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ANALYSIS: Hitler’s revenge


Apr 24, 2007
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ANALYSIS: Hitler’s revenge —Harlan Ullman

After September 11, the enemy to some, particularly on the US right wing, became ‘Islamo-fascism’, a vile term that managed to slander a great religion while likening Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda to Hitlerian evil.

Over the past 70 years, who has generally exerted the greatest influence on how the US characterises its enemies? Ironically, the answer rests in why we were fully successful in only one major and lengthy war during that period and failed or stumbled in the others because of this flawed imaging process.

Why did we win World War II and succeed in its aftermath? First, Japan’s attack enraged and unified a nation deeply divided about stumbling into a world war. Second, we had allies. Third, we had a president entering his 9th year of office who was experienced and understood the stakes. Fourth, two vast oceans protected the US. Fifth, American industry was capable of producing the ‘Arsenal of Democracy’. Sixth, a policy of unconditional surrender meant the allies would have a free hand in the peace once the enemy was defeated. Seventh, we created the Marshall Plan. And, eighth, Adolph Hitler was the perfect villain. He remains so today.

Hitler was a strutting, diabolical caricature of a real life monster from his close-cropped haircut to his Charlie Chaplin moustache and uniform. And what he did in murdering tens of millions of Russians, East Europeans and Jews was one of history’s greatest outrages and crimes.

In that war, Hitler became the face of the enemy to rally the allies — recall Churchill’s stunning ridicule — and later the poster child for portraying future enemies whether in Vietnam or two wars in Iraq and the Afghan conflict. In this process, Hitlerism morphed into the US’s perception of the broader ideological and psychological struggle against totalitarianism wherever it existed even if the communist adversary was as opposed to fascism and Hitler as were we.

In Vietnam, the John F Kennedy (KFK)/Lyndon B Johnson (LBJ) administrations characterised the war in part as stopping the communist aggression at the Mekong and not the Mississippi. No more Munichs here. And how frequently has the Munich reference been used before and since?

In the JFK/LBJ view, both the Soviet Union and Red China, bent on world domination much as Hitler did, had to be blocked and deterred. The comparisons and references to Hitler then should not be surprising. World War II had ended only 15 years before Jack Kennedy came to office. And many politicians at the time had served in World War II heroically such as George H W Bush and George McGovern or in jobs at home such as Ronald Reagan.

In 1990, Saddam Hussein became a perfect Hitler clone but with a bigger moustache. That the US supported Iraq during the decade long Iran-Iraq war made no difference. Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait “shall not stand”, declared President Bush. It did not. And Saddam’s brutal regime, including gassing civilians and murdering tens or hundreds of thousands, provided moral legitimacy for action a la World War II.

After September 11, the enemy to some, particularly on the US right wing, became ‘Islamo-fascism’, a vile term that managed to slander a great religion while likening Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda to Hitlerian evil. Even though George W Bush’s decision to invade and occupy Iraq in 2003 was driven by his vision of pacifying the Middle East through bringing democracy to Iraq and then letting it spread, the Hitlerian image was easy to apply given Saddam’s crushing rule.

In Afghanistan, the aim to disrupt, dismantle and defeat al Qaeda quietly shifted to war against the Taliban whose practices, values and especially treatment of women seemed latter-day versions of Hitler’s despicable racial policies but with a radical Islamic face. Given these linkages and comparisons, one can wonder if this obsession with Hitler has snuck into the US’s national DNA without our knowing. While Americans are generally careful about using the term Nazi too loosely, the thought process is similar.

The US is succumbing to this default position with Iran. Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, along with the Revolutionary Guards (Gestapo?) are seen to have imposed a near dictatorial rule in which the destruction of the state of Israel remains an explicit aim. That rekindles old nightmares. The connection is self-evident.

So far, China has not been infected by this thinking. Still, as China builds its economic and military strength and sets political stability, i.e. party control, as the number one priority, the temptation to draw Hitlerian analogies will persist.

