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American TV Journalist, who Exposed Turkey's Support to ISIS, Dies in 'Suspicious' Car Accident


Dec 3, 2013
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New Zealand
An American TV journalist, who was accused by Ankara of spying - following her recent story blaming Turkey of allowing Islamic State militants to cross into Kobane, died in a car accidenton Sunday.

Press TV - the deceased journalist's employer.

According to the report, Shim was killed on Sunday in the city of Suruc in Turkey's Urfa Province, when her car collided with a heavy vehicle while she was going back to her hotel from a report scene.

The police claim they have not been able to locate the truck or the driver yet.

Shim came to Syria to cover the ongoing war in the strategic Syrian town of Kobane. Shim is specialised in Middle East affairs, with special focus on Lebanon, Iraq and Ukraine.

The accident has created an air of suspicion on Turkey as Shim had told Press TV on Friday that the Turkish intelligence agency has accused her of spying, following her stories which exposed Turkey's support to the ISIS.

Shim reportedly told her employer that she feared Ankara was watching her moves and would try to arrest her.

In her last on-air interview, Shim had told Turkey that she was "surprised" at the accusation as she has nothing to hide and has never done anything, aside her job.

Shim, a mother of two, has done several stories on ISIS militants infiltrating into Syria, through the Turkish border. In one of her reports, the journalist had shown images of militantscrossing the Turkish border into Syria, by hiding in World Food Organization (WFO)and other NGOs' trucks.

The Iranian state-run Fars News Agency reported that Shim's family doubts if it was really a "car accident".

Shim's family reportedly stated that they suspect if the Turkish authorities are responsible for the death of the journalist. The report claims her parents now want to pursue the matter legally.

Watch Video of ISIS Crossing into Kobane from Turkey

Kobane has been under the attack of the Islamic State in recent weeks. Turkey, despite being its closest neighour, has refused to help Kurdish fighters. There has been several reports, accusing Turkey of assisting the militants.

Reports claim that Turkey not only trained the militants in the country but has also supplied satellite images and several key information to the ISIS, to assist the group in its battle against Kurdish fighters.

American TV Journalist, who Exposed Turkey's Support to ISIS, Dies in 'Suspicious' Car Accident
And your evidences are .... ?

Let me guess, assumption ? :D
Its already known that Turkey supports terrorism. Remember how we were talking about how otokar made a deal with an undisclosed customer?Guess what. I got news for you. That customer was boko haram.



Here is an arms shipment to ISIS. The turkish government has no shame they are doing it in broad daylight.


Here a turkish soldier is throwing a mini uav over the border so ISIS can pick it up after it safely lands with its parachute.


(being sarcastic here) (Also I condemn boko haram and isis terrorist organizations)
Its already known that Turkey supports terrorism.

Oh no man, you backstabbed us... why did you just reveal our secrets, it should be kept as national security level secrets and now all the innocent countries as pure as the water of the fountain of life will accuse us for being a supporter of global terrorism... Anyway thanks god you didnt tell'em that we created boko haram, too ... Oops.. Did I just..? :D

The iranian tactic is funny. They try to put turkey in the spotlight in an effort to find some dirt in order to distract people from their own crimes. Who does iran openly support and how many people has that party/faction killed? Once that question is answered then it is clear who the real bad guy is but nooooooo keep accusing turkey with kinder garden level news stories.
The iranian tactic is funny. They try to put turkey in the spotlight in an effort to find some dirt in order to distract people from their own crimes. Who does iran openly support and how many people has that party/faction killed? Once that question is answered then it is clear who the real bad guy is but nooooooo keep accusing turkey with kinder garden level news stories.
And the most tragicomical part is when people actually believe those silly pisstv stories. I guess that's what happens when you grow up with limited allowed sources by the state and a discouraged critical thinking about their own country and policies.

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