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An Interview of Pakistani Scientist in NASA

Firstly about computer viruses

The Creeper virus was first detected on ARPANET, the forerunner of the Internet in the early 1970s.[3] Creeper was an experimental self-replicating program written by Bob Thomas at BBN in 1971.[4] Creeper used the ARPANET to infect DEC PDP-10 computers running the TENEX operating system. Creeper gained access via the ARPANET and copied itself to the remote system where the message, "I'm the creeper, catch me if you can!" was displayed. The Reaper program was created to delete Creeper.[5]

First of all wash your face and clean your eyes and read carefully. I said the first famous virus, not the first virus. I know that there were almost 3 viruses invented before Brain Virus. But they were not so famous. It was Brain which did the most damage and was the first famous virus. Got it?

Wiki answers in not a creditible resouce so cant comment on the headcount.

Dont know about 2 Microsoft engineers but yes i do know that there are microsoft off shore development centers in India along with full dedicated off shore development centers in Infosys, Wipro and TCS. And stands no 1 in outsourcing where as pakistan as no 20 in the same industry..

India is ahead in matter of numbers. But in the matter of quality we are ahead. Its not a big job if you produce one million programmers from a nation of one billion and vast resources. The thing is quality and we are ahead of you in that. Our Army has the same merit on yours.

It sounds bit funny when you are happy about 2 engg senior to Indian engg... if it is true... sources please. Pakistan IT industry can not at all be compared with Indian IT industry....

It doesn't sound funny because those 2 engineers got priority on the basis of better quality. So not even one of your hundred could match our talent. Our 2 did what your 100 couldn't.

Regarding calculating the weight of earth if I am not wrong it is calculated on the basis of Newton laws. Anyone in 12th grade can calculate that with newton laws.

I got a wrong information by some one.

This is what he discovered and on these basis He got several awards and medals including the Noble Prize.

* two-component neutrino theory and the prediction of the inevitable parity violation in weak interaction;
* gauge unification of weak and electromagnetic interactions, the unified force is called the "Electroweak" force, a name given to it by Salam, and which forms the basis of the Standard Model in particle physics;
* predicted existence of weak neutral currents and W particles and Z particles before their experimental discovery;[14]
* symmetry properties of elementary particles; unitary symmetry;
* renormalization of meson theories;
* gravity theory and its role in particle physics; two tensor theory of gravity and strong interaction physics;
* unification of electroweak with strong nuclear forces, grand unification theory;
* related prediction of proton-decay;
* Pati-Salam model, a grand unification theory;
* Supersymmetry theory, in particular formulation of Superspace and formalism of superfields in 1974;
* the theory of supermanifolds, as a geometrical framework for understanding supersymmetry, in 1974;[15]
* Supergeometry, the geometric basis for supersymmetry, in 1974;[16]
* application of the Higgs mechanism to the electroweak symmetry breaking;
* prediction of the magnetic photon in 1966;[17]

Rest all experiments are not big deal because there are 100s of them by both Pakistan and India.

Do you know that the Nokia company was experimenting on wireless charger.The whole company was yet in progress but Our Pakistani Student build it. So its not a common or ordinary invention. As far as other inventions are concerned , yes they are not new but they are unique. India is just jealous of Pakistan. India doesn't have beautiful women as Pakistan has. Doesn't have intelligent and smart and power ful men as Pakistan has. India is only ahead on the basis of population and resources. Which she should also compare herself with China who is almost equal to her resources and population but is far ahead of them. Pakistan despite of being a small country is smarter than India.
First of all wash your face and clean your eyes and read carefully. I said the first famous virus, not the first virus. I know that there were almost 3 viruses invented before Brain Virus. But they were not so famous. It was Brain which did the most damage and was the first famous virus. Got it?

India is ahead in matter of numbers. But in the matter of quality we are ahead. Its not a big job if you produce one million programmers from a nation of one billion and vast resources. The thing is quality and we are ahead of you in that. Our Army has the same merit on yours.

It doesn't sound funny because those 2 engineers got priority on the basis of better quality. So not even one of your hundred could match our talent. Our 2 did what your 100 couldn't.

I got a wrong information by some one.

This is what he discovered and on these basis He got several awards and medals including the Noble Prize.