Too bad there is no inoculation to eliminate this World War II residual and the characterisation of most American enemies. As bad as they may be, they are not Hitler.

Sixty-five years after his death, the US still likes to view its enemies through a Hitlerian lens. Too often, that legacy has led to disaster. Instead, cold realism and harsh objectivity must define our enemies, real and imagined, not some nightmare from long ago.

If not, this will be Hitler’s greatest revenge.

The writer is Chairman of the Killowen Group that advises leaders of government and business, and Senior Advisor at Washington DC’s Atlantic Council
good article.

As a supliment I would suggest the readers also take a look at BBC documentary, Power of nightmares.

It is about the same concept, same people and same players with a lot of historical perspective and factual references.
Good article. It is a shame that the United States claims to be a great democracy, yet its institutions are dominated by ideology and its media by propaganda. Its politicians view voters as sheep who must be herded, political messages simplified and made "clearer than truth", and great villains erected to drum up support for the administration's foreign policy. In theory, American voters can put a stop to these shenanigans because they live in a democracy; in practice, Americans are patriotic but ignorant and apolitical--perfect fodder for the propaganda machine.

What this means for the citizens of other countries is that we can expect more of the same--more preemptive wars, more attempts to overthrow foreign governments, more Islam-bashing and more China-bashing.
Some Americans I talk to deny this. They believe that the Bush administration was an aberration, that America turned a page with the election of a new president. The problem is, American history is more a story of continuity and the steady accumulation of empire. The Bush administration was especially ardent and manipulative. But one shouldn't expect significant change under Obama. He stills pursues the Iraq war and has made the Afghan war his own personal crusade. Guantanamo Bay prison is still open. American military budget, despite cuts in social benefits, is still untouchable. US generals profess a "generational war" against Islamic extremism. America continues to be a militarized and militant nation.
Well all the negativity about Hiter is probbly made up , all lies by British

The facts are , British , enslaved then Sub continent region (calling it India) - and the status of the slaves were no different then black slaves brought in from Africa. They also enslaved much of Africa and Middle east

If it was not for the the Germans - probbly British would still be ruling over , all brown people , and we would be bringin tea and buscits for Prince Willams.

Also the atrocities associated to Hitler are all , pretty much Propaganda , he was no different in his polictis / policies then what the Allied forces commited.

Allied forces were as brutal as any animal in war against the other forces, and in retaliation they were also treated similarly

The allied forces use the Jewish plight - as a pretext for some reason for war, its no different then what we see in Libya or Iraq , FAKE reasons to go into war

While some may argue ok Jewish peopel suffered but they were 4-5 million people , 40-100 million others were Muslims, Christians, Hindu , Seikh , Chinese

I personally feel that we should be thankful for Germans for Breaking British Backbone in half !!

All in all we cannot ever forget the War crimes commited in cities of

Hiroshima and Nagasaki - by Allied forces !!!

Simmilarly the nuclear tests carried out by France on Algerian soil and people:angry:

NATO should be punished for its acts on attacking civilians in Libya as well :agree:

All happened in Germany was , Germans told Jewish peopel who were writing up against Germany to leave the country get Lost ... because they were traitors - I mean they lived in Germany yet they spoke against Germans

Also jewish people brought in cash (obviously riches from old times and they had habbit of buying companies and businesses) , and they were investing in USA , and also in newspapers in USA, and these papers were writing up "lies and decit against otherwise , hardworking germans"

Plus people point out that well prisoners were so starved and had no food , well "ALL prisoner of wars" had no food it was world war 2 , ppl did not had food period , even german soliders caught by Allied forces were either killed or starved ....its not like Allied forces were ANGELS

What was hitler's problem?

All he wanted was what was good for his people and country
a) Jobs
b) Industry
c) Prosperity
d) Respect

What British were doing , what they always do is they were playing mind games, they befriended Ottomans
prior to them backstabbing them in first world war. If you will read history British were Ottoman's best friends
why because France / British did not get along and Ottomans gave British something extra over france.

