pakistan was in the Persian Achaemenid Empire
Thank God , finally you have found your identity. You are Persian from today (confirmed ) .:p:
Plz don't cheat later by saying you are something else.:(
finally you have found your identity
And have you finally found out who you are? A wannabe from Kerala who thinks his from Indus? A aboriginal from Odisha who has delusions that his ancestors are from Mehr Garh, Pakistan? Or a Maratha who fancies himself as being from Harappa, Pakistan. 1.4 billion Gangoo's have this fetish that they are all from the Indus Basin. Is it not time to just own your own earth and be who you are?
And have you finally found out who you are? A wannabe from Kerala who thinks his from Indus? A aboriginal from Odisha who has delusions that his ancestors are from Mehr Garh, Pakistan? Or a Maratha who fancies himself as being from Harappa, Pakistan. 1.4 billion Gangoo's have this fetish that they are all from the Indus Basin. Is it not time to just own your own earth and be who you are?
That will be Mr Vishvamitra lol.Kudos Sir
500 BC ago Pakistan had shared border with

Turkey / Iran / Eygpt / Syria / Lebnoon / Palestine / Iraq / Parts of Saudia / Europe/ Afghanistan

It is no surprise we see similarities in clothes people wear or love of color and similar features

500 BC

  • Prophet Mohammad's Time
  • Rashidun Cliphate
  • Umayyad Cliphate

Gaznawai Empire

Then Pakistan was paired with Mughlistan / British Empire
Muglistan & Mysore still 2 different countries

The influence from Western Asia is prominent we are more closer to Iran and Turkey/Syria regions 90% may be just 5% paired with Muglistan era

All the none sense about some bond with present day India is none sense we don't have much common with present age india
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And have you finally found out who you are? A wannabe from Kerala who thinks his from Indus? A aboriginal from Odisha who has delusions that his ancestors are from Mehr Garh, Pakistan? Or a Maratha who fancies himself as being from Harappa, Pakistan. 1.4 billion Gangoo's have this fetish that they are all from the Indus Basin. Is it not time to just own your own earth and be who you are?

Im simply human being.
@The Eagle
Why are bhartis so threatened by threads like these? :lol:
If they can call themselves ancient then why can't we? Considering the fact that all roads of ivc lead into Pakistan and not just that IVC people ate beef and buried their dead plus they were people of hospitality just like modern day Pakistanis. bhartis are the most racist people on earth who believe in hindu supremacy and treat their own as outcasts. What link do they have with ivc? Bulls are different from cows. Cerunos is different from shiva. Great Bath was practiced by greco-romans,Sumerians,etc. Sitting in a lotus position is not yoga.
Sorry for not adding anything scientific into the discussion!!! But, always thrilled at the following theatrics b/w Emperor Alexander and King Porus of the Indus Valley, who wasn't ready to let a minisicule particle of land go without a fight!!!!

When King Porus was brought to the Emperor as a captive he was asked, "How do you want to be treated?" El-Jevap: Like a King!!!!

Looks like these genes are getting activated in the DNAs of some recent Pak folks....
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