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An Open letter to Nawaz Sharif by Zaid Hamid.

Binte Pakistan


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Jun 23, 2013
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Mr. Zaid Hamid, a famous defense and national security analyst, has just written an Open Letter to the PM of Pakistan, Nawaz Shariff.

Nawaz Shareef sahib,

Listen to this carefully for this message was already conveyed to your brother in 2008 but you had refused to listen and today the nation suffer its consequences.

It was in 2008, when I met your brother Shahbaz Shareef in his CM office in Lahore. Your government had just come into power in the province and the troika of PPP-MQM-ANP had taken power in centre and other three provinces. During the meeting with Shahbaz, his entire close team of staff officers was also present. Ask him if this has happened or not.

It was back then that I had informed and warned SS of this CIA sponsored democracy to use the CIA backed parties of PPP-MQM-ANP to ignite an urban war in Pakistan in a 4th Generation war to balkanize the country either into another “Yugoslavia” or into another “Iraq” or into another “Somalia” ! I had warned of massive urban wars coming towards Pakistan and had asked you to rise and understand the threats.

I had asked SS to convey to you that you must join hands with rightist parties and abandon your hatred against the army and resist this 4th generation war which is now about to hit Pakistan. You were all very angry against the army back then and I could see that in your rage, you will support Zardari instead of army and would then become a party in demolition of the state and its critical organs. Me and your brother SS had a detailed meeting of about 45 minutes and then I left, having conveyed the warning that a very dangerous and difficult phase for Pakistan is about to begin and the country would now be in a grave existential threat under this CIA backed democracy.

I am sure SS must have talked to you about my visit also. I am also sure that you rejected the advice to build relations with the army. For the last 5 years of PPP rule, you were hands in glove with Zardari in destroying this millat and instead of blocking the 3 separatist parties, you joined them as their 4th piller. Over the years, all analysis done by me back then and warnings given to your brother became hauntingly true.

Pakistan today stands at a precipice, with multiple state organ failures, suffering from an existential urban war, multiple insurgencies, economic collapse and a hostile social and political environment where the entire ideological and moral fiber of the society is falling apart under a compromised media, judiciary and political chaos.

Now when you have come the PM and your brother sits in the same office where we had met, I see that you are not smiling, have fear on your face and now the harsh reality of a State heading towards failure is now staring like death in your face. The urban wars have now engulfed all major provincial capitals – Peshawar, Quetta and Karachi are already burning with Islamabad also suffering catastrophic terror in its heart. If Lahore is safe today, then it is only a matter of time that the terror rips it apart as well, Allah forbid.

Now I am warning you again. Mend your ways, see the threats to the nation and the state, understand the 4th generation war and its hostile players, identify the enemies and their strategies, join hands with patriotic and nationalist forces, respect armed forces, fight the insurgencies, crush the rebellions, streamline the justice system, control the foreign paid media, defend the ideology of Pakistan and recover the looted wealth from the previous regime and its corrupt cronies. So, far, the way you are going, you are heading for a major disaster and a crash – both for yourself and for the country. This is the last warning to you. After this, there would only be divine retributions from the Almighty.

Pakistan’s crisis is on three axis:

1. Law and order and terrorism. Hang the terrorists. Give free hand to the army to eliminate them even if you have to form military courts to try the insurgents. When army is fighting them, army should try them and eliminate them too. Pakistan’s judicial system under CJ has betrayed the nation catastrophically. Trusting the civil judicial system to fight the terrorism would be a national suicide. Understand this clearly. This judiciary is fighting the army, not the terrorists.

2. Economy. Focus on recovering the billions of dollars of stolen wealth, NOT on taxing the poorest of the poor to pay the bankers. Your entire strategy of revenue generation is a failure. Not a single attempt to recover the looted and stolen wealth and you have also adopted the path of least resistance of crushing the already crushed millat. This will explode in your face. DO NOT do it.