But in end back to point British wanted to DOMINATE , be the masters of world , europe. They already had enslaved India so they were stealing gold , and diamonts (much of which would fuel pay cheques of royal family for ages)
The bast...rds stole riches , and put it in the banks.

Then on top of that they were also harassing Germany - becuase they had defeated germany so they were putting sanctions on Germany and this was crumbing German economy so what was Hilter to do

He just wanted what was good for his country and Germans went for war -

The allied froces spread lies LIES about how germans wanted to be all WHITES and blue eyes

They forget their FRIENDS were japanese, black eyes and not whites, and in world war 1 their friends were Ottomans who were black hair and dark skinned

So if you really think about iit you can see how much lies the Allied forces have fed to every one in news, and in books and in movies but if you really view things and , sensibly think you wonder and ask ...

Hitler - really I mean was he really that crazy ? Not reall

Hitler is no different , then todays Gaddafi , a guy who was sitting doing work for his country and his country was attacked

Hitler is no different then lets say Saddam who was in his country minding his business

And the biggest thing about Hitler was he was an ellected leader !!! by his people
by Democracy !!! SO WHY WAS DEMOCRACY evil ???

Well he was evil becasue , he did not agree to the "RULES " laid out by Allied forces in world war 1 that enslaved Germans and their economy , he was a proud man and he wanted freedom for his people which is why

a) He kicked French arse
b) He kicked British arse

And he controlled Euorpe rightfully because he was in it for the right reasons -

But as you know the jews and british , made a pact , that if you help create Israel , the Jewish press will write hateful lies about Hitler and Germany in US news papers , and scare people of USA into war with Germany

So it was really a psyche op operation the jewish people led against Germany . And so Germans kicked out jewish people form their country

The reason perhaps they MAKE HITER into this Monster is so they would not see their own face in mirror which also is that of a murderous monster ... and blood dripping from hand. So they tell themselves what we did was because hitler was such a evil - infact they made him into this "ANTICHRIST" a biblical being

But in reality Hitler all he was was a nationalist striving to make sure Germans have job and respect in world

King Idris of Libya !!!

He was British Pupet king !! installed in Libya Benghazi by British !! for support to world war against Ottomans and Germans

Honorable French !!!

The b00000ards land grabbing theifs invaded Algeria from 1600 on wards to try to steal land
:) some happy fun loving french sure ...


In 1869, Tunisia declared itself bankrupt and an international financial commission took control over the economy. In 1883, using the pretext of a Tunisian incursion into Algeria, the French invaded with an army of about 36,000 and forced the Bey to agree to the terms of the 1883 Treaty of Bardo (Al Qasr as Sa'id). With this treaty, Tunisia was officially made a French protectorate, over the objections of Italy. Under French colonization, European settlements in the country were actively encouraged; the number of French colonists grew from 34,000 in 1906 to 144,000 in 1945. In 1910 there were 105,000 Italians in Tunisia

FRENCH / BRITISH are nothing but blood sucking leeches - you count the number of people they murdered in history and it will exceed anything !!!

Real Problem is British and French

In case if you were not focusing , French have setup a base in UAE :) while proposing us nuclear cooperation after the base was build the french leader gave us a finger
Hitler was the greatest gift to the non-white world in the last century.

He literally smashed European colonialism to bits.
What the "Angel" Allied force don't also tell is that after world war 1 , they slapped Germany with a bill of almost $60 billion dollars , which in today's amount would be equal to 500 billion dollars.

GERMANY WAS PUT IN ECONOMIC SLAVERY !!! That is german family would pay their masters 90% of their incomes , and 10% would feed them - and this is what Hitler wanted to CHANGE !! He fought to REJECT the slavery by Allied forces and build his nation's army and forces .. and he did that

Final payment for this was made 2010 by Germany ... believe it or not

They also , forced germany after world war 1 to "sign a document to accept guilt" even when the war was started by Austria's attack on Serbia

Due to this treaty the economy of Germans almost collapsed post war and people were living in extreme poverty

Because of this - reason Germans wanted a way to stand on their own feet being a proud nation they are !!!