* two-component neutrino theory and the prediction of the inevitable parity violation in weak interaction;
* gauge unification of weak and electromagnetic interactions, the unified force is called the "Electroweak" force, a name given to it by Salam, and which forms the basis of the Standard Model in particle physics;
* predicted existence of weak neutral currents and W particles and Z particles before their experimental discovery;[14]
* symmetry properties of elementary particles; unitary symmetry;
* renormalization of meson theories;
* gravity theory and its role in particle physics; two tensor theory of gravity and strong interaction physics;
* unification of electroweak with strong nuclear forces, grand unification theory;
* related prediction of proton-decay;
* Pati-Salam model, a grand unification theory;
* Supersymmetry theory, in particular formulation of Superspace and formalism of superfields in 1974;
* the theory of supermanifolds, as a geometrical framework for understanding supersymmetry, in 1974;[15]
* Supergeometry, the geometric basis for supersymmetry, in 1974;[16]
* application of the Higgs mechanism to the electroweak symmetry breaking;
* prediction of the magnetic photon in 1966;[17]

Do you know that the Nokia company was experimenting on wireless charger.The whole company was yet in progress but Our Pakistani Student build it. So its not a common or ordinary invention. As far as other inventions are concerned , yes they are not new but they are unique. India is just jealous of Pakistan. India doesn't have beautiful women as Pakistan has. Doesn't have intelligent and smart and power ful men as Pakistan has. India is only ahead on the basis of population and resources. Which she should also compare herself with China who is almost equal to her resources and population but is far ahead of them. Pakistan despite of being a small country is smarter than India.

Source please.....
Your link says
Brain (the industry standard name being Brain) is (in its first incarnation written in January 1986) considered to be the first computer virus for MS-DOS.

Any kid with knowledge of Terminate and stay resident program can do that.

And no where it says about calculating mass of earth

* two-component neutrino theory and the prediction of the inevitable parity violation in weak interaction;
* gauge unification of weak and electromagnetic interactions, the unified force is called the "Electroweak" force, a name given to it by Salam, and which forms the basis of the Standard Model in particle physics;
* predicted existence of weak neutral currents and W particles and Z particles before their experimental discovery;[14]
* symmetry properties of elementary particles; unitary symmetry;
* renormalization of meson theories;
* gravity theory and its role in particle physics; two tensor theory of gravity and strong interaction physics;
* unification of electroweak with strong nuclear forces, grand unification theory;
* related prediction of proton-decay;
* Pati-Salam model, a grand unification theory;
* Supersymmetry theory, in particular formulation of Superspace and formalism of superfields in 1974;
* the theory of supermanifolds, as a geometrical framework for understanding supersymmetry, in 1974;[15]
* Supergeometry, the geometric basis for supersymmetry, in 1974;[16]
* application of the Higgs mechanism to the electroweak symmetry breaking;
* prediction of the magnetic photon in 1966;[17]

And what about microsoft link.
nasa is america citizen only allowed there no pakistan people....if you want know ....:chilli:
Your link says
Brain (the industry standard name being Brain) is (in its first incarnation written in January 1986) considered to be the first computer virus for MS-DOS.

Any kid with knowledge of Terminate and stay resident program can do that.

And no where it says about calculating mass of earth

* two-component neutrino theory and the prediction of the inevitable parity violation in weak interaction;
* gauge unification of weak and electromagnetic interactions, the unified force is called the "Electroweak" force, a name given to it by Salam, and which forms the basis of the Standard Model in particle physics;
* predicted existence of weak neutral currents and W particles and Z particles before their experimental discovery;[14]
* symmetry properties of elementary particles; unitary symmetry;
* renormalization of meson theories;
* gravity theory and its role in particle physics; two tensor theory of gravity and strong interaction physics;
* unification of electroweak with strong nuclear forces, grand unification theory;
* related prediction of proton-decay;
* Pati-Salam model, a grand unification theory;
* Supersymmetry theory, in particular formulation of Superspace and formalism of superfields in 1974;
* the theory of supermanifolds, as a geometrical framework for understanding supersymmetry, in 1974;[15]
* Supergeometry, the geometric basis for supersymmetry, in 1974;[16]
* application of the Higgs mechanism to the electroweak symmetry breaking;
* prediction of the magnetic photon in 1966;[17]

And what about microsoft link.

I said that I was given wrong information that he calculated the mass of the earth. Or may be it is written in his thesis. We can only know by reading his work. So it is not important. The important thing is his genius and his work.

If you are sensible enough to think then read the following words carefully.

Any kid can find out that the earth is spherical. But not at that time when even telescope was not invented. A rational person wouldn't say such an absurd thing you said. A discovery or invention, no matter how common in later times, is an achievement when first discovered. Aeroplanes are not a big deal now. But we owe aero space technology as well as new high tech jet fighters and advanced air planes to Wright Brothers who invented a simple ordinary plane, not even a kid would like to have at this time and at this age. But the importance of that first invention could never be degraded or under-estimated.
Can you Pakis and Indians please stop with this retarded something or another measuring contest? I find it nauseating.

There are top scientists coming from both nations, who inevitably get sucked into the pot of wealthier and more developed parts of the world. Money talks.

It is inevitable for there to be more Indians simply because there are around a billion more of them.

However, India has of late started programmes that stop their home grown scientists from getting sucked in as much - can Pakistan do the same? - We should work towards that.
Yeh we can do with a private self less organization. Cause the budget Pakistan will not allow the scientists to remain here.

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