3. Defend the ideology of Pakistan. Today, we are being attacked more ruthlessly and fiercely on this axis than we are on the military and economic fronts. Your past has been shameful regarding the ideology of this beloved Pak Sarzameen. You have another chance now. Make amends else you will be buried in the darkest corners of history, never to be remembered. This is your last chance!!

It is a matter of days to fix this country, improve the law and order and revive the economy. But you will have to crush the insurgents not appease them. You will have to respect the armed forces not humiliate them. You will have to recover the looted wealth, not tax the poorest. You will have to defend the ideology not destroy it.

If you promise to do what we have advised, we promise to support you in this cause. If you refuse, then Allah is all wise, all powerful and He is indeed fierce in taking revenge.

If you need any details on how to implement this strategy, you know where to find me. For anything else, don’t waste my time. I had a duty to give azaan. Have given it. Now it is between you and Allah (swt). He will deal with you as He seems fit.

May Allah bless Pak Sarzameen.


Zaid Hamid.
please visit his official FB page, for your verification. This forum doesn't allows new members to post links in their very first post


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Stupid letter - instead of offering advice, Mr. Hamid offers populist slogans

He's one of those who people who run their valid points by sheer emotional stupidity. His analysis is correct to some extent and he does have a track record. His biggest plus point is that he has been anti TTP from day 1.
Yara, have you heard "bhens kay aagay been bajana"? Sad part is, here, a bhens (Hamid Sahab) is reciting poetry in front of another bhens (Ameer-ul-monineen-al-hazrat-Ganja).

He's one of those who people who run their valid points by sheer emotional stupidity. His analysis is correct to some extent and he does have a track record. His biggest plus point is that he has been anti TTP from day 1.
what else can we expect from a hardliner analyst.
let the institutes work and make policies to strengthen them. Digging into past will only bring more chaos. :cheers:
@Hyperion @muse

ZZH screws up his valid analysis through emotional language and stupid delivery methods. He rants too much which negates his views.

Go back and look at his videos from 2009,if you can ignore his rants and rhetoric,you'll see that his extreme anti TTP stance hasn't changed. He always asked for them to be obliterated along with BLA.

He can become a valid voice against TTP/BLA if he could control his mouth in a better way.
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Yara, his problem is focus and cohesion of thoughts, he is always all-over the place. If he can somehow control all of that and articulate a better "strategy" against the TTP, instead of rants, then he has the "gift" :P to have a following of "special" folks, aka the majority of Pakistani population! :D

@Hyperion @muse

ZZH screws up his valid analysis through emotional language and stupid delivery methods. He rants too much which negates his views.

Go back and look at his videos from 2009,if you can ignore his rants and rhetoric,you'll see that his extreme anti TTP stance hasn't changed. He always asked for them to be obliterated along with BLA.

He can become a valid voice against TTP/BLA if he could control his mouth in a better way.
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Seems zaid hamid is desperate to stay in the limelight and be relevant in todays world. He is just an attention monger.
Ok, lets look at this :

Pakistan’s crisis is on three axis:

1. Law and order and terrorism. Hang the terrorists. Give free hand to the army to eliminate them even if you have to form military courts to try the insurgents. When army is fighting them, army should try them and eliminate them too. Pakistan’s judicial system under CJ has betrayed the nation catastrophically. Trusting the civil judicial system to fight the terrorism would be a national suicide. Understand this clearly. This judiciary is fighting the army, not the terrorists.

2. Economy. Focus on recovering the billions of dollars of stolen wealth, NOT on taxing the poorest of the poor to pay the bankers. Your entire strategy of revenue generation is a failure. Not a single attempt to recover the looted and stolen wealth and you have also adopted the path of least resistance of crushing the already crushed millat. This will explode in your face. DO NOT do it.

3. Defend the ideology of Pakistan. Today, we are being attacked more ruthlessly and fiercely on this axis than we are on the military and economic fronts. Your past has been shameful regarding the ideology of this beloved Pak Sarzameen. You have another chance now. Make amends else you will be buried in the darkest corners of history, never to be remembered. This is your last chance!!