And this is why the Proud man Hitler came to power and he said I will build a Army for my nation and we will also have a air force !!!

And he stopped making payments to the allied forces !!!

The whole story of Jews and Hilter being some racist freak are just made up as the stories we hear about Gaddafi by Western media

FRENCH/ BRITISH or Europeans for that matter their occupations start with following traits

a) Befriending a weak local connection
b) Arming him up
c) Incitement of revolt
d) Coming in to rescue their puppet
e) Assassination or the puppet and taking control

Libya is strategically chosen to , invade Africa , because its closest to European land , and thus supplies can easily be moved form Europe towards invasion of Africa

Also Libya splits Egypt / Tunisia right down the middle and because oil is there they have unlimited supply to take oil and invade Africa in general

While Europe states Hitler had concentration camps and US is so big on Jew issue
How about , lets look at

Palestinians in concentration camps ?
Or Roma People in Europe ? (Gypsies) recently french ppl kicked them out
How is that different from what Hitler (Allegedly did)

Germany needed to have increased population and illegal immigrants (jews) were asked to leave the country like USA demands Mexicans to leave country , or any european nation treats Africans to leave country

Why are lies needed to Discredit Hitler?
a) To show ppl we are good he is bad , good vs evil (even if allied forces are evil as Satan's spit)
b) Normal lies , allegation of rape , torture , and other evils (as if allied forces are Angels - Guantanamo anyone)
c) Character assassination is needed to stop others from being inspired by such a great leader.

What difference ? if any , that exist between Hilter and another other leader? None
Did the british did not commit war crimes in India ? Did the british did not starve German soliders
Did german soliders were not mass murdered yes they were ....

Did the alllied forces not kill turkish Ottoman empire soliders in deserts (word war 1 again war crimes)

In recent times - more and more focus is brought up for jewish stories - because - every one knows if someone really looks at history and focuses on core reasons for war , they will know Allied forces Enslaved Germans in world war 1 , and this was retaliation for it ...nothing more .....

FACT in 1913's plague was major cause of death , and people routinely got rid of bodies by burning as dead bodies helped in spread of plague . Any body removal by means of burning was normal practice so that plague would not spread in local population.

Here is a picture of luxury residence for German POW by allied forces

Why don't Spielberg makes a movie about these POW who were germans

This is a concentration camp for German soliders

Brave americans , and their ideals - again concentration camps for Japanese

Don't believe the bull crap you are fed ...

Japanese Holocaust - Allied forces were also discriminating and racism was rampant
Well , they also denied ppl jobs based on ethnicity , based on their racial background and religion
It was not as if they were all innocent - angels - ppl went from being workers in office to doing hard labour job in farms !!! in concentration camps -

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Hitler was the greatest gift to the non-white world in the last century.

He literally smashed European colonialism to bits.
greatest gift to non whites!, he was a colonist himself, he wanted to spread his roots all over the europe, He killed and gassed millions of jews and gypsies, i say i spit on him, i dont find your comments surprising, i've seen the hatred for jews here. To me he was a crap head idiot who not only was an psycho but also a dumbhead who was responsible to german loss when they could've won, yeah i spit on Churchill too he was responsible for 4 million deaths in Bengal famine, oh! I would've loved his facial expression when we won our independence.
Imagine a world with no Brave Hitler and German forces:

United Kingdom , would be ruling over Sub continent ( No India/Pakistan/Bangladesh) , bollywood would be still making movies in english , and GDP of India and Pakistan would be $100/month for families . 90% of people in farming , house grass cutting , washing cars, and hotel boys. Government would be run by British royal family , and they would be of course coming in , and we would be bowing down to them.

Egypt, Libya, Middle east would be ruled by British Empire , and there would be no development done in Makkah and Madina , and infact people would ride into these holylands, paying money to British Empire yearly. Oil taken out from (the region) would be going to fuel the mighty British Empire.

