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Amnesty International on Kulbushan Jadhav: Pakistan military court violates international standards

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hahaha...When faced with facts, you try to deflect! Typical flip flopping from Pdf Pakistanis!
The ask is simple "Show us Jadhav's Iranian passport" as you claimed he was caught with an Iranian passport!
Now suddenly he is Indian again?!!
If you cant, then please crawl back into the hole and introspect! Shame or humility for spreading rumors is clearly not expected from you.
He was caught with Irani documents that have been shown to you. You believe them or not the Jadhav fellow is going to get hanged. Jadhav was not even a true Indian he talked about his country like hell and you people still think he was a patriot Indian. Jadhav shammed India by speaking out. If Jadhav was a true Indian he should have kept quite but the fellow gave up his country for his own life. Now he is sitting in his cell crying and cursing India for deserting him. This is the main issue with RAW agents they are so soft they speak up very soon.
He was caught with Irani documents that have been shown to you. You believe them or not the Jadhav fellow is going to get hanged. Jadhav was not even a true Indian he talked about his country like hell and you people still think he was a patriot Indian. Jadhav shammed India by speaking out. If Jadhav was a true Indian he should have kept quite but the fellow gave up his country for his own life. Now he is sitting in his cell crying and cursing India for deserting him. This is the main issue with RAW agents they are so soft they speak up very soon.

What documents were shown?!! That piece of handwritten paper you call an Iranian passport?
I JUST showed you what an Iranian passport looks like. Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and prove something for once instead of spewing nonsense day in day out!

As far as his patriotism is concerned, its not for me to judge or for that matter a putz like yourself!
We sit behind computers passing judgement while these people put their lives on the line for their country. So enough with you!
guys I don't know what the fuss is about...

he was involved in terrorism... was caught.. will get death penalty.... that's it.....

move on....

if he was just a spy, we might let him go.... but terrorism? he has to be killed and will be... don't waste time
guys I don't know what the fuss is about...

he was involved in terrorism... was caught.. will get death penalty.... that's it.....

move on....

if he was just a spy, we might let him go.... but terrorism? he has to be killed and will be... don't waste time

So make his trial public! Why the secrecy?
Afterall, isn't this your perfect opportunity to shame India internationally and discredit the Balochistan movement? Double whammy for you guys!
Irrefutable proof exists according to Pakistanis, so what's the fuss?
So make his trial public! Why the secrecy?
Afterall, isn't this your perfect opportunity to shame India internationally? Irrefutable proof exists according to Pakistanis, so what's the fuss?

he was given a field court martial.... that's under Geneva convention.... that's the law
What documents were shown?!! That piece of handwritten paper you call an Iranian passport?
I JUST showed you what an Iranian passport looks like. Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and prove something for once instead of spewing nonsense day in day out!

As far as his patriotism is concerned, its not for me to judge or for that matter a putz like yourself!
We sit behind computers passing judgement while these people put their lives on the line for their country. So enough with you!
Look Lady this rat is going down the drain and India can do nothing about it. He is crying in his cell cursing his Gov for deserting him.

So make his trial public! Why the secrecy?
Afterall, isn't this your perfect opportunity to shame India internationally and discredit the Balochistan movement? Double whammy for you guys!
Irrefutable proof exists according to Pakistanis, so what's the fuss?

His trail is public and any Pakistani can go and watch his trail in the court and listen to him crying and cursing India in the trail.

One more thing to add. If India thinks that they can get Jadhav back by Kidnapping a Pakistani officer from Nepal, India is wrong there are many India officers in Afghanistan Pakistan will catch an India officer from there and we can exchange him for our kidnapped officers.

Jadhav will be hanged.
times of India as source

I would request all that in coming days many such FAKE NEWS will surface.... please check the source before committing to it
Biraj Patnaik.... Indians should have hired some Gora like Mark, Steve or Jacob to write this crap for the sake of credibility. I mean, Pakistanis are going to spit on this Indian ahole.
Hey Indians listen we only want to lengthen his neck at least twice its original length..that's it. I wish we release the video with that quiet assuring "click" so that all the terrorists planning to enter Pakistan think twice. The message should be loud and clear and we a long list to clean
Hey Indians listen we only want to lengthen his neck at least twice its original length..that's it. I wish we release the video with that quiet assuring "click" so that all the terrorists planning to enter Pakistan think twice. The message should be loud and clear and we a long list to clean

That's a quick death. Much preferable and appreciated!
Your Lt. Col. will not be so lucky. No one will hear his cries for help! No one will ever know what happened to him.
Oh and I'm sure he is singing like a canary when our raw operatives make him their personal hand puppet!
So make his trial public! Why the secrecy?
Afterall, isn't this your perfect opportunity to shame India internationally and discredit the Balochistan movement? Double whammy for you guys!
Irrefutable proof exists according to Pakistanis, so what's the fuss?

This is really weird. After all the empty dossiers against India, when they finally get someone they claim was orchestrating attacks, you would expect them to make a spectacle of it. Invite foreign media, hold multiple press conferences on each day of a protracted trial to rattle off his confessions, and so on. Instead, they secretly convict him in a kangaroo court.

If they can be desperate enough as to have Sartaj Aziz humiliate himself and grin like a moron with an empty dossier in his hand at a press conference, one would expect them to make as much capital out of the present situation as possible. Their current course of action defies all sense.
Again, either put up or shut up! I don't need your useless commentary.
Just show me and this forum his Iranian passport as claimed or STFU and quit this retarded line of reasoning.
I have posted the picture of the only Irani document he had now accept it or not he will be hanged. So stop crying and get a life. The Indian Gov has no balls to save their own agent why are you putting out your frustration on Pakistan. Go and protest in front of Modi.
Did I not just present to you the exact article 30 which states the Geneva convention ruling on the handling of spies?!

and where does that article says that field court martial is not a proper court? infact it was a norm in world war 2 and nearly all subsequent wars... this is how spies are dealt with
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