It is a matter of days to fix this country, improve the law and order and revive the economy. But you will have to crush the insurgents not appease them. You will have to respect the armed forces not humiliate them. You will have to recover the looted wealth, not tax the poorest. You will have to defend the ideology not destroy it.

If you promise to do what we have advised, we promise to support you in this cause. If you refuse, then Allah is all wise, all powerful and He is indeed fierce in taking revenge.

1. CJP has the support of Nawaz, Nawaz is beholden to the CKP for saving his behind and for doing to Musharraf what the CJP has done, indeed the financial support Nawaz gave to the Lawyers movement was essential to the success of the movement. But things change --- And really, does anyone believe that the army is actually serious about fighting insurgents? Ifyes, then the Army needs training by people who know how, if not then you can come to your own conclusion about the army and extremist ideology.

2. Recover stolen loot - a fool's errand - First you have to establish if indeed stolen, then by whom -- and of course by what non-existent mechanism is the loot to be returned -- everyone except Nawaz and company have stolen and looted??

3. What the heck is this so called ideology of Pakistan?? Says who?

And all of it followed by promises of Divine vengeance - Like a any human being the extremist's god is vengeful, screw all that rahman and raheen stuff
Yara, his problem is focus and cohesion of thoughts, he is always all-over the place. If he can somehow control all of that and articulate a better "strategy" against the TTP, instead of rants, then he has the "gift" :P to have a following of "special" folks, aka the majority of Pakistani population! :D

I dont know how people find their exact posts on the subject.. still haven't figured that part out...had written something about it him before I rememeber.

His problem is half baked theories and ideals. Or at least ones that you cannot provide proof for.. or proof has been removed.
The idea of truth is something that has been told so many times it becomes true..
be it the ideology of pakistan.. the 1971 debacle.. the role of Arabs.. and many other quagmires of history all over the world.
Publications are made on this reference and that reference.. and supposed ideals trashed.. when you find out that references were made on opposing accounts.. then it dawns that a lot of "true" history is false and undocumented.

When you read a publication by say.. NYU.. that is very anti-Pakistan on the 71 war until you realize that almost all references are Indian.. but because its been done by the NYU.. its credible.. What gives narratives credibility? Because unlike science they can never be exact.. at the end its not a machine you trust for records but humans.
Corroborated accounts...

There was an interesting study done on Chimpanzees by a group.. on group behavior.

They put a group of Chimpanzees in a cage.. and put bananas on a table with them.
However, whenever they tried to reach for the Bananas.. the whole cage was doused with cold water.
So eventually, even if one tried to go for the Bananas.. the others would beat it up.
They all knew that if you touch the bananas.. water would fall on you.

Then, they started replaced a Monkey by one outside of that group.. it was also beaten up before he could even go near the bananas.. by the originals..and so he picked that up. Eventually , they replaced all the monkeys in that group.. and they observed.. that even with the original monkeys gone.. the beating the new guy going for the Bananas continued. Even though nobody was doused since the first group with water.. somehow..it was an unsaid rule that you do not touch the bananas.

Eventually, with groups rotating.. it got to a point where a new Monkey was beaten up regardless of bananas..
Because a new narrative got made up and since there were always more Monkeys to agree to why the new rule was there.. the new guy just had to gulp it down.

This is the rule here.. and in general narratives as well. Most dont bother to go beyond the first or second page in searches for why you do not touch the bananas.. until eventually.. the whole narrative of the water is lost even though it happened and existed.

Should I look beyond the first "academic" article I get on a historical subject.. should I look at its references.. ?
Should I look at an article that provides the opposite narrative?
Be it the history of the 71 war.. or the history of Islam.. The level of exposure and research is enough to suddenly create converts out of believers and believers out of atheists.. And if it is a narrative we dont wish to believe in.. go ahead and tear it apart no matter what.
So what if Zaid Hamid may be partially right about what is going on in Pakistan..
BAH.. it does not fit the "Modern" narrative.. the "globalized" narrative.. lets not even bother to investigate wherever he comes up with his disjointed gobblygook.

Its never the need to listen to both, because if that is not the narrative that fits in with what we Want it to be.. its probably not right.

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