Germany would be paying Ransom money to Britain, and they would be not as developed, perhaps they would be same financially as perhaps Fiji Island, they would be perhaps poor as Fiji Islands

France would be controlling Algeria , as they had occupied it fully if it was not for Germans invading France and capturing it , Algeria would have been fully occupied by France still. Also Portugal would have been occupying Goa , in India

Karachi port would be busy , instead of United Arab Emirates , and perhaps United Arab Emirates would never have been formed because British Empire would have liked to Use its Karachi port to do business with world.

Palestine would be in control of British Empire , and people would be living side by side in Palestine . Jews would have been living in Germany , and France but they would have been kicked out , as france has kicked out Gypsies , they would also ask Jews to leave France.

Countries would have been using artillery , no missiles would have been invented as Germans invented the rocket when they had a ban on Artillery
so Rockets would have not seen improvements to become missiles.

The anti government , demonstrations would have been forcefully closed down by Britain , just like did with in Bahrain.
British Empire would have been active in space research

Likely jews would have been still in Europe.

Firist landing on moon would have been from Britain

Atomic energy would not have been invented - we would be using fossile fuels still in abundance
greatest gift to non whites!, he was a colonist himself, he wanted to spread his roots all over the europe, He killed and gassed millions of jews and gypsies, i say i spit on him, i dont find your comments surprising, i've seen the hatred for jews here. To me he was a crap head idiot who not only was an psycho but also a dumbhead who was responsible to german loss when they could've won, yeah i spit on Churchill too he was responsible for 4 million deaths in Bengal famine, oh! I would've loved his facial expression when we won our independence.

If it was not for Hitler, you would most probably still be a subject of the British empire in your OWN land to this day.

Who gives a rat's arse what his intentions were. The fact is his actions set billions of people free from slavery.

And you need to stop getting over this "Jew-hatred" thing. Not everything revolves around your Jewish best friends. The fact is that now I have a choice thanks to Hitler. Either carry on living under the British in the UK, or go back to my OWN land and live under the rule of my OWN people if I so deisred.
This thread is a perfect live example of What hatred can do to people..Defending and Glorifying Hitler..?

If he would have succeed , we would be under German Occupation..And there is every possibility that after Jews- Hindus and Muslims would have been killed ..
This thread is a perfect live example of What hatred can do to people..Defending and Glorifying Hitler..?

If he would have succeed , we would be under German Occupation..And there is every possibility that after Jews- Hindus and Muslims would have been killed ..

Well in all reality , that would not have happened , because the media influenced by Jewish / Christian authors wrote , what we were suppose to hear and believe but in reality Hitler it seems from reviewing facts does not seem to be one bit influenced by Ethnicity why would the Germans kill Muslims when Ottoman Empire was their closest Ally in world war 1.

Also their second ally was also a non european , non white nation.

So any notion about the so called "stories" fabricated by western scholars , are not but a fable created to present Hitler as greater then life villan , that was a threat to whole humanity , but in all he was trying to do was revive his own nation's economy , which was plagued by the Sanctions set forth upon his nation but Allied powers in world war 1.

In order to distort history and reality the authors orchestrated these , wonderful imaginary stories about how he wanted to drink soup out of bones of the dead and other none sense mustered up because that encouraged , more solider recruitment for wars.

In reality the territories that Germany captured were the territories germany has lost , in previous war so they were mainly reclaiming land that belonged to their own civilization , and it also contained nations that spoke german

Finally - Mr Ghandhi also sites Hitler as his "Friend" in letters written in 1939 and hope that he would reconsider his ambitions , and goals for sake of humanity , clearly he could not change mind of Brtish Raj who were masters up untill 1947 so he wrote to Hitler addressing him as friend , and begged his forgiveness in case if he crossed his line. Which shows he was trying to get hitler to change his mind.

