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American Woman Spewing Anti-China Propaganda Gets Rude Awakening!


Nov 4, 2011
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American Woman Spewing Anti-China Propaganda Gets Rude Awakening!​

Americans don't know that their media is more of a propaganda channel than their Chinese counterpart, Chinese audience know that their media is being censored while Americans don't know about theirs.

American woman: "I've been very concerned lately about China. They are lending money to countries to build ports and different infrastructure"
Greek Finance Minister : " What's wrong with it? countries need ports, get ports"
American woman: "But they are making people depend on..., I know its the same thing that we've done.."
Greek Finance Minister : "No, it's not, they are far more humanistic that the United States ever was"
They are lending money to countries to build ports and different infrastructure

That part is great. Whether the projects make long term economic sense for the country, or how to pay the debt back is what causes the issues.
That part is great. Whether the projects make long term economic sense for the country, or how to pay the debt back is what causes the issues.
well, not worth responding the guy is the former finance minister. he was kicked out of his own political party and recently beaten up on the street in Athens.

He was also the key figure in handing over the Greek port of Piraeus to the Chinese.
So all in all, not convinced he is altogether unbiased on the question of Chinese benevolence.
well, not worth responding the guy is the former finance minister. he was kicked out of his own political party and recently beaten up on the street in Athens.

He was also the key figure in handing over the Greek port of Piraeus to the Chinese.
So all in all, not convinced he is altogether unbiased on the question of Chinese benevolence.

Yeah, ask the Uighurs just how "humanistic" the Chinese communist regime is in reality rather than the former Greek finance minister. :D
Yeah, ask the Uighurs just how "humanistic" the Chinese communist regime is in reality rather than the former Greek finance minister. :D
Uighurs have the highest standard of living in central and south Aisa , enjoy the best facilites and infrastructure in the world. Free education, free healthcare, even free food in all schools from kingdergarten to college, which countries in the surrounding region can provide those?

The biggest and most profound take away from the above exchange was "China never forced Apple to take iphone production to Shenzhen, it was Steve Job.

What a precise and pitiful indictment of the capitalist system and the uber patriot china hating fear mongers.
Uighurs have the highest standard of living in central and south Aisa , enjoy the best facilites and infrastructure in the world. Free education, free healthcare, even free food in all schools from kingdergarten to college, which countries in the surrounding region can provide those?

Ah yes. Even prisons offer free education, healthcare and food these days, if you haven't heard. Making handcuffs out of platinum doesn't change them operationally, does it?
Ah yes. Even prisons offer free education, healthcare and food these days, if you haven't heard. Making handcuffs out of platinum doesn't change them operationally, does it?
Not even Muslim countries buy those China bashing western propaganda now, when you lie too much and for too long, your lies will lose appeal even to yourself.
Not even Muslim countries buy those China bashing western propaganda now, when you lie too much and for too long, your lies will lose appeal even to yourself.

What part of this is a lie? Even prisons offer free education, healthcare and food these days, if you haven't heard. Making handcuffs out of platinum doesn't change them operationally, does it?
What part of this is a lie? Even prisons offer free education, healthcare and food these days, if you haven't heard. Making handcuffs out of platinum doesn't change them operationally, does it?
Never been in one, US has the world largest inmate population, you should ask them.
And not ask the Uighurs? Or are they less human than US prisoners?
Go and ask, no one stops you, many Uighur vloggers on youtube, many of them update pretty frequent. Now even Muslim majority countries don't buy those anti China western propaganda and you sould like a very old broken record.
his is how they do reporting in Xinjiang

Actually, what you claimed was this:

Go and ask, no one stops you,

But that is clearly a LIE.

The FACT remains that independent reporters are not allowed. The ones that are approved to go there are constantly monitored and heavily censored. Obviously, the open truth scares the communists.
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