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An open letter to Hamas

Although I appreciate your motive my friend peacefan, I have to say that the mistake here is that you wrote to the Hamas.

The Hamas charter goes something like this:

Our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious" and calls for the eventual creation of an Islamic state in Palestine, in place of Israel and the Palestinian Territories, and the obliteration or dissolution of Israel.

Although, they themselves have stated that this is a piece of history and no longer valid, they also went on to say that it cannot be changed for "internal reasons". Why is this? Because I personally feel that they want to keep people motivated and they wanna stay in power. Only this rampant hatred of Israel will keep them in power or give them or their actions any credibility.

I am of the opinion that one cannot negotiate with people like this. I feel their first problem is their non negotiable stance. I mean if they were willing to negotiate because they valued life in general (both Israeli and Palestinian) am sure they wouldnt throw rockets on Israel and endanger their own people. But they have to keep the hatred going. THEY are the reason that there is no solution for the Palestinians. Every rocket thrown Israel's way is undermining the Palestinian cause. And that creates further hatred and more violence. Thereby giving them credibility. THEY are the source of all evils.

Hence the only thing that I appreciate here is you and your motives. However, I think you are being too idealistic.
I'm not exactly sure whether or not the Isrealis or Americans are blocking my connections to the Hamas forum at http://amoltaqa.ps, or if the Hamas moderators are not interested to hear my viewpoint, so I'd like to post this message as an open letter here on this forum as well;

From: Peristalsi​so Peacefan
TO: english@almoltaqa.ps, info@cia.gov, nsapao@nsa.gov, noc@tehila.gov.il
Subject: please, please, allow me to post on your forum (account pending)‏


I've just created an account on your forum, which I would very much like to use to post the following message on your forum, for consideration by the leadership of Hamas;

If you do not approve my account then please at least me know this by e-mail to this address I'm sending you from now, and please forward the text below to the Hamas leadership.
I would like to know if my account has been blocked by Hamas, or if it has been blocked by the Americans / Israelis..

subject : I feel for the suffering of the Palestinian people, and want to do something about it.


With violence once again hitting Palestinian streets, and another
ground invasion by Israeli troops in the works, I come to you as a
white Dutch man who hates to see suffering caused by violence. For any

I am of the opinion we humans had better spend our energy and efforts
on agriculture, non-violent art forms, and commerce, rather than
making war on each other.

And I am somewhat of an amateur diplomat, using online forums and
twitter and facebook (all under my own name, which I can't reveal
here, yet) to motivate various groups that hold political and military
power towards peace and agriculture.

While I support Israel's right to defend it's citizens from rocket
attacks from Palestinian lands, I also support the Palestinian wish to
be free from oppression by the Israelis.

And in this time of hardship for the Palestinian people, I wish to
extend my hand of friendship towards Hamas and the PLO. As a white
european with a trackrecord of supporting Israel's right to defend
itself, I am in a better position also to criticise the Israeli
government on various issues that cause Palestinians to hate the
Israelis so much that these Palestinians resort to (what are (in my
opinion) in military sense quite futile) missile strikes against
Israeli population centers.

I can not just simply deliver a list of demands to the Israelis, but I
can listen to Palestinian wishes for better treatment by the Israelis.
And this can be anything from less occupation to more travel rights to
less water-stealing by the Israelis. I humbly request that
Palestinians think carefully about what gestures of de-escalation they
want in what priority from the Israelis, and I'll promise to deliver
this to the Israeli people and government and military leadership.

The Israelis are notorious for not allowing anyone to disagree with
them. I found that out firsthand by getting an IP-ban on their
israelmilitary.net forum (which I can bypass when I want),
when I criticised their "asymmetrical warfare" during operation cast lead,
which I found way too harsh and having created way too many innocent
Palestinian victims. Now the Israelis are about to do the same thing
all over again, and it looks like this "process" will have to be
repeated about every 5 years, creating a never ending cycle of
hatred and violence, not just for the Palestinian people,
but between all Muslims and NATO+Israel+friends.

I'd really like to do something about this, to help out in some
(albeit perhaps limited) way. Even if that means I will miss out on
business opportunities here in my comfortable and safe home. The
apathy that some of my European peers have for the entire muslim
conflict is disgusting me sometimes, but I can not hate my European
peers for focussing on their own families and lives, certainly not in
these somewhat hard economic times. All I can do is donate my own time
and energy towards, and use the safety of the Internet to, being a
messenger between the warring parties.

I've been doing this, playing amateur diplomat sorta-say, for several years now.
And Hamas, I do have several alternative tactics and strategies for
you, some of which I'll outline very briefly in this first post here;

- switch to non-violent resistance forms;
* use cameras and youtube to document and spread the word of how
Israeli hatred against Palestinians is causing Israelis to mistreat
* besides creating "complaint videos", also create videos in which
the peaceful business efforts of the Palestinian people are
documented. This to show that not all Palestinians are in the business
of making war against the Israelis.
* use youtube, twitter and facebook as a means to spread these
non-violent complaints about Israelis to the world, thereby lifting
this conflict from the dimension of physical violence into the
dimension of political debate. I'm most willing to assist the
Palestinian people(s) in how not to get aggitated by Israelis, who
will probably try to provoke you at every turn in the initial 20 years
of employing these strategies.

- stop accepting weapons from those Muslim nations who keep using you
as a violent proxy against Israel.
* thereby immediately removing Israel's permission in the
international community to hurt your innocent children and citizens

I'll leave it at this for now, Hamas. I'd like to know in plain terms if
you're willing to even consider a non-violent resistance form against
Take your time to properly discuss this with eachother. I'd greatly
appreciate it if you can even discuss this.
I know you have a war to fight at this moment,
but the survivors of this war have to ask themselves the
tough question: is this what we want for our people?

Thank you for such an open and candid set of suggestions. Palestinians must seriously think about it.

The issue is this.

The most powerful nations on earth fully support Israel - diplomatically, militarily and financially. In their enthusiasm to wholeheartedly support the Jewish state, they utter such rubbish that Israel has the right to defend itself (against defenceless people). They dont say in the same breath that Palestinians too have a right to exist.

Palestinians have been incarcerated in their own homes, their own land and they dont have right to return to those territories which Israel forcefully annexed after evicting them.

If the world's most powerful nations including your country, can be convinced to stop backing a ruthless occupation, Palestinians could also be forced to give up violent resistance.

As the things stand, more violence is inevitable as people, no matter what religion they have, will never accept forced eviction from their homes and annexure of their lands by an occupier.

Your noble gesture notwithstanding, this is an issue that you have to take up with your governments first. After all, its your countries in EU and US, which go around the world lecturing about human rights and democracy.
A guy who critisizes them on the internet is nothing to them but if you came up to them and told them that "Israel has the right to defend herself", there is a decent chance you won't leave there alive.

You are an idealist, you don't know what it is to be among them and to know them truly. If you're not careful with how much "helpful advice" you give them, someday you'll find out just how peaceful their ways are.

We have certainly seen how peaceful ur ways are. They launch puny rockets or should i say firecrackers and u raise hell on them with heavy weapons.
We have certainly seen how peaceful ur ways are. They launch puny rockets or should i say firecrackers and u raise hell on them with heavy weapons.
Just because they use primitive rockets doesn't mean their bloodlust is any less potent. Give them biological weapons and they would not think twice of using them.
Brute force is the only language terrorists understand.
Just because they use primitive rockets doesn't mean their bloodlust is any less potent. Give them biological weapons and they would not think twice of using them.
Brute force is the only language terrorists understand.

Plus If Iron Dome would not have intercepted Fajr-5 rockets Israeli Causalities would have been in Hundreds . Just because Less Israelis are Dying does not been Threat is less .
Plus If Iron Dome would not have intercepted Fajr-5 rockets Israeli Causalities would have been in Hundreds . Just because Less Israelis are Dying does not been Threat is less .

Very rightly said. A usual argument is that Israel has Iron Dome while the Palestinians dont. So people say that less Israelis die and therefore Israel's response is "disproportionate". I fail to understand what a "disproportionate" attack is in the first place. 1 Rocket/rocket? :D
any idea why west bank is 100
times most peaceful than gaza ? And can any one tell how much land in gaza is occupied by jordan.?
any idea why west bank is 100
times most peaceful than gaza ? And can any one tell how much land in gaza is occupied by jordan.?

Gaza borders Egypt. Westbank borders Jordan. Neither Jordan, nor Egypt hold any of Palestine today.
A guy who critisizes them on the internet is nothing to them but if you came up to them and told them that "Israel has the right to defend herself", there is a decent chance you won't leave there alive.

With each generation of Palestinians that die, new ones take their place. They have the record of history, their failure time and time again caused by their terror tactics. Eventually one of these generations of Palestinians will be ready to try the non-violent option and try to teach their children those ways.
Will Israelis then mistreat them because of old hatred and feelings of supremacy? I fear so. I'll be there all over the Internet to put a stop to Israeli arrogance then.

You are an idealist, you don't know what it is to be among them and to know them truly. If you're not careful with how much "helpful advice" you give them, someday you'll find out just how peaceful their ways are.

fear tactics? come on hey.. if I was fearful of those I talk to, I wouldn't be talking to them.

in any way, God decides when I die, and I trust God to keep me safe until that day is near.
I also, unlike most Israeli defenders, will try to stay as polite as I can with Hamas and other Palestinian Jihadist groups.

Perhaps you wouldn't like to face Muslims with demands when they refuse to throw a fist, stone or bomb at you? When people like me have taught them the western art of political intrigue and discussion dominance?

Although I appreciate your motive my friend peacefan, I have to say that the mistake here is that you wrote to the Hamas.

The Hamas charter goes something like this:

Our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious" and calls for the eventual creation of an Islamic state in Palestine, in place of Israel and the Palestinian Territories, and the obliteration or dissolution of Israel.

Although, they themselves have stated that this is a piece of history and no longer valid, they also went on to say that it cannot be changed for "internal reasons". Why is this? Because I personally feel that they want to keep people motivated and they wanna stay in power. Only this rampant hatred of Israel will keep them in power or give them or their actions any credibility.

I am of the opinion that one cannot negotiate with people like this. I feel their first problem is their non negotiable stance. I mean if they were willing to negotiate because they valued life in general (both Israeli and Palestinian) am sure they wouldnt throw rockets on Israel and endanger their own people. But they have to keep the hatred going. THEY are the reason that there is no solution for the Palestinians. Every rocket thrown Israel's way is undermining the Palestinian cause. And that creates further hatred and more violence. Thereby giving them credibility. THEY are the source of all evils.

Hence the only thing that I appreciate here is you and your motives. However, I think you are being too idealistic.

Perhaps Hamas and the rest of the Palestinian Jihadist groups are willing to remove that from all of their charters at the same time, if Israelis are willing to give back land, water sources, and start building HIGHRISES in what's left of Israel then. No more low-height villas all over Palestinian lands, no more new "settlements".

Perhaps Hamas and the rest of the Palestinian Jihadist groups are willing to remove that from all of their charters at the same time, if Israelis are willing to give back land, water sources, and start building HIGHRISES in what's left of Israel then. No more low-height villas all over Palestinian lands, no more new "settlements".


Sure bro. But the Hamas wont agree. The Hamas wants Jews gone, so that the Palestinians will live in Tel Aviv, for instance.

The other Palestinians might not want that, but they elected the Hamas into power and the Hamas is now using their power to bomb Israel. This is the issue. The Hamas wont compromise. Israelis will. Heck even most Palestinians will. But Hamas wont.
Thank you for such an open and candid set of suggestions. Palestinians must seriously think about it.

Thank you. Please forgive me for the harsh lessons I'm about to reveal to you.

The issue is this.

The most powerful nations on earth fully support Israel - diplomatically, militarily and financially. In their enthusiasm to wholeheartedly support the Jewish state, they utter such rubbish that Israel has the right to defend itself (against defenceless people). They dont say in the same breath that Palestinians too have a right to exist.

defenceless, not entirely.

attackless, not at all.

it's quite easy to get lots and lots of video evidence of all those rockets Hamas has been firing into Israel.

and your basic mistake is still thinking we westerners will allow our more foolish and gullible white and jewish citizens to grieve for the indeed poor palestinian children who are suffering because Hamas and other Jihadist groups in Palestine provoke Israel, and then turn that suffering into hatred-fuel by promise of a blissful existance in heaven if they commit to a lifetime of hatred against a foe they can never defeat by military means(1), so that these children become the kind of teenagers who will fire more weapons at Israel, totally convinced that they can bring the latest generation of toddler Palestinians into that same world of misery with permission from Allah. Are you absolutely sure you have Allah's permission to continue with this tactic of terrorism and targetting the civilians of your enemy?

(1) because that foe will not allow you the weapons development you'd need for that, nor the unity amongst yourselves, etc. And I support this, because Muslims and nukes or chemical weapons or biological weapons CAN NOT BE TRUSTED. Your moderate seculars cannot and will not control those muslims who will force eventually everyone in the world to abide by their severely UNjust and outdated "moral codes". That they enforce with public torture and executions

And it is the "idealogical support" that Muslims on this forum and any other Jihadist-dominated forum on Earth provide to the Palestinians, confirming their FALSE BELIEF that more violence will eventually grant them the dream in the living world of having defeated and eliminated or removed the country of Israel.

Israel is here to stay. Not for historic reasons, not for being right at the U.N. when it was created, but for sheer military dominance and the ability to keep that (at the NATO+Israel+Friends (and soon +Russia+China too) side).

Palestinians have been incarcerated in their own homes, their own land and they dont have right to return to those territories which Israel forcefully annexed after evicting them.

True, and if you'd all stick to NON-violent forms of resistance, which have been made SO MUCH EASIER with the help of cheap democratically-built laptops, cameras and Internet connections and free hosting that scales to humongous numbers of viewers (aka youtube & google), then you'd start to see fruits of that approach within 5 to 10 years. Starting with the removal of permission for Israel to launch airstrikes and ground invasions against Gaza and the West Bank.

Go ahead, fight another Gaza war and try to make us westerners grieve for the children you jihadists and supporters of jihadists expose to mortal risks. Lose this war too, with probably, hopefully, less innocent lives lost and mutilated. The Israelis are catching on to the message I'm sending *them*, which is simply, over and over again: KILL LESS INNOCENTS. Let a terrorist live another day if necessary.

If the world's most powerful nations including your country, can be convinced to stop backing a ruthless occupation, Palestinians could also be forced to give up violent resistance.

I can probably help you convince my mass media, then the masses of white people and their elected representatives who atm still control US and EU governments, if you are willing to give up terrorism, COMPLETELY AND TRULY FOREVER, as a way to achieve your goals.

As the things stand, more violence is inevitable as people, no matter what religion they have, will never accept forced eviction from their homes and annexure of their lands by an occupier.

Then you doom more innocent Palestinian people, including the children you want to give better lives, to misery and suffering on a way-too-regular basis. Only Muslims can end this by ceasing to believe more violence from their side is noble or useful.

Your noble gesture notwithstanding, this is an issue that you have to take up with your governments first. After all, its your countries in EU and US, which go around the world lecturing about human rights and democracy.

I take it up with my governments on a weekly basis at least, in private e-mails to them, and on western forums sometimes when I talk to *their* midlevel- and just-below-top-level- bureacracies.
Sure bro. But the Hamas wont agree. The Hamas wants Jews gone, so that the Palestinians will live in Tel Aviv, for instance.

The other Palestinians might not want that, but they elected the Hamas into power and the Hamas is now using their power to bomb Israel. This is the issue. The Hamas wont compromise. Israelis will. Heck even most Palestinians will. But Hamas wont.

I fear it won't be just Hamas we need to convince, but basically ALL jihadist groups, at the same time.
I just hope these messages, this logic, reaches enough of them soon enough, and that they actually start discussing it amongst themselves on private channels. That's what I'm hoping for this year.
Thank you. Please forgive me for the harsh lessons I'm about to reveal to you.

I m sorry to say that I dont agree with your definition of terrorism. If Muslim terrorism was so successful as you portrayed, Muslims lands would not have been under the occupation of foreign forces.

And how is resisting occupation, terrorism?

So your idea is that 'peace' imposed by Israel is just. That Palestine must stop dreaming about living without occupation and since Muslim cant be 'trusted' with the WMDs you have listed, Muslim world must accept European, American and Israel's definition of 'peace' and 'terrorism'.

That to me is a pathetic idea to say the least. 'Peace' will still not prevail. As injustice cant bring peace.
I m sorry to say that I dont agree with your definition of terrorism. If Muslim terrorism was so successful as you portrayed, Muslims lands would not have been under the occupation of foreign forces.

And how is resisting occupation, terrorism?

I've just given you a perfectly valid way to start resisting that occupation. Without violence from either side then. Just lots and lots of mental frustration on both sides, but mostly in your respective local and national leaderships then.

terrorism is defined as "killing or hurting civilians to achieve a political goal". Hamas and most jihadists are terrorists, even if all they do is support the idea that violence from their side is going to achieve their goals "some day".
I fear it won't be just Hamas we need to convince, but basically ALL jihadist groups, at the same time.
I just hope these messages, this logic, reaches enough of them soon enough, and that they actually start discussing it amongst themselves on private channels. That's what I'm hoping for this year.

Can you try to convince Israel for a change to stop this terrorism? Only if you could get out of that 'right to defend itself' baloney.

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