Also it was not Hitler that killed Muslims, and Hindus it was British and Allied forces that forced 2-3 million troops into forward high risk positions and conflicts in Burma against Japan - that resulted in many countless deaths and British refused to give freedom to India/and Pakistan

But the fact is that local leaders took the chance to START civil disobedience movements once the British , started to show they will backstab local people again , and will not grant them freedom as it was agreed

The Quit India Movement (Hindi: भारत छोड़ो आन्दोलन Bhārat Chhoṛo Āndolan), or the August Movement (August Kranti) was a civil disobedience movement launched in India in August 1942 in response to Mohandas Gandhi's call for immediate independence. Gandhi hoped to bring the British government to the negotiating table.

At the hight of world war , these movements were started not from fear of Hitler but from a chance and oppourtunity to break free from real "Dominating force" british

So why do we blindly believe every lie the "Dominating force" wants us to believe

Probbly British and Allied froces told every one Hitler was this flesh eating , wilder beast that hated anyone who was non white , but they fail to explain , why all his allies were non whites ?

Simple , becasue he was really not interested in that he was interested in making Germany and economic power and regaining all that was lost , and he refused to pay Billions in Sanction funds and cost of world war 1 this is why he went to war , and this is why his generation supported his actions to stand on their feet , and not bow down to Allied forces (which themselves believed in Occupation and invading other peaceful nations)

Right after world war British setup Israel - which was another beginning of occupation and invading on lands belonging to another nation - and that bloodshed continues till today 2011..

So was Hitler really this "ULTIMATE" source of evil , or a story created by West - to help justify their own savagery in world war 2 , infact they forget to mention any of their OWN actions which led to subjection of Germans and including war time rape and war crimes committed in Germany

The two nuclear explosions -


Show the real faces of Allied forces - and today's NATO what they believe in which are really War crimes in true sense - these were not just acts of randomness that war would not have stopped - these were cases of trigger was pulled twice when the war was OVER

So the real SAVAGE was indeed Allied froces and NATO as we know them now

I feel the unbalance in reporting , is quite substantial


NAZI PRISONERS OF WAR see the numbers who died in captivity

3,127,380 taken by USSR (474,967 died in captivity)[87] (according to an other source 1.094.250 died in captivity (35,8 %))[88]
3,630,000 taken by the United Kingdom
3,100,000 taken by the United States
937,000 taken by France
unknown number in Yugoslavia, Poland, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark (the death rate for German prisoners of war was highest in Yugoslavia with over 50%)[89]


Just because some Hollywood movie is not coming out for German Soliders who died ocassions 95,000 soliders surrendered and only 5,000 survived the prisons ?

Obviously history does not examines that because it was Hitler who was evil ?
@Azadpakistan2009 - Don't bother with Indians as they have been brainwashed by the Jewish media. They are unable to see reality for what it is. Only reason why they are still not slaves of the British was Hitler's systematic destruction of Britian's wealth due to 6 long years of war. The UK only promised India independence if they helped against Hitler and I am pretty sure they would have gone back on their word if they could have defeated Hitler in a year or two.

Facts are that both Hitler and the US/French/British/Soviet Union were almost as bad as each other. Admittedly Hitler took it to the next level by trying to systematically wipe out all Jews he could lay his hands on. The Jews provoked him but his respose was disproportionate to say the least.
@Azadpakistan2009 - Don't bother with Indians as they have been brainwashed by the Jewish media. They are unable to see reality for what it is. Only reason why they are still not slaves of the British was Hitler's systematic destruction of Britian's wealth due to 6 long years of war. The UK only promised India independence if they helped against Hitler and I am pretty sure they would have gone back on their word if they could have defeated Hitler in a year or two.

Facts are that both Hitler and the US/French/British/Soviet Union were almost as bad as each other. Admittedly Hitler took it to the next level by trying to systematically wipe out all Jews he could lay his hands on. The Jews provoked him but his respose was disproportionate to say the least.
What should I say, both answer and questions are lying in your post. they were equally evil for us and WW2 weakened the western powers to the extent , that they were no longer able to control their regime in Asia and Africa. As far as , specifically Hitler is concerned. He was as bad as were british. But their war provided us with an opportunity to get Freedom, which we did